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Farina's bases are crazy, she has 10 base defence which is crazy compared to Fiora/Florina (Florina doesn't hit 10 defence till 20/9 for reference) and all her other stats are at least average to above average. She's a little slow, but she's fast enough for FE7.

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She comes at level 12 on chapter 25, where, Fiora/Florina will almost definitely have promoted already. Her base stats are good for her base level, but her base level is just too low. By the time you get her, Florina may very well be at 17/9. Pegasus Knights are usually more avoid based units anyways, so defense isn't too large of an issue.

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she comes right before a bunch of braindead defence chapters, and gains exp really fast and surpasses the other two really fast if you want to use her. The only downside is her cost.

Farina's avoid is still very good anyway.

Edited by General Horace
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She also doesn't exist for the first 15 chapters of the game. There a limited number of Elyisan Whips, and Heath is probably going to be used, so you'll probably only be able to use one PK, so you're left with no fliers for 12 chapters. There a limited number of Elyisan Whips, and Heath is probably going to be used, so you'll probably only be able to use one PK. Personally, I'd go Heath > LM!Florina > Fiora > Farina > Non LM!Florina.

Nevermind HHM gives you three Elysian Whips by C25 HAHA IGNORE ME FARINA IS MORE VIABLE THAN I THOUGHT

In this scenario, it could potentially come down to Fiora vs Farina. I'd still say Fiora > Farina, but a pretty convincing case can be made for Farina, so it's probably just left to personal preference.

Edited by Sniper Knight
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Being down a flier for the first 12 chapters isn't a huge issue except the desert*. Plus there is the Earth Seal, but bringing 4 fliers in a run that isn't mounts only would just be silly :P

* - Unless you are going for LTC or ranked runs

Personally, I have had bad experiences with Heath but good luck with the Peg sisters. This is why PEMN is a thing. Farina was basically my MVP in a HNM draft on gamefaqs (Which included the hilarious Eliwood rescuing tactic for Hector XD). Based on my experience, LM Flo > Farina > Fiora > Heath > No LM Flo

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Horace isn't arguing Farina is better in a tier list setting or anything, he's just arguing against the notion that her bases are (too) bad. I actually think Farina is a decent recommendation for someone trying to complete HHM for the first time. Training Florina/Fiora can be kind of difficult if you're not familiar with safe ways to do so, but Farina comes at a point where it's very easy to train her up: your other characters don't need handholding anymore, there's a bunch of defend maps, her joining chapter has really weak enemies, and so on.

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I was actually listing by preference, rather than tier listing. Typically, my fliers have to do a bit of rescuing, and Heath's health and defense are better for that purpose. Heath has better utility, but as combat units the Pegasus sisters have a better statspread. They also typically do better growth-wise.

I wasn't really considering context, but for someone's first time playing HHM, Farina may be the best choice. Florina requires extensive babying. If you get 19x, there are quite a few harmless mages for Fiora to prey on, but C20 can be pretty bad for her if she's still at base. Farina starts late, but she catches up quickly enough.

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I think Farina needs like, 1 level? 2? to straight up take 0 damage from all the monks in her chapter, if you aren't going maximum ltc speed.

Very easy to train. Doesn't really hurt to bring an entire airforce, either. Why not have 5 fliers if you can have 5 fliers

PEMN anyway but I never really liked training Fiora, I think it might be because she 1) joins when HHM deploy slot is still a bit tight and there's units I actually enjoy using that I field over her vs by the time Farina joins it's no longer 8-10 unit deployments and 2) Farina's like, pretty much immortal, against a big section of her join chapter enemies which is a really good source of exp

So usually I have a hard time even fitting Fiora into my team but I can always find a slot for Farina

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I was actually listing by preference, rather than tier listing. Typically, my fliers have to do a bit of rescuing, and Heath's health and defense are better for that purpose. Heath has better utility, but as combat units the Pegasus sisters have a better statspread. They also typically do better growth-wise.

No, Heath is definitely a better combat unit than the Pegasus sisters.

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Guy can help you out early on, his Con is only his real detriment but thats more for defense and you don't really need good defense to be good in FE7.

I'd recommend the usuals like Marcus, Pent, Harken, and you can always have Rath on board for some Hector holding if need be, also Rath is probably the best Bow user in the game, although Louise is OK even on HHM.

Heath and the Pegasus sisters of course are all very good, Lucius or Canas can be pretty solid, Dart if you can find the Ocean Seal.

Hawkeye can be used easier though.

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I think what Sniper means is Heath doesn't have the defenses that typically fit his class, or the luck to avoid the big hits he's bound to take. Heath is the best at dealing out damage, yes, but his defenses end up being his downfall for me, along with a lack of evasion (and capping at 23 spd, 12 at lv 20 without HHM bonuses on average) certainly doesn't help his case.

Basically he's a flying Sain, with worse luck but a better strength cap, and more skill, and he loses use of axes.

I have had very bad luck with Heath, and very good luck with the Pegs (this would be thanks to usually high avoid, however, and my Heaths don't end up bulky outside of HP, or able to dodge a lot)

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HHM is basically the Marcus show early on. Fortunately, most other early units are worthless so you don't have to worry about training them. Pretty much just Marcus/Hector/Oswin all day every day. The first actually viable long term units you get are Kent and Sain. Sain is better, both are solid. In my opinion Florina is only worth it if you do Lyn Mode first, otherwise just wait for Fiora. Canas is the best mage you get early on. Use Priss over Serra.

Pent and Harken rule lategame. Isadora is good with a little stat booster expenditure. Farina is good and perfectly easy to train despite her low level.

Raven is good, I guess.

I wouldn't bother with anyone else. Usually they take too much effort to get off the ground, and it's just not worth it.

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