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So. . . .do we give up?

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I'm not sure if its my impatience toying with me or not, but I'm getting displeased with the lack of news on this whole thing(its not you guys fault I'm talking about Nintendo),

so should we just be happy with the Japanese version or do we keep goading them to release an American version?

I'd say wait until around Christman time/the New Year until you import. If there is absolutely no news about it, it's safe to say it got the Mother 3 treatment. That's what I plan on doing, anyway. If they intend to localize it, we should hear about it some time soon.

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Personally I'm not so worried. It hasn't been that long since the Japanese release, and FE isn't exactly one of those "we've got to localise them quick!" franchises.

Besides, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon was recently rated by an European board, so I'm guessing it won't be too long until news about an English release comes (or at the very least, work starts on one).

Edited by VincentASM
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We won't find out the US Start of 09 releases till end of this year at the earliest.

I still stand by my guess of a Febuary release date. I'll only start to worry if there's no info on it Febuary/March time.

Granted... I have gotten it already (imported as a birthday gift), but I'm still fairly sure the states will get it especially if Europe gets it. And despite the Rating in EU terratory, I'm also pretty sure the US will get it before them.

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There's no reason for them not to release it in the US. Normal mode is piss easy so that's out of the question and they've been releasing the last few FEs in the US so why change that now?

The only thing I'd worry about is if they will remove Hard 5 like they did with FE9 Maniac mode which would REALLY suck. Glad I can play the japanese version with no problems.

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We won't find out the US Start of 09 releases till end of this year at the earliest.

I still stand by my guess of a Febuary release date. I'll only start to worry if there's no info on it Febuary/March time.

Granted... I have gotten it already (imported as a birthday gift), but I'm still fairly sure the states will get it especially if Europe gets it. And despite the Rating in EU terratory, I'm also pretty sure the US will get it before them.

good point. . . .I guess the lack of news might be a stradegy or something, one of those game company things that I won't understand. . . .now anyways. . .

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You should also consider the fact that FE doesn't exactly have a lot of fans compared to FF, GTA and Halo, announcing an English release just a little after its Japanese release won't get them anywhere and there won't be enough hype to note.

Edited by ThunderMan
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Er, if you blow up Japan, good luck seeing Fire Emblem ever again. And Mario. And Zelda. And Final Fantasy. And...

I think I've said enough here. Still, these kind of topics always pop up with every new game. There isn't really anything we can do besides waiting. However I guess it's alright to vent out your thoughts/frustration/whatever in the meantime.

Edited by VincentASM
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There's no reason for them not to release it in the US. Normal mode is piss easy so that's out of the question and they've been releasing the last few FEs in the US so why change that now?

The only thing I'd worry about is if they will remove Hard 5 like they did with FE9 Maniac mode which would REALLY suck. Glad I can play the japanese version with no problems.

But then they made the localized FE10's Hard Mode the Japanese Maniac Mode. So, FE9 was technically easier when it was localized, but FE10 was harder. This game could go either way.

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