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If You Were Head of Intelligent Systems, What Changes Would You Make to FE?


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What I mean in the title is that what would you change if you had full control over the FE games, remakes, story, gameplay, marketing, character and level design, art style, setting etc?

Edited by CooledEvergreen
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One day is never enough to make changes, be it in game development or otherwise. Because when you lose your status, the head of Intelligent Systems can unmake any changes you made.

But let's say that you asked if I could be head of IS for a lot more than just one day, then I'd remake Fire Emblem: Genealogy of The Holy War onto the current gen consoles, preferably in the 3DS with Awakening and Fates' engine. I haven't played it, but I heard it's one of the better FE games, and I can't wait to try it out.

I'm definitely going to make a very mature story that involves a lot of blood, sex and gore. And I'm not kidding.

Fire Emblem: The Dragon Age

Edited by Rxmonste
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Edit: Uh...I just realised that I said a spoiler but I don't know how to add spoiler tags. Help?

Push the button on the right of Remove Format (The eraser looking button) in the editor, it says "Special BBCode" you can use Spoiler tags as one of the options there.

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Well, my changes are from noteworthy to simple, between those i would:

- FE15 would be a remake of FE2, with a new art director

- Bring back Shouzou Kaga if necessary, that's if he wants to rejoin Intelligent Systems of course

- Make some things when localizing, as many of you know, it's painful to wait months to release 1 game translated to the public, so given the case there will be nothing to do about that, then add things for those localized editions.

Let's say, if Japan release date of the game is October 10 from 2016, and the localized version comes out in June 12 of 2017 for US, maybe June 15 for Europe, the least i could do is adding exclusive characters to each region, for example, Japan gets "Y" character exclusive for them, while the US gets "X" character and Europe gets "Y" character.

Each one it's an extra exclusive character, if the demand for "X" character in the region of Europe and viceversa is too big, i may add all of those exclusive characters to all regions, to keep things fair.

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More like Fire Emblem: The Witcher.

Yeah, I was thinking that too, because Dragon Age is a kid's show compared to The Witcher. (Well, maybe not that much)

Fire Emblem: The Dragon Age of The Witcher?

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Yeah, I was thinking that too, because Dragon Age is a kid's show compared to The Witcher. (Well, maybe not that much)

Fire Emblem: The Dragon Age of The Witcher?

Yeah, that's more like it. Taking it to the next level.

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1. Remake FE2 and FE4/5(They would be one game kind of like FE3). They would more then likely be on 3DS

2. Make some thing to continue the story of FE8 since I feel it could be advanced upon

3. Throw Fates away and make a better faction based FE

4. Fire the current art director and get the one from FE9/10 or whatever, basically no more battle panties

5. Have a much more mature game that is not afraid to go across the lines(Like others have mentioned).

To summaries, remake older FEs, better design and Game of Thrones FE.

More then likely I would need more then one day though.

Edited by Azz
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Hot springs, bikini DLC, the "results" of the first night of marriage, and lots of elective cat ears :P:

- Find an art director who isn't trying to turn all the characters into fetishes

- Make a story that turns the FE trope upside-down (instead of being a group that tries to save the world, you're actually taking it over. . .under the guise of "saving" it)

- I like the concept behind Fates (choices), but I want those choices to have more meaning, right down to whether or not you can recruit someone

- If children come back, the first generation is getting wiped out

- No we are not encouraging incest, leave that to the fandom

- I'll probably have more once I play Fates

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1. Hire Lumi as the art director.

2. Hire Vash as the head writer.

3. Hire eclipse as assistant writer.

4. Nuke the avatar.

Everything else should fall in place.


5. Also hire j00 as art director.

6. Also hire Shin as assistant writer and head advertiser.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I'd fire the current art director and Kozaki and get the Tellius art staff back, including Senri Kita. Although, I'd be fine with keeping Kozaki if Senri Kita didn't want to return. No children in the next original game. Avatar would depend on if we could figure out a way to use one properly.

And I'd re-release PoR and RD, and RD would be given additional paired endings, an actual support system, and some improved writing. Otherwise, no changes would be made here.

Oh, and then remake FE4 and FE5.

Edited by Anacybele
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1- Get out the Avatar or make his purpose lowered. I'm replaying FE:13 again, and it's a shame to see how many characters would have been so much better if they got more screentime -Ricken seems to have a backstory with his family, but we never learn about it in-game if we don't go for supports-.
2- Make supports locked again like they did with Sumia/Chrom. Else supports become too much gimmicky and boring.
3- Make War finally be taken seriously. I mean, the only games that did it right Jugdral Saga aside (where it was almost perfect) were the Tellius Games, until Radiant Dawn part 4 came in.
4- Better art design for classes. Most of all, specific design for any class that the character can get. How boring it was to see Generics everywhere if you promoted your guys to Sorcerers. Knight's weird design also comes in.
5- Children are a "no" unless the writers get a great realistic story for them. (like, I don't know, one chapter after this one there's an ellipse and 20 years have passed, your characters are older but with the same stats and have their children ready to take arms alongside them)

My references for each thing :
- Character Balance : FE13 no-duo no-MU no-Tiki/Children. Every character is usable and has his worth.

- Class Balance : FE13 with the same rules. Most of classes had values because you needed a Bow-user due to the heavy flier abuse, you needed staff users for Rescue and healing, you needed Swordmaster to get some units who can survive the Axe Users, etcetera, etcetera.

- Map Design : FE13 wins again. The maps have the best pace of the whole serie as far as I've played.

- Character Development : FE9 > All on this one. I don't think I even need to develop there.

- Lord's evolution : FE4 Part 1 and FE5. Again, I don't think I need to say more.

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ngl it'd be interesting seeing Kozaki draw my designs, fufufu

I mean, his technique is better than mine, but I do have some pride over my costume designing skills

I wonder if Nintendo art director pays better than a programmer though

no avatar, no kids, no fucking over the advertised story themes over waifus

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This discussion has made me realize how much people dislike the avatar, interesting.

Interesting indeed, didn't know they hated it THAT much. I'm personally indifferent to the avatar.


Because the day after I would no longer be head of IS and they would dismiss any changes I made.

Looks like I'm not the only one who noticed that.

CooledEvergreen you should probably take the "One Day" part out of your title, else you'd get more answers like this.

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Interesting indeed, didn't know they hated it THAT much. I'm personally indifferent to the avatar.

Looks like I'm not the only one who noticed that.

CooledEvergreen you should probably take the "One Day" part out of your title, else you'd get more answers like this.

Done and Done.
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