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My 1st run of Radiant Dawn; questions, comments, thoughts, etc.

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Ok, good to know. New question on saving houses. How does the Computer determine who will burn down a house? Are there certain units that will go to burn things down, or is it random? Haven't figured out a pattern as of yet. I had hoped to let Marcia solo most of the chapter, but if we're running around like mad, that's going to make things tricky.

Speaking of which, you DID get the Nullify scroll in 2-E, right...?

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I did. Right now it's attached to Haar over with Ike's forces. I mean, why not make him even more unstoppable, right? I hadn't realized Wyvern knights didn't have arrow weakness at that point, and arrows HURT. Maybe it's my imagination, but the flyer weakness to arrows seems greatly increased in this game.

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I did. Right now it's attached to Haar over with Ike's forces. I mean, why not make him even more unstoppable, right? I hadn't realized Wyvern knights didn't have arrow weakness at that point, and arrows HURT. Maybe it's my imagination, but the flyer weakness to arrows seems greatly increased in this game.

It's because Warriors can wield Crossbows. Crossbows (on top of an enemy Warrior's Strength) are really strong. It's best for your fliers to avoid them.

Oh, and in Radiant Dawn, Dragons sacrifice their arrow weakness for a Thunder Magic weakness. Beast Tribe Laguz (Cats, Tigers, Lions) are weak to Fire Magic, and Pegasus Knights are weak to Wind. This indirectly buffs Dracoknights like Haar and Jill.

Edited by Tragonight
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I did. Right now it's attached to Haar over with Ike's forces. I mean, why not make him even more unstoppable, right? I hadn't realized Wyvern knights didn't have arrow weakness at that point, and arrows HURT. Maybe it's my imagination, but the flyer weakness to arrows seems greatly increased in this game.

It is - the effective formula is triple Mt as opposed to it being double in PoR. Also, personally, I don't really see Haar as a good recipient for Nullify.

It's because Warriors can wield Crossbows. Crossbows (on top of an enemy Warrior's Strength) are really strong. It's best for your fliers to avoid them.

Oh, and in Radiant Dawn, Dragons sacrifice their arrow weakness for a Thunder Magic weakness. Beast Tribe Laguz (Cats, Tigers, Lions) are weak to Fire Magic, and Pegasus Knights are weak to Wind. This indirectly buffs Dracoknights like Haar and Jill.

Crossbows don't use the user's Strength. But still, the enemy gets more out of them than the player does, for the most part

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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I don't intend to keep nullify on Haar. At the time, I thought he was weak to bows. I'm not sure who will get Nullify at this point, as that crimea royal knight chapter was a bit disappointing in experience gained for Marcia. I can make it work, but not sure. Next up is saving Elincia, and she could use Nullify with her rushing archers. Oy.

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I don't intend to keep nullify on Haar. At the time, I thought he was weak to bows. I'm not sure who will get Nullify at this point, as that crimea royal knight chapter was a bit disappointing in experience gained for Marcia. I can make it work, but not sure. Next up is saving Elincia, and she could use Nullify with her rushing archers. Oy.

Okay then. Anyways, that's the number 1 thing I don't like about NPCs - they can, and will, fuck you over.

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All the units will keep their equipment.

[spoiler=Exception is my spoiler.]Geoffrey will get a second brave lance in 3-10, only for this chapter.

It's not that they lose it, it's just that in 3-10 the CRKs are allied units, and will waste good weapons that you might want to save. The most significant case of this is Calill's Meteor, as it only has 5 uses and will probably get used by the allied Calill if she has it.

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Haar doesn't really need nullify in part 3.

In 3-11 are only three thunder sages (two elthunder, one arcthunder).

Third tier Haar might even be able to oneshot them.

I guess you're playing on easy mode so I can't tell exactly about the map of 3-F in easy mode.

It's very different than on higher difficulties.

The number of enemies is less, but they're higher level than on normal and hard mode. It's easier to reach all the DB members.

And the placement of the enemies is different.

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Me again! :)

So I have a question (gasp!) on using my bonus experience. I'm now on 3-11 and we have that whole big happy family moment with most of Crimea/Laguz/Greil team up thing going on. And with it, I am now sitting on 65,896 bonus experience. That seems a bit high to me (This is normal mode, as it's a first run I couldn't pick hard mode). I don't think I've been stingy or anything, but I have enough bonus exp to promote every unit I am considering using to third tier.

My levels are:

Ike: 19 Hero

Soren: 1 Archsage

Mist: 16 Cleric

Boyd: 19 Warrior

Rolf: 19 Sniper

Nephenee: 18 Halberdier

Brom: 18 Axe General

Haar: 1 Dragonlord

Titania: 1 Gold Knight

Ilyana: 1 Arch Sage

Heather: 19 Rogue

Mia: 17 Swordmaster

Marcia: 16 Falconknight

And this team/force still has a master crown to use now, too. It seems excessive right now, which is weird to say as I initially thought I was spreading myself too thin. I guess I'm wondering if I should use bonus exp more, or if this is about right, or I should hoard up for some last minute arrival (like Elincia did last game). Thoughts and advice are welcome!

