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Book of Exiles -Chibis and Maps 8/28' ~planning and concepts~


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As long as it isn't "make the Eldar extinct" as the solution, it might work. The story's pretty vague at this point, and you'll need to do a fair amount of world-building to pull this off. Still. . .good luck~!

EDIT: Wandering royal guard can actually go a lot of different directions, while giving us a good view of how the country's run. Hence my choice.

Violence is definitely not 'the answer' at least in my own opinion, the feelings of the nations and peoples involved however, may be rather different. Exploring that is going to be fun. ;)

Thanks. Yeah there is a part me trying to keep some cards close to my vest, part figuring things out as I go along, but happy to hear its been well received so far. :D

World building will be definitely something that happens in the storyline of each Lord. Hoping to kinda explore some different types of narratives as well. We will see how that comes across.

Quinn and his country should have some interesting plot developments for sure... especially in regards to the Book of Exiles.

Sprite work's solid as always, Errant. Love the level of detail and depth of design you manage to convey in the tiny battle sprites.

I am curious about Drake's mask, though. Can't quite judge what it's made of from the art. Is he like, Bane or something? I'm in love with Axe Cavaliers as a whole, though, adn the fact that your's is blue just gets my pavlov goin' with how much I appreciate Lex. Gotta say I prefer Ra(e/y)nah with a plain, ponytail-less short haircut. Though, I'm incredibly biased on that point as girls with short hair are the source of my otherworldly power.

(Sad to see I'm the only one who voted for Saela, the idea of a Bowlord's always interested me. That might just be because I get a huge kick out of TearRing Saga's sociopathic Holmes.)

Thanks! Glad you are liking the sprites and designs. :)

As you can see with the more current Drake art, he doesn't actually have a mask. (Although now I want to give a mask to another character)

Axe Pally should be a fun dude. I imagine him as seriously gung-ho. Raynah indeed looks good short-haired. Her longer hair will be only really present for backstory/flashbacks.

(Her story will have quite a number of flashbacks)

Saela is going to be fun hopefully, his chapters are going to be essentially him treasure hunting to an extent, to prove himself as potential heir to the Ibisian empire.

Quinn can stay shirtless, realism be damned! :P:

Hahahaha XD lol

Also, I second this.

Done, Quinn has gone from AxeLord to BuffLord. XD

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Double postage, eh? Ah well.

Anyways, some more concept art. This time starting with... Prince Saela.

[spoiler=Prince Saelamendron]


-First rougher sketch...


-Like how this one turned out. #sosmug

Raynah currently has a WIP mug sans mustache being worked on by Toa...

[spoiler=Large JPEGy images]


-current version of the face


-thinking about tweaking her hairdo possibly

Found some more character sketches of mine I plan on using in Exiles.

Side Characters: Garhen Whelan the ex-Bandit, Vant Lindegarde the Mercenary, and Porter Alvern the Lancer.[spoiler=Vant and Garhen]


-Vant will be a Mercenary, part of a company hired by Prince Saela, after Saela tries to hire Raynah but ends up insulting her.

-Garhen is a stoic ex-bandit searching for his son, who ends up joining Raynah's mercenary group...

-and there is a not so great drawing of another side character there, Erwand the Thief, member of a thieves guild that takes Winter in.


-Porter Alvern, Lancer Mercenary who works alongside Vant and their healer... Gruff, and fond of money and the material world.

...and some random face.

[spoiler=Have some more shirtless Quinn?]



Anyways, next post hopefully will have some more world building type stuff. So... look forward to it. ;)

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The histories of Avalan volume 2: by the Great Sage Zedolphus

Chapter 1: Avalan and its Peoples

-The Five-

The people's of the Avalan peninsula come from five main groups.

The Eldar, the First Ones(also known as the Avala), the Republic, the Wandering, and Ibyssian settlers.

The Republic came from a far away land with little to no knowledge of magic, and saw this powerful energy as both horrifying and intoxicating.

The First Ones were eventually absorbed by the Republic.

The Wandering... came in the midst of the battle between Eldar and Republic...

...eventually the Wandering were accepted into the Republic, turning the tide against the Eldar.

The Eldar as a result were either banished, killed, or vanished from human knowledge.

Meanwhile peoples of Ibis traversed the mountains and deserts separating the peninsula from the Ibyssian empire, to settle near the Republic's borders.

