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How bad will censorship get with If?


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I wouldn't call it grown up just because it has incest and death.

It reminds me of shitty Jeff the Killer rip offs where the character is sooo tragic and grammar doesn't exist.

holy shit, this is literally the perfect way to describe this situation.

more so because in those stories almost noone acts like an actual human and just so happens to have an oddly certain set of terrible things happen to them.

nevermind that bleach and fire don't turn your skin pale white.

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holy shit, this is literally the perfect way to describe this situation.

more so because in those stories almost noone acts like an actual human and just so happens to have an oddly certain set of terrible things happen to them.

nevermind that bleach and fire don't turn your skin pale white.

Reminds me of some of Fates' characters :V

Honestly, Fates might have death, incest, suicide, but it's handled like a (poorly written) comic for teenagers.

I thought about what rating it could get, and I'd say T is due, although I still don't know about the sexy spot/streetpass bikinis and the free camera.

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Sooo... let me get this straight.

Without going into too much detail (this might just require "yes" or "no" answers), nowhere in the story and the dialogue among the characters in the story is there a mention of the avatar not being blood-related to the Hoshidan royals? There's not even a hint towards it? Are all the characters in belief the entire game that the avatar and the Hoshidan royals are blood-related? Also, what about Aqua? Isn't she Garon's daughter? Doesn't that make her blood-related to the Nohrian royals?

I'm still somehow trying to avoid spoilers even though I'm past thin ice and now treading on chilly waters... Just don't answer more than necessary for the sake of the discussion. XD

As far as I am concerned, yes to your first part. In the spoiler below will be spoilers for IK if you don't want to read them.

Aqua however, is revealed in IK to not be Garon's child in the main storyline. It is quite clear in this sense.

Edited by nordopolica
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This comic definately encapsulates the delicacy in which the game handles the not-related reveal:

Honestly, I've decided to just headcanon that Kamui of both genders are sexual deviants who will jump everything and everyone that they can. They have no limits.

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Honestly, I've decided to just headcanon that Kamui of both genders are sexual deviants who will jump everything and everyone that they can. They have no limits.

Technically you aren't wrong either. They'll even apparently do it with themselves due to the Bond Unit thing.

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As far as I am concerned, yes to your first part. In the spoiler below will be spoilers for IK if you don't want to read them.

Aqua however, is revealed in IK to not be Garon's child in the main storyline. It is quite clear in this sense.

I figured. I pretty much guessed somewhere along the line that would be the case for Aqua. As for the avatar...

The localizers should just rewrite the supports and embrace the incest. I know people won't like it, and I'm personally not a fan, but just outright admitting it's incest instead of covering it up with a lame backstory is better in my opinion.

Honestly, I've decided to just headcanon that Kamui of both genders are sexual deviants who will jump everything and everyone that they can. They have no limits.

Who's the biggest "pimp" in Fire Emblem? Robin or Kamui?

Edited by Giga Man
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I figured. I pretty much guessed somewhere along the line that would be the case for Aqua. As for the avatar, the localizers should just rewrite the supports and embrace the incest. I know people won't like it, and I'm personally not a fan, but just outright admitting it's incest instead of covering it up with a lame backstory is better in my opinion.

Same. If its gonna be incest, either go hard or go home. A bold approach is usually respected at the least

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I figured. I pretty much guessed somewhere along the line that would be the case for Aqua. As for the avatar...

The localizers should just rewrite the supports and embrace the incest. I know people won't like it, and I'm personally not a fan, but just outright admitting it's incest instead of covering it up with a lame backstory is better in my opinion.

Who's the biggest "pimp" in Fire Emblem? Robin or Kamui?

I just hope they remove the convenient-letter-from-mama shtick.

And I think Kamui is the biggest pimp, I mean Robin's up there, but who else would literally have sex with a child who's pretty much straight out the womb. I mean canonically the kids aren't even a year old, right, in the actual timeline? Robin at least takes his time with the baby-making.

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The localizers should just rewrite the supports and embrace the incest. I know people won't like it, and I'm personally not a fan, but just outright admitting it's incest instead of covering it up with a lame backstory is better in my opinion.

Anythings that embrace incest (especially the older brother/little sister kind) is most likely going to bomb in America than anything else. Take Oreimo for instance, the anime series gotten so much negative reception in America to the point that Aniplex USA decided not to dub the series.

Again, I'm sure that Nintendo of America will figure out how to handle the incest overtomes with your royal siblings. Keep in mind that historically during the medieval Europe, it's is common for cousins to marry and have babies to protect the noble lineage, but it unacceptable for the lower class to do that.

Edited by Dark Paladin X
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Who's the biggest "pimp" in Fire Emblem? Robin or Kamui?

If by pimp you mean pansexual, Kamui all the way. Men, women, siblings, cousins, people old enough to be their father, children barely past puberty, humans and furries... no one is safe.

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If by pimp you mean pansexual, Kamui all the way. Men, women, siblings, cousins, people old enough to be their father, children barely past puberty, humans and furries... no one is safe.

But Robin was into necrophilia. I mean, Aversa and Emm.

Well they are player avatars. If they're supposed to reflect the player's personality, might as well account for fetishes.

Edited by Phillius
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Well they are player avatars. If they're supposed to reflect the player's personality, might as well account for fetishes.

What...? I wouldn't...I mean I'm not really into...no....maybe a little...actually no, absolutely not! These accusations are completely unsubstantiated! Mostly!

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Maybe, but that's more subtle. Orson was probably never making love, but just having her because he's lost his sanity. I see no S-Ranking.

Necrophilia means being sexually attracted to a corpse, not necessarily involving making love.

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Necrophilia is making love or love towards corpses, he loved her, not the corpse. You don't need to be sexually attracted to someone to love them.


But by that logic Robin was not into necrophilia either, because Emm and Aversa where alive when he married them.

I'm all for dropping the subject, because to be fair you're only contradicting yourself the way you move the goalpost on every response.

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Eh, the thing is, Orson was so batty he probably hadn't even noticed his wife was a corpse.

Well, yeah, I don't deny that, but it doesn't negate the fact that it happened.

Not to mention, in reality, people into necrophilia are most