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I only use Bexp if I feel like there's a unit I want to use but they're falling behind. You're almost done with Part 3, and generally the units you want to use should be tier 3 by the time Part 4 starts, so you wait till then if you want. Your current levels seem fine for where you are.

Remember that the 65,896 isn't that many exp points. 1 exp of bexp costs n bexp, and I never figured out how the translation works.

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It's question time with the bookwormbabe once again! Though take heart! I think I'll be running out of questions soon, as I appear to be running out of game.

(unlikely spoilers)

So I'm at the point of splitting my team into three. I have enough good units that dividing into three isn't too much of a problem, having fliers, sword users, etc. to have good teams all around. Yet one thing I can't split evenly is the disarm skill and those who can steal. I can't find anything online about 'best items to steal' or anything like that, so I'm not sure what team Heather should go on, and whether I should send my Disarm unit with Sothe or Heather. I know Volke shows up at some point, but not sure to what team or how this might influence things. Any insight into this would be most appreciated!

Bonus Question: Does the story change depending if a character gets put on a certain team? Like, will Tibarn get more dialogue with Ulki/Janaff if they go with him, will anything happen if Meg/Brom end up on the same team, etc, etc. I don't want to miss any fun stuff, even if isn't game changing.

Thanks for your time!

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It's question time with the bookwormbabe once again! Though take heart! I think I'll be running out of questions soon, as I appear to be running out of game.

(unlikely spoilers)

So I'm at the point of splitting my team into three. I have enough good units that dividing into three isn't too much of a problem, having fliers, sword users, etc. to have good teams all around. Yet one thing I can't split evenly is the disarm skill and those who can steal. I can't find anything online about 'best items to steal' or anything like that, so I'm not sure what team Heather should go on, and whether I should send my Disarm unit with Sothe or Heather. I know Volke shows up at some point, but not sure to what team or how this might influence things. Any insight into this would be most appreciated!

Bonus Question: Does the story change depending if a character gets put on a certain team? Like, will Tibarn get more dialogue with Ulki/Janaff if they go with him, will anything happen if Meg/Brom end up on the same team, etc, etc. I don't want to miss any fun stuff, even if isn't game changing.

Thanks for your time!

The only thing that changes is that some base conversations become available if some units are on certain teams. Anyways, I'd send your Disarm unit with Heather.

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There is an extra scene if Nealuchi is in Micaiah's team and Leanne is alive. And yeah, Janaff and Ulki do have minor speaking roles if they are with Tibarn. There is also another Info conversation if they are with him.

There is also an additional info conversation if Volug is with Ike and Nailah is alive.

And there is also an info conversation that has three variations that depend on whether or not Calill is with Tibarn's army, another army or dead.

Edited by BrightBow
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Volke can't steal.

You can't steal all that much in 4-P - 4-5. Mainly physic staves from a few bishops.

Heather is recommended for Ike's party unless you bring the unlock stave (if you got from 1-F). So bringing disarm to Ike wouldn't be a bad idea.

About the bonus question:

  • keep Volug in Ike's party
  • keep Nealuchi in Micky's party

Maybe I forgot about a few...

Edit: Ninja'd.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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I suppose I could also add that all the Dawn Brigade members have boss conversations with the boss in 4-3 in Micaiah's army. This includes Fiona but not Jill and Zihark. And Tanith has convos with the bosses of 4-P and 4-3.

In Ike's army, Danved has a convo with the boss of 4-4.

In Tibarn's army, Kieran has a boss convo in 4-2 and Zihark has a convo with the boss of 4-5.

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I suppose I could also add that all the Dawn Brigade members have boss conversations with the boss in 4-3 in Micaiah's army. This includes Fiona but not Jill and Zihark. And Tanith has convos with the bosses of 4-P and 4-3.

Danved has a convo with the boss of 4-1 in Ike's army.

In Tibarn's army, Kieran has a boss convo in 4-2 and Zihark has a convo with the boss of 4-5.

Don't you mean 4-4?

Also, if you put Rafiel in range of said boss.... something... happens. Just take care to remove any mobile enemies from the game first before you do this....

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Gods, these third tier classes are actually annoying me. The RNG gods have deemed fit that my third tier units are having terrible luck with level ups. Chapter 1 took me far longer than needed just trying to get decent levels. Oy. This part of the game feels quite slow as it is, and having bad levels is not helping any. /Rant

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I never knew that. What is it?

It's a reference to Devdan's intro chapter in PoR.

Oliver: Oh, my-- Quite the... striking... face you have. I seem to remember you from somewhere... Hmmm... It's like my brain is in fog. I can never remember the ugly ones.

Danved: Danved is pretty striking. Don't worry, Danved will show you just how striking he can be.

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