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Is Gaiden, Genealogy of the Holy War, and Thracia 776 worth playing?


Worth Playing?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Gaiden?

  2. 2. Genealogy of Holy War?

  3. 3. Thracia 776

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FE4, 8, 9 and 13 can be solo'd by newcommers.

That's an exaggeration, and you know it - I VERY seriously doubt a newcomer would have the know-how to solo any of those games.

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I don't doubt the player who solo'd Thracia only with Leif had a deep knowledge of the game. Also I'm ready to bet warp was involved, and Saphy using it.

It wouldn't be a solo, then.

FE5 is perfectly beatable without Warp.

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I know it's beatable without warp, but we are talking of the Leif solo some guy did.

That's an exaggeration, and you know it - I VERY seriously doubt a newcomer would have the know-how to solo any of those games.

It's not. Edited by ENS
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It's not.

It is. The argument that "Even a newcomer could solo this game" is only possible in theory, but a lot of people really don't view the game as a newcomer when making such an argument. It also varies widely depending on how much of a newcomer that person is. (First Fire Emblem ever? Or has it played every previous game in the franchise?)

An FE8 newcomer will probably use Seth a lot, but he would also use Eirika for sure, and also try out most other characters (almost every FE8 first-timer uses Franz). A newcomer will also definitely use a healer. Same applies to FE9 with Titania. FE13 also motivates newcomers with using lots of units.

Don't even get me started on FE4. The whole thought of a first timer doing a Sigurd/Seliph solo on that game is pretty ridiculous.

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There was a few times that I had to strategize a little on Sethsolo

Granted, most of it involved how to optimally drop Eirika off at a safe location to get more Javelins out of the convoy, since I decided in a Seth Solo Eirika must not be trained, but that's still a thing

So I mean

Honestly when I was a first time player keeping people alive was difficult, it takes a while to get into the mentality

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It is. The argument that "Even a newcomer could solo this game" is only possible in theory, but a lot of people really don't view the game as a newcomer when making such an argument. It also varies widely depending on how much of a newcomer that person is. (First Fire Emblem ever? Or has it played every previous game in the franchise?)

An FE8 newcomer will probably use Seth a lot, but he would also use Eirika for sure, and also try out most other characters (almost every FE8 first-timer uses Franz). A newcomer will also definitely use a healer. Same applies to FE9 with Titania. FE13 also motivates newcomers with using lots of units.

Don't even get me started on FE4. The whole thought of a first timer doing a Sigurd/Seliph solo on that game is pretty ridiculous.

also a newcomer wouldn't know to get things like the vantage scroll in chapter 15 in the a random tile in the dessert and to combine it with vantage to create a great skill combo.

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It is, and the games are still easy. The most easy way to play them is by soloing, actually, and it requires no effort.


Downing a bit such strong statement, but the argument of this topic is not how these games are breakable, neither how Thracia is.

Anyway, indipendently by how is actually easy to solo these games, ther are way easy to break than Thracia.

Edited by ENS
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I'd think it's easier to use strong units alongisde other strong units as opposed to using just one strong unit to beat a game. It's easier to beat FE4 using Celice, Leaf, and Aless instead of Celice on his own.

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It's especially true in FE4 wherein you can deploy every one of your units and give them a pretty hefty EXP infusion every chapter.

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FE4 is a really awesome game but it's pretty huge, intimidating and the story is also kind of heavy. You really wanna be ready to immerse yourself into it if you wanna enjoy your first playthrough of the game.

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FE9 is solo'd by Ike. Or Titania. Or Haar. Or some character who joined you from the first chapter, the choice is your.

FE10 is normal.

Haar breaks FE10, not 9.

You probably meant Jill/Marcia.

Edited by Radiant head
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If you love the series I think you should do your best to try play it all, or at least give everything a try. Even if you tried it and didn't like it you can always say you tried it, and got your own opinion.

The reason why I say this is because I see many people in this fandom (although on Serenes they're very few, thankfully) who don't play games and spread misconceptions, or say very superficial things about said games. Miscosceptions hurt the image of a game A LOT. By trusting these opinions I only tried Radiant Dawn much later than its release date, and initially snubbed Sacred Stones, things like that, and I regret that.

More onto the games themselves:

FE4 and FE5 are especially good if you already are a fan of SNES JRPGs, IMO, because you probably won't be bothered by their outdated interfaces and/or graphics. Same goes for FE2: if you already are a fan of NES games, you probably won't be bothered by its outdated things (you might even be surprised by its story given the standards of time).

I only really played FE4, so it's the only one that I can truly say my opinion on, and I really enjoyed it. Nice graphics, charming retro anime style, very good music (people say it's overrated but I honestly think it has some amazing tracks, among the best in the series, and the SNES soundfonts make it even better to my ears), very enjoyable story (also very dark at times), simple but lovable cast, and addictive gameplay.

Although dragging your units' asses through the large maps can be a bother... and it's not very strategic or particularly hard, IMO (although some points are really tricky, like certain recruitments). But it's so fun, especially screwing around with the inheritance system. It's also a game where I enjoy training units, so it breaks my heart a little when people say stuff like "Lol you only need Sigurd/Cuan"... that might be true, but it's not fun. It's like playing Pokèmon and training only your starter: it works, but you're missing out.

Oh, it also has some excellent Ests, especially if you pick the right fathers. That is, if you like growing puny units into one unit armies. I never thought a Troubador could substain an army of Wyvern Knights... but Genealogy showed me she could.

Yeha, I don't think I have much else to say. I just started Gaiden, and it seems nice so far.

Edited by CrimeanRoyalKnight
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i might have not been clear on this but i do really like thracia as it has some really cool mechanics, interesting map designs etc. i just don't think as highly of it compared to most other titles in the serious and tend to think less of it because of this despite the fact that it is really good. still better than FE1

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