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Two new trailers (Really neat FE Theme Remix included)

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Virion didn't score very high on the Japan poll though, if memory serves. Or the western one on Facebook. The most popular dudes in Awakening in Japan were Chrom, Gaius, and Lon'qu, I think.

The Black Knight has a trophy in Smash though. It's in both Brawl and Smash Wii U. So he's still pretty recognizable. He was given a Mii costume in Smash Wii U as well.

Did someone say "Is confirmed, the black kinght won't be in the game."?

Maybe not as a main char, maybe not as NPC, maybe just as boss or secret boss, but the content we saw from trailers is not the WHOLE game

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Did someone say "Is confirmed, the black kinght won't be in the game."?

Maybe not as a main char, maybe not as NPC, maybe just as boss or secret boss, but the content we saw from trailers is not the WHOLE game

Pretty sure it's been confirmed that they're only using Shadow Dragon and Awakening characters.

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Did someone say "Is confirmed, the black kinght won't be in the game."?

Maybe not as a main char, maybe not as NPC, maybe just as boss or secret boss, but the content we saw from trailers is not the WHOLE game

From my understanding, they already said the focus was on Shadow Dragon and Awakening.

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What you're not keeping in mind, Ana, is that Archanea and Awakening actually sell in Japan, and the latter has the bonus of selling well in North America for when they bring this game overseas. Much as we may want characters from Jugdral, Elibe, Magvel and Tellius, we're not getting them because those games didn't sell well enough to warrant it.

As well, the designs, while I do agree that there's some pretty questionable ones in the game, also appeal to others. We here are in the minority that doesn't give two shits about girls with big boobs and revealing outfits; the majority's what'll get them their money, and that is what they like in designs because waifu bait.

And, let's face it. The fact that the story seems to be paced in a similar manner to Persona 4 is because that's what made Atlus their bank, especially overseas.

It's all about how they can pull in the most cash possible, and everyone who maybe doesn't like it can, in the devs' eyes, either fall in line and buy it anyways in the hopes of finding a redeeming factor in it - or just for a love of one or both of the series involved - or just not buying it and ignoring that it exists.

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Sales =/= popularity. As far as the western fanbase goes, Tellius seems to be the most liked FE saga. Might be the case in Japan too given Ike's popularity now.

Awakening was also way more advertised and produced, of course it was going to sell better. Also, Ike topped the most recently popularity poll in Japan. Lyn and Ephraim were really high on the list too. So why shouldn't they be included? They're obviously loved a lot regardless of their games' sales.

It's pretty sad if the majority of fans like women dressed in really revealing clothing and drawn with huge boobs. What do they think we are, sex objects and nothing more? We're people with feelings too, you know.

I honestly see this game being a total flop, especially out west, unless more variety in FE characters are included.

Edited by Anacybele
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Sales =/= popularity. As far as the western fanbase goes, Tellius seems to be the most liked FE saga. Might be the case in Japan too given Ike's popularity now.

Awakening was also way more advertised and produced, of course it was going to sell better. Also, Ike topped the most recently popularity poll in Japan. Lyn and Ephraim were really high on the list too. So why shouldn't they be included? They're obviously loved a lot regardless of their games' sales.

It's pretty sad if the majority of fans like women dressed in really revealing clothing and drawn with huge boobs. What do they think we are, sex objects and nothing more? We're people with feelings too, you know.

I honestly see this game being a total flop, especially out west, unless more variety in FE characters are included.

No, sales DO = popularity. That's what popularity IS. I think you're confusing it with the maxim that sales =/= quality, which is quite true, but also not relevant to the discussion.

The original Mystery of the Emblem sold 700,000 copies. It is STILL the highest-selling FE in Japan, ahead of even Awakening. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, on the other hand, sold 160,000 and 170,000 copies in Japan, respectively. To put that in perspective, that's less sales than Thracia 776, an SNES game released near the end of the N64's lifecycle. It simply makes more sense, from a business perspective, to focus on the best-selling game in Japan and the best-selling game internationally rather than the two games that flopped.

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No, sales do NOT equal popularity, at least for the characters. Did you read my post at all? Ike is very popular despite his games selling badly. Lyn and Ephraim are pretty popular too, despite their games not selling as well as Awakening.

And like I said, Tellius was never given a real chance not to flop. It had little to no marketing or production. I keep saying it badly needs a re-release given Ike's popularity, and I bet if it did, it would've sold much better than its first go, and it would be used in this game.

I still think SMT x FE will be a flop.

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I imagine the overt fan service aesthetic has way more appeal in Japan than here. I remember Catherine got a lot of flack when it was imported due to the cover (even though it didn't really represent the game content itself).

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People will always get lost in the numbers and I think that's natural. When something has a lot of sales, most of the times you convert the number of sales to the number of people who bought it. In this case, the higher the number, the greater the number of people who bought it. Popularity doesn't just depend on the overall quality of the product but whether or not people actually enjoyed or liked it. If a product does better than its predecessors, isn't it normal to focus on the success of that product?

It's unfortunate that yes, most of the older Fire Emblem games suffered poorer advertising which resulted in poorer sales, but that doesn't change the fact that Awakening did significantly better in terms of sales BECAUSE of better advertising. Is it fair? Of course not. Should IS consider creating remakes of the older games to give them the spotlight? I'm all for it. If Gamefreak can make a plethora of Pokemon remakes, why can't Fire Emblem? But from a business perspective, it only makes sense for the developers to focus on the two Fire Emblem games that sold better because they have more of their demographic's attention. I'm not saying that Ike or Ephraim aren't popular characters because I'm sure they are, but I think in their eyes they see the characters from the game that did significantly better as more memorable (characters play a role in a games success so they were probably factoring the characters in Awakening as one of the reasons why the game sold well). I don't agree with this mindset, but I have a hunch that's how the developers feel.

I do agree that it would be nice to see a more diverse cast in terms of Mirages, but I don't really blame them for choosing characters from the two Fire Emblem games that sold the best.

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Nice trailers. I think the boss at 1:07 is Raimi (Knight+Girl), and nice job spotting Cervantes. I hope the game doesn't just have FE13 boss. The game seems to be a lot about Awakening, a bit about Marth's games, and the rest maybe about other FE if not just DLC/amiibo. And nice FE main theme rendition. Not very interested in the game itself but more about the mirages. Any other stuff just doesn't appeal to me, besides maybe the colorful graphisms. I think I will just follow the development out of curiosity, but I don't intend to have that game yet.

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I honestly don't mind the Shadow Dragon/Awakening focus.

I mean, yes, my favorite casts are the Tellius and Magvel characters, but overall, there really isn't a FE cast that I don't like.

So, even if this doesn't have Tellius or Magvel characters, I'm still okay with that. Hopefully they might have them in a sequel if the game is successful.

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Here's a little matrix, for everyone else's convenience:

Do you like non-Archanea/Ylisse FEs and think that SMTxFE is a crime against humanity? Congratulations, your favorite characters aren't getting this treatment!

Do you like Archanea/Ylisse FEs and think SMTxFE should die in a fire? Have my condolences, and maybe check out the music?

Do you dislike Archanea/Ylisse FEs and think SMTxFE might be/is the bee's knees? You'll have the best luck if you judge the game by its own merits.

Do you like Archanea/Ylisse FEs and think SMTxFE has potential? GET HYPED!

I have favorite characters in every game except Gaiden/Thracia, and only one of them are represented in this game, so far (that's Cain). Still, I'm hyped, because I'm a sucker for music, and I refuse to reject this game before giving it a fair chance!

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But... but I like Fire Emblem games set in every continent. I'm going to be disappointed unless they include every single one of my favorites.

(Not being serious there, of course, except... well, it's true; I knew they would never have everyone I like. I was hoping to see representation from every game, but I understand why they're focusing on these two, and I'm glad to see some unexpected choices like Virion in there. Just getting the lords and the most popular ones would seem too predictable to me, and somehow, disappointing. Maybe that's weird.)

The new previews aren't exciting me as much as the earlier ones, but I'm still looking forward to the game. I expect I'll like it, however it turns out; it's such a weird concept that I just have to experience it for myself.

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I saw the translated trailer posted https://youtu.be/cG4tcLhmQ6E

It seems that initially Chrom is attacking humans, then he become the main character persona, if so that's open the possibility that other fire emblem chars can be "recruited" (that's a fire emblem mechanics too, so is completely possible, i guess) as evil mirages and make'em good mirages (or perfoma(?))

Edit: Got a hard time to put the link there, so i put the youtube's link, but you can find the source from one of the forum's topic: Third Trailer - Eng Sub

Edited by Xem
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