-The Endurian Republic-

The Royal family and peoples of Enduris... believe that those with red hair show they are true descendants of the Hero Durian...

Durian one of the wandering... was the one responsible for the Republic triumphing during the great war... but Durian-

*it appears several pages are missing here*

-The Wandering sympathized with the Republic, whose people were terrorized by constant Monster attacks on their settlements... and Durian sought a solution to end the war between humanity and Monsterkind... that ended up far more devastating than intended...

*the page trails off*

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[spoiler=Missing Pages, Spoilers ahead]

-The Lost Pages-

The Royal family and peoples of Enduris, believe that those with red hair show they are true descendants of the Hero Durian... but Durian was not a hero.

Durian, was the one responsible for the Eldar's exile and the Republic winning the war, but Durian, one of the wandering, unbeknownst to his fellows... was an Eldar himself.

Durian found himself entranced by humanity. He sympathized with the humans terrorized by the Eldar and he sought a solution to end the war between them, that ended up far more devastating than intended.


-Magic's Origins-

An Essay by the Scholar Zed

Magic is not natural for most humans. They must use a magical item in most cases to draw it out of their surroundings or from within.

Anima comes from the energies of the world around them. The magics known as Light and Dark have less certain origins. Clerics claim that Light comes from the divine, whereas the Dark comes from the demonic.

Dark mages say that light and darkness are merely inherent in all...whereas some scholars believe that light and dark are natural energies drawn from the heavens and from the earth itself.

The Eldar were very magically attuned and gifted. Durian wanted to give magicless humanity the gift of magic as well. The tome later known as the Opus Exsilium was full of the most powerful and experimental magics the Eldar had. This Book of Exiles... could be the key to unlocking the secrets of life and the world itself.

*There appears to be notes scrawled on the bottom of the page*

"Zedolphus, this paper is unsatisfactory. Not only have you failed to turn in a complete essay, but you constantly refer to mythical figures such as the Eldar and link our great Ancestor Durian to them with no proof or sources whatsoever.

I expect far better of someone wishing to become a Sage. Try harder on your next assignment. Mark: C+"

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Thank you very much. :)

Any parts in particular that interested you?


All those are really good and SICK. I'm jealous.

I'm sure you already planned everything out, but if there was any way I could help with concepts/writing, maybe even testing I'd be happy to help. The only thing I'm bad at is spriting and animating.

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All those are really good and SICK. I'm jealous.

I'm sure you already planned everything out, but if there was any way I could help with concepts/writing, maybe even testing I'd be happy to help. The only thing I'm bad at is spriting and animating.

Hah, I wish I had everything planned out. Kinda figuring stuff out as I go along. I enjoy talking/tossing ideas around... so sure. Hit me up on PM or Skype if you like. :)

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Hah, I wish I had everything planned out. Kinda figuring stuff out as I go along. I enjoy talking/tossing ideas around... so sure. Hit me up on PM or Skype if you like. :)

PM sounds good. If you had Twitter, I think live chats would be much better :D

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Sure sure, feel free to ask questions about the concept in thread too.

(I don't have a twitter account, maybe I should get one.)

I would make one! (If I didn't have one already)

It'd be another place to advertise your game and ideas! And direct messaging on Twitter would be much faster than forum posting or Private Messaging.

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I would make one! (If I didn't have one already)

It'd be another place to advertise your game and ideas! And direct messaging on Twitter would be much faster than forum posting or Private Messaging.

I have something better than Twitter. ;)


Anyone can feel free to join, and chat about the concepts and game anytime. :D


I do have mod and admin powers that I will use if I need to though. ;P

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So lots of stuff this time around. Thanks to Skitty, Blyvern, and AuraWolf I have some excellent maps that I will be showing shortly.

Also, been working on more lore... as well as some dialogues!

Here's a taste of one of my favorite characters to write so far... Terivus the mage.

[spoiler=Terivus and Torne]

Terivus x Torne C rank

Teri: Oho! A fellow practitioner of the magical arts?! This is a magical encounter indeed!

Torne: ...oh gods... you.

Teri: Yes, it is indeed I, Terivus the terrific! Mage extraordinaire! I see my reputation has preceeded me!?

Torne: You tried to attack my unit thinking we were bandits. Screaming something about being a hero...

