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Thracia 776 dismounting, unused classes and possible site error

Emperor Hardin

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In the page here on Thracia 776's unused classes, Dragon Master (M, D), meaning male and dismounted, is listed as having access to Lances and Swords.

However, when I hack the Dismounted Dragon Master class into the game with action replay, it can only use Swords.

Is there something I'm missing here, or is this an error? I will say Male Dismounted Dragon Lords being able to use Lances is similar to Raffin in Kaga's next game, Tear Ring Saga.

On a related subject, was no one being able to uses Lance indoors in Thracia 776 an intentional decision? Like did they plan Lance, and Duke Knights to dismount to Swords all along, or was it a time saving measure by making the majority of dismounted classes re-use the same animations?

If they did plan Non Sword mounted classes dismounting to Swords, why?

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On a related subject, was no one being able to uses Lance indoors in Thracia 776 an intentional decision? Like did they plan Lance, and Duke Knights to dismount to Swords all along, or was it a time saving measure by making the majority of dismounted classes re-use the same animations?

If they did plan Non Sword mounted classes dismounting to Swords, why?

There is precedent in Mystery, so I imagine it was intentional.

In FE3 mounts were nerfed indoors. Significant movement drop, stat penalties, and (other than the rare thunder sword) no 1-2 range offense. This indirectly buffed armors, as they alone could wield javelins and Gradius inside.

Only problem was how weapon level was a universal stat, so mounts could jump from powerful lances to powerful swords without issue. Thracia corrects this with individual weapon ranks.

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This indirectly buffed armors, as they alone could wield javelins and Gradius inside.

I'd have to disagree with that. Javelins are pretty bad with their 20 weight, and the Gradius has limited availability.
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On a related subject, was no one being able to uses Lance indoors in Thracia 776 an intentional decision?

I know I'm nitpicking, but I thought I would mention that generals (promoted Dalshin and Xavier) are able to use lances indoors. They both start at E, so it doesn't really matter much, but still.
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I'd have to disagree with that. Javelins are pretty bad with their 20 weight, and the Gradius has limited availability.

I don't know what there is to disagree with. On outdoor maps armors are totally outclassed by fliers. On indoor maps armors have unique lance access which gives them reason to exist. 1-2 range is still good in Mystery and Gradius boosts exp on top of its power. Armors are still terrible but FE3 carved a niche for them.

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I'd have to disagree with that. Javelins are pretty bad with their 20 weight, and the Gradius has limited availability.

You get Gradius with the Starsphere in book 1's chapter 16, with several chapters available for them. Thats a fair bit of use for them actually.

Book 2 Gradius has the last five chapters, all but one of which are still indoors.

Javelins, while nerfed, still have their uses.

I know I'm nitpicking, but I thought I would mention that generals (promoted Dalshin and Xavier) are able to use lances indoors. They both start at E, so it doesn't really matter much, but still.

Xavier has good weapon ranks in everything, but lances. I kinda wonder if someone was originally planned to use Lances dismounted?

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