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How bad will censorship get with If?


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We have two cutscenes with Camilla's body as a focus. We have 2 pretty dark scenes where

[spoiler=Ryoma/Xander fight]Ryoma kills himself and Marx commits manslaughter on a child.

We have the ability to strip every character to nothing but underwear or bath towels. We've got plenty of curse words and innuendos in the supports. We've got Camilla DLC art that puts Tharja's ass shot to shame. We have implied (and actual) incest. Skinship says a lot of lewd stuff as you touch characters' face and necks. All this and more.

It's gonna be pretty hard to focus on censoring it. You can't just alter CGI cutscenes for instance.

It's either not gonna be censored or we'll be seeing a huge shift in difference from the original Japanese.

There are dark scenes like that? Almost reminds me of Jugdral saga. I think I can start being interested in Fates now...

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There are dark scenes like that? Almost reminds me of Jugdral saga. I think I can start being interested in Fates now...

Not handled as well. They feel more... jarring and sudden then anything in Jugdral.

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There are dark scenes like that? Almost reminds me of Jugdral saga. I think I can start being interested in Fates now...

On paper they sound good but so does most of Fates' story. The execution (heh) of those scenes is lacking and robs them of their drama.

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Sooo... let me get this straight.

Without going into too much detail (this might just require "yes" or "no" answers), nowhere in the story and the dialogue among the characters in the story is there a mention of the avatar not being blood-related to the Hoshidan royals? There's not even a hint towards it? Are all the characters in belief the entire game that the avatar and the Hoshidan royals are blood-related? Also, what about Aqua? Isn't she Garon's daughter? Doesn't that make her blood-related to the Nohrian royals?

I'm still somehow trying to avoid spoilers even though I'm past thin ice and now treading on chilly waters... Just don't answer more than necessary for the sake of the discussion. XD

More or less IK endgame spoilers of ambiguous importance:

Azura is the daughter of the late king of Touma and Shenmei, effectively making her and Kamui cousins. This is, however, entirely inconsequential to the game, and I don't even think the cast acknowledges it. Of course, even if they did, it doesn't affect anything, as it's revealed right at the end without any sort of impact, and you can marry her in all routes and have kids together anyway.

As for censoring the localized version, I think the amie lines are the ones that will suffer the most. Some, like Camilla who's the face of the excessive fan service of the game, will keep a few of their lewder lines, but Elise's will need to be rewritten completely.

Edited by Thane
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I'm sure the parts where Camilla explicitly talks about her breasts will still be rewritten.

Elise asking you to stop while you can keep going will definitely be rewritten. She also doesn't seem to understand what's happening when she gets aroused.

I wonder what the thought process behind those lines were...if there was any.

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So, I just remembered that there are these weapons named "Brigand" for each weapon type, "Robber" as the Tome. Apparently, they literally strip the clothes off of a target with a successful strike if the user has the weapon triangle advantage, right? I've never seen footage of this (I'm very curious), but I have a feeling those weapons will be removed entirely.

In other news, Xenoblade Chronicles X's localization removed the breast slider for the character customization, so every player's female avatar will have "medium"-sized breasts.


I don't want this to get off-topic on Xenoblade discussion. Just pointing this out for reference to further discussion on Fire Emblem Fates' localization.

Edited by Giga Man
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Goofy but seems pretty tame to me. You can see as much in the onsen, so unless that's getting cut, I don't see the Brigand items getting taken out.

That said, weapons that randomly (not actually) strip enemies isn't something I think Fire Emblem needs and wouldn't mind that part getting taken out.

More or less IK endgame spoilers of ambiguous importance:

Azura is the daughter of the late king of Touma and Shenmei, effectively making her and Kamui cousins. This is, however, entirely inconsequential to the game, and I don't even think the cast acknowledges it. Of course, even if they did, it doesn't affect anything, as it's revealed right at the end without any sort of impact, and you can marry her in all routes and have kids together anyway.

As for censoring the localized version, I think the amie lines are the ones that will suffer the most. Some, like Camilla who's the face of the excessive fan service of the game, will keep a few of their lewder lines, but Elise's will need to be rewritten completely.

Shouldn't Aqua be aware of her own, and presumably Kamui's parentage? In that case she should know that she and Kamui are cousins, right? Incest Emblem ahoy!

Edited by NekoKnight
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I don't mind the Brigand/Robber weapons and Sophie's personal skill for having the side ability that they do. What I do mind is that you can ruin entirely serious moments and battles because someone ended up in their skivvies. I think if Fates wasn't pushing this really intense story with all these emotions you're supposed to feel, the stripping would've been funny. As it is now, it just feels like out-of-place fanservice in a game that has an overall somber mood.

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It's really unnecessary because you can already strip these people in the bathhouse and accessory shop anyway (where you can also zoom in and observe them closely...), and people often buy more than one route so them not being playable isn't really a problem. Unless the weapons are meant for generic enemies, in which case it's more like fan-disservice.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about the onsen and the accessory shop (because I rarely use them). I think some of the generics are apparently "good looking" enough so that people want to strip them down, but it's still a mood breaker and seems forced too. At least onsen and accessory shop are in My Castle, which is out of the "story line". (It doesn't help that My Castle still is a mood breaker on its own at times, but whatever.)

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I don't mind the Brigand/Robber weapons and Sophie's personal skill for having the side ability that they do. What I do mind is that you can ruin entirely serious moments and battles because someone ended up in their skivvies. I think if Fates wasn't pushing this really intense story with all these emotions you're supposed to feel, the stripping would've been funny. As it is now, it just feels like out-of-place fanservice in a game that has an overall somber mood.

Underwear doesn'tapply to story cutscenes. Other accessories still do.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the onsen and the accessory shop (because I rarely use them). I think some of the generics are apparently "good looking" enough so that people want to strip them down, but it's still a mood breaker and seems forced too. At least onsen and accessory shop are in My Castle, which is out of the "story line". (It doesn't help that My Castle still is a mood breaker on its own at times, but whatever.)

Accessories are really helpful if you want to fix someone in the canteen or shops, for bargaining purpose and for the ability to consistently get the bonuses you want.

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Underwear doesn'tapply to story cutscenes. Other accessories still do.

Good to know this.

Accessories are really helpful if you want to fix someone in the canteen or shops, for bargaining purpose and for the ability to consistently get the bonuses you want.

I know accessories give stat boosts, I just don't care for them and I play on normal mode anyway.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I kinda want NOA to censor this game to hell and back. The incest is completely over the top. I was all set to make Azura the waifu, and then nope.

The story and some of the characters need reworking too. I wouldn't think of it as censoring at all because this game has some really creepy stuff in it and NOA has the perfect oportunity to fix the many issues of this game. I certainly won't miss Camilla's cleavage or undeage character's underwear; that's just my opinion though.

Edited by tessylation
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The story and some of the characters need reworking too. I wouldn't think of it as censoring at all because this game has some really creepy stuff in it and NOA has the perfect oportunity to fix the many issues of this game. I certainly won't miss Camilla's cleavage or undeage character's underwear; that's just my opinion though.

I agree. I'm overall against censorship, but some of the stuff are honestly over the top and unnecessary, and makes it hard to take the game seriously (ugh, Sophie and your unremovable personal skill). I would be really surprised and somewhat frightened if they decided to keep all of Zero's lines the same, for example. The somber tone of the story is simply incompatible with some of the content they decided to put in, and I've found myself questioning the development team's sanity more than once.

Edited by Tsuky
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