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Fluffy Elle and Nanny Questions


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Look at how you hmmm'd all those m's! You obviously relished in the ability to drag your hmm out and communicate in a slow and luxurious fashion.

oh god

it's true

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I'm pretty sure we are supposed to answer questions not ask them

unless you are contributing to her questions then don't ask the same thing twice gosh that's boring

but my answer would be: a human

well yeah, i wanted her to name the question "what" after me

Q. Belisarius ~ what

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Q. xXHoshiHeartsXx ~ What do you want to do with your life ?

Q. Charity ~ Are you a nerd or a geek ?

Q. Saffaria ~ Are you adorable , cool , and elegant ?

Q. Specta ~ Are you lazy ?

Q. Aryabug ~ Chocolate or Strawberry ?

Answer em smooth and fluffy ~

~ Extras ~

-- 5 favorite songs

-- bestfriends in SF / friendz

-- height

Okie game !

= Nanny u answer em too , okay ? Pfft

1: I don't know. I have a rough idea, but nothing concrete. I do hate to limit my options.

2: I don't put any thought on where I fit in this spectrum.

3: none of them; the opposite, if anything.

4: yes

5: both.

no extras.

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Why are you here then O_o

NerdyMOVES ugh

Oh was this a private thread? My bad... I guess I assumed... It being a public forum... That it was uh, ya know... PUBLIC. :p

wai trysohard 2b kewl Elle? No need to be a jerk or go on some BS name calling powertrip. :\

You seem cool enough. So be cool? What the Elle right? :p

...guess I may as well think about some of these questions.

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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I'm not tryin to be cool , it's what you think

I feel so confused by this thread... O_o

READ " Fluffy Elle and Nanny Questions "

There questions , I posted some questions in the first page of this THREAD

It's your decision to answer em ( Not interested ? then go away and do your own nerdy stuffs )

Private thread ? huh ?

Can't you see ? Are you blind ?

Or you just lazy to click this stuff ?

( I'm chill , not cool )

I'm not freezin to death

Edited by Brittany
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i think so

its so nice and shit

*looks at darros and dio* well it's certainly not all canadians ^o^ Naturally they're not all the same

And Tangerine is a lot more playful/teasing

Ellegarde dear, I don't think Shepherd was trying to be mean when he said he was confused, I don't think you need to lash out and chase him out of the thread. Or insult him simply for being confused... You can either calmly explain or just carry on.

"Oh was this a private thread? My bad... I guess I assumed... It being a public forum... That it was uh, ya know... PUBLIC. :p"

And Shepherd I don't think you need to be so passive-aggressive either~ And the only straightforward response you gave was hiding in strikethrough...

I'm sure the situation could be handled in a much calmer manner and conflict doesn't have to be made

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i was getting the vibe that shepard was being patient, not passive agressive, but you dont really think i classify all canadians as being nice do you free? i was poking fun because im a major cunt. also i do not see any conflict. elle is posting like she normally posts and shepard is posting like he is.

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Freohr, are you Canadian too? Soo... Nice? ...and peacemaking? Honorary Canadian? XD


But, but Freohr... I have to try to be... Captain Canada?

Eh. What you say makes sense Freohr. I am more just calling people on some of their bs. :\

Like you say, I was honestly confused as to what the idea behind this thread was.

I prefer to use humor to make my points, or satririze what others are doing... But also honestly yeah... Lil sick of some of the nonsense exclusionary name calling bs Elle seems to be spouting.

I honestly... Dunno what Elle's issue is with me? She seems to have some grudge, maybe from Chat? Me asking her not to call others Nerds. :\

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i was getting the vibe that shepard was being patient, not passive agressive, but you dont really think i classify all canadians as being nice do you free? i was poking fun because im a major cunt. also i do not see any conflict. elle is posting like she normally posts and shepard is posting like he is.

Well that would be what I was trying to be. :)

Apologies if it did come off passive aggressive. As that wasn't actually my intent. :\

(Btw, thanks Frank ;) )

*actually answers questions*

Q. xXHoshiHeartsXx ~ What do you want to do with your life ?

Teach. Or help people/society in some way using my talents and skills.

Q. Charity ~ Are you a nerd or a geek ?

Geek. Hate the term nerd.

Q. Saffaria ~ Are you adorable , cool , and elegant ?

I dunno. That is for others to decide I suppose?