Teri: a haha ah and...? you might have to be more specific... but was I successful? I see you now here... clearly, your evil bandit ways have been abandoned!

Torne: What!? We were the border patrol! YOU were helping the bandits, you fool!

Teri: Yes, helping them just like I helped you! To see the errors of their ways! ...although, now that you mention it... I may not have known they were bandits... but that does explain why my wallet kept going missing!

[spoiler=Terivus and Garhen]

Terivus x Garhen rank C

Terivus: I see my skills have left you speechless! I have that effect often!

Garhen: ...I'll bet.

Terivus: Why hello there, did my skills leave you in awe? If that's the case, may I axe you a question? You seem like an axe-ptional fellow...

Garhen: nope...

Terivus: ...wait, wait, come back! I just wanted you to axe-ept me as your most trusted ally, I was merely demonstrating my cutting edge skills...

Garhen: I'm too old for this crap.

Terivus: Your words...they cut me so, right down to the core...for what reason have I sharpened my skills for?

Garhen: ...

*Garhen leaves*

Terivus: How odd... he must have been overcome by my sheer awesome presence!

Credit to BlazeKing for the punny parts of that dialogue.

[spoiler=Terivus and Margala]

Terivus x Margala rank C

Terivus: oh mistress of the dark arts, please teach me your ways! I, Terivus the terrific am sure to learn any form of magic with ease!

Margala: you think a trivial elemental magic user like you, can handle the Elder magics?

Terivus: it just requires one to be dark, right? Well, I can be dark!

Margala: ...really? Is that so?

Terivus: Ohohoh, yes! Darker than night... the darkest night! Listen to this poem I just wrote in my head on the spot!

Margala: Uh, Teri it's not that kind of dark-

Terivus: Blackness! Death! My soul feels like it is devouring me into darkness like a morbid hors d'oeuvres!

Margala: ...wait, please-

Terivus: I AM THE NIGHT!

[spoiler=Raynah and Terivus dialogue]

Raynah: ...don't make me dock your pay, Teri.

Terivus: a haha ah ah! A great mage such as myself cares little for the material world! My only concerns are in the mysteries this world has to offer... my only need, the elements beside me... my only passion-

Raynah: so you mean, I don't have to pay you?

Terivus: ...oh, uh... well... a great mage, does need more tomes from time to time... I'm kinda hungry right now too...


Hope you enjoyed. :)

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So today I will show you some of my unit splits/allocation. Still obviously a wip.

Exiles Unit Allocation

Quinn's Units

A1) Quinton Thane

>Royal Knight: Uses Axes and Lances. Command skill. Lord unit.

A2) Torne DeMercato

>Frost Mage: Uses anima. Freeze skill.

A3) Rudolf Freedhelme

>Squire: uses swords. Promotes to either sword Cav, or Sword/Lance armor. Chivalry skill. Trainee unit.

A4) Sister Miriya

>Cleric/Nun: uses staves/light. Prayer skill. Trainee in prologue.

A5) Jess DeTaurus

> Bow Knight: uses bows. Sureshot skill. Canto skill. Mount.

A6) Ripley the Reaper.

> Bandit: uses axes. Mug skill.

A7) ???

A8) Dacen Das

>swordfighter: uses swords. Parry skill.

A9) ???

A10) ???

A11) ???

A12) ???

B) Raynahs Units

B1) Raynah Mierez

>Duelist: Sword user. Dual Wield skill. Lord Unit.

B2) Marsala

>Dark Flier: Staff/Dark user. Regret skill. Promoted unit. Flying. T1 in prologue.

B3) Ajheera

>Brawler: uses fists. Unique unit.

B4) Garhen Whelan

>Bandit/Hunter: uses axes/uses bows. Mug/Hunting skill. Trainee in prologue.

B5) Terivus the Terrific

>Storm Mage: uses anima. Shock skill.

B6) Connor Whelan

>Runaway: uses axes. Rebel skill. Trainee unit.

B7) Aldrois the Cavalier

>Cavalier: uses swords/lances. Dexterity skill. Mount. Rare unit.

B8) Jones

>Pirate: uses axes. Plunder skill. Swimming skill. Water Terrain walk 1/2 of mov. Rare unit.

B9) Kidd

> Corsair: uses swords. Marauder skill.

B10) Arenae

> Archer: uses bows. Hawkeye skill.

B11) ???

C) Saelas Units

C1) Prince Saelamendron Al Ibis

> Prince: uses bows. Showoff skill. Lord unit.

C2) Izhana

>Janisserie: uses axes/swords/bows. Protector skill. Canto skill. Promoted unit. Mount.

C3) Devahi the Dervish

>Myrmidon: uses swords. Dervish skill.

C4) Brother Zaras

>Priest: uses staves. Zen skill.

C5) Vant Lindegarde

>Mercenary/Journeyman: sword/axe user. Focus Rage skill. Trainee unit in prologue.

C6) Porter Alvern

>Lancer: Lance user. Thrift skill.

C7) Edana the Pyromancer

>Ember Mage: uses anima. Inferno skill.

C8) Gil

>Axe Knight: uses Axes. Heroic skill. Canto skill. Mount.

C9) ???

C10) 'Gorgeous' Gorges

> Armor Knight: uses lances/axes. Wall skill. Armor.

C11) ???

C12) ???

-Next up...

D) Winter's Units

D1) Winter

>Mage Thief: uses unique prf/daggers. Channeler skill. Lord unit.

D2) Erwand Safierra

>Thief/Outlaw: uses swords+daggers/bows. Steal skill. Trainee unit in prologue.

D3) Perysse the Penitent

>Troubador: uses staves/sword. Penitence skill. Canto skill. Mount.

D4) ???

D5) Drake

>Lance Knight: uses lances. Gambler skill. Canto skill. Mount.

D6) Liza

>Sword Knight: uses swords. Shutdown skill. Canto skill. Mount.

D7) ???

D8) ???

Endgame Units

E1) Errol

>Bard: uses instruments/staves. Rally skill. Unique unit.

E2) Flynn

>Dancer: uses rings/swords. Dance skill. Unique unit.

E3) ???

E4) ???

E5) ???

E6) Zedolphus

>Great Sage: light/dark/anima/staff. Classify skill. Memories skill. Unique unit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So no Maps yet. I am still working on those before I want to show them, actually...

In the meantime... I have some various stuff... so have a Shep sing along.

Book of Exiles Theme: Exiles Lament

Still a line or two I want to change... and not have random noises in background.

Next task is to figure out music software for the actual tune XD

Also... sheets are things I have been working on. Feel free to take a peek.

Class Trees, Units Stats and Info sheet

As always any and all forms of feedback very much appreciated!

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  • 1 month later...

Art and Map dump.




-the Royal Knight Lord. Uses axes and lances. Has a high sense of integrity and fairness.



-the Duelist Lord. Uses dual blades. Very independent and justice seeking.


Prince Saela

-the Royal Archer... Cocky Bow Lord. Uses bows. Very confident and skeptical.



-Not a Lord. But Winter's ally throughout her chapters whether she recruits him or not. A noble rogue of a thief. Very sneaky, and somewhat aloof, but a firm friend to those he trusts. Has a tendency to go out of his way for women and children.



-The teaser patch map. Also map for Raynah vs Pirates chapter.

MAP Credit to Skitty. Usage in the project is with his permission.


Anyways, that's just some of my Exiles stuff I have been working on... I have a lot more I will share later.

As always, any and all feedback is very much appreciated. Thanks for checking this out!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Thank you for the compliment!

We were on hiatus for a bit due to irl stuff, now picking things up again working on the teaser chapter demo.

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  • 1 month later...

Can we have (even if early ideas) some pics of Winter's mugs? You know, since she is the fourth Lord we haven't had any info on outside of her basic description (Mage Thief reminds me of FEGirls tho).

Is Erwand your OC? Judging by your profile pic he should be either that, one of your favorite characters you've created or just another Book of Exiles banner.

On a side note, congrats for creating one of the few hacks (or hack concepts) where I dislike NONE of the main characters (whom I have nicknamed the Exiled Lord Gang: Quinn the Shirtless, Saelamendron who reminds me of Ringabel from Bravely Default for some reason (play it if you haven't, it's a great 3DS game!), Raena, who is currently my Book of Exiles bae/waifu/favourite girl (tell me she's going to be slightly tomboyish, I like girls with a strong attitude in videogames) and Winter, the Mage Thief so mysterious we don't even know what she looks like).

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