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Strange Skills/Talents


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Actually funny story about that.

My brother once made me a bet that he could beat me playing Super Smash Brother's Melee, and I bet him I could defeat him without even using my hands.

I used Marth and played using my feet.

He lost some good money that day, and pride.

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Also I have a bad habbit when guessing, if I'm not meaning to get something out of it, I get it right, opposite if I'm trying to be serious

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Well, I am a really good acrobatics.

Very flexbile as well...I guess not many people I know can do that :lol:


There are so many things I wish I could forget at times...

Naughty things, eh? *Elbows jokingly*

Powers? hm no, I dont believe in that crap, though here is a little tale. Believe me or not, it happened.

I thought I was dreaming, I wasnt. I was living it in real life. What did I live? A vision, but I am not going to say about what. I've never told anyone else before, I am the only one who saw it. All I can say is, it was both awesomely beautiful and horrendous at the same time.

Anyone care to guess what I saw? I know most of you will come and post crappy stuff lol, but its ok, its forum. However, I am past fifteen and I am serious.

Edited by Thunder Lord
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What is physical intelligence?

How innately good you are at performing physical feats.

Your lucky, things come back to me like Vietnam flashbacks

Ugh, same here. I wish I could repress some of my memories.

Skill: Intimidation and Provoke. Kids get scared just by looking at me >_> and I seem to provoke people without even trying or saying anything O_o

Talent: Nothing.

I also seem to intimidate people...and some people on here have called me intimidating as well. :lol:

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I've been told I work well with my hands, like on wood, paper, metal, tile, and such. Oh and Legos, of course.

I just love to build things.

besides that, I can hide my emotions as well, though I'm very open about them when I speak with someone, which is rare.

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I seem to be able to vanish at will. If nobody is paying direct attention to me, I can easily slip out of a room unnoticed. Often I can return equally unnoticed.

Of course, this seems to have some bad side effects lately. A lot of my teachers are forgetting I exist.

it gets worse when your managers can't remember who you are, bt it really helps if you're an assasin

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Let us see....

I can get people to hate me without me doing anything to them.

I can wear a jacket and a scarf in blazing temperatures.

I can name all of the pokemon.

I remember things about the games I haven't played for five years.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh, I forget to add that I can open and close doors with my feet. :D

I think I also have that talent as well.

Well this is more of a hbbit but whenever I have a keyboard next to my left hand I roll my fingers on the keys the left hand is to be on

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