Q. Specta ~ Are you lazy ?

Sometimes... More so easily distracted, and prone to procrastinating.

Q. Aryabug ~ Chocolate or Strawberry ?

Strawberries... Delicious strawberries.

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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i was getting the vibe that shepard was being patient, not passive agressive, but you dont really think i classify all canadians as being nice do you free? i was poking fun because im a major cunt. also i do not see any conflict. elle is posting like she normally posts and shepard is posting like he is.

Well apparently the way elle posts and the way shepherd posts is making for some conflict =b So maybe to avoid that they should consider changing it up a bit to stop it

Oh yeah and I forgot to say that at first I thought you weren't being serious on the canadian bit but after your next post it wasn't so easy to tell so I contributed anyway~!

Freohr, are you Canadian too? Soo... Nice? ...and peacemaking? Honorary Canadian? XD


But, but Freohr... I have to try to be... Captain Canada?

Eh. What you say makes sense Freohr. I am more just calling people on some of their bs. :\

Like you say, I was honestly confused as to what the idea behind this thread was.

I prefer to use humor to make my points, or satririze what others are doing... But also honestly yeah... Lil sick of some of the nonsense exclusionary name calling bs Elle seems to be spouting.

I honestly... Dunno what Elle's issue is with me? She seems to have some grudge, maybe from Chat? Me asking her not to call others Nerds. :\

I don't know how being "canadian" works but if 50% of my blood being a canadian native american tribe counts then I guess I am? I was born and raised in the US though

But anyway I've heard that Elle is given a lot of trouble based on her childishness and it's gotten to her at times and I'm just wanting it to stop or at least calm down a bit. Not that you handle it nearly as rudely as anybody else but it could still use improvements

If you don't think she's treating you right that's totally up to you to call them out on it, I agree. But she clearly looks upset enough as it is, a better way to handle it to try avoid pushing her further would be to try calmly explain yourself to her and try saying you meant no harm rather than accusing her (no matter how nicely you put it~ to anybody, an accusation is an accusation). At the very least you could have advised her how to respond better or more calmly (see what I'm doing right now?)

Well that would be what I was trying to be. :)

Apologies if it did come off passive aggressive. As that wasn't actually my intent. :\

(Btw, thanks Frank ;) )

yeah responding to "why are you here" with "oh is this a private thread?" when you clearly knew it was a public thread and "why did you put a private thread in a public forum" does come across as passive-aggressive, sorry

The wording could have been better IMO (and again see what I said above~)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I get where you are coming from Fre. My wording likely could have been better. Sometimes tone and intent can be hard to read on the internet.

I have honestly had those olive branch extending moments towards Elle on various occasions within the Serenes chat. So this is actually... Yeah not an isolated thing.

Me making a point about public or private is actually a legitimate question, if this were intended to be some sort of private thread then I would simply leave it be. :\

Her response was to be rather hostile. Which is why I asked her why she had to be that way? This is me essentially dialoguing, maybe somewhat aggressively, but the intent is to actually try to communicate and understand rather than shut Elle down. :o

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Shepherd, I'm not saying you deserved the kinda curt (if not rude) response to your initial post, but I still don't understand why you were confused by this thread. The thread title includes the word "questions" in it, and then the opening post contains several questions (some described as extras). It's true that some people, myself included, didn't answer them (it's fftf so w/e, right?), but I think it was pretty obvious that getting people to answer the questions was the basic purpose of the thread.

Also, regarding an attempt to "extend an olive branch" to Elle, I don't think it's a particularly bad thing, but at some point (I'm not necessarily saying that point is now) you should probably just let it go. I doubt you, or anyone, is going to get along with just about everybody on SF, or anywhere. Sometimes you might want to accept someone might dislike you and move on.

Edited by Severian
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Well yes and no right? The questions did all have names attached to them. So asking whether this was a private or public thread was borne out of that.

Heh, I don't expect to get along with everyone. But I will try to be civil to those I dislike, and I will encourage others to do the same.(hence olive branches, hence calling stuff that is rude out.)

...anyways at this point, I have moved on. I prefer to enjoy myself and have fun. ;)

So I am gonna drop it... As getting involved in debates over pettiness and rudeness doesn't interest me. :)

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Well yes and no right? The questions did all have names attached to them. So asking whether this was a private or public thread was borne out of that.

Hah. I never thought about it that way. From my perspective, even if I had thought about it that way, I might have answered the questions anyway just to be a nuisance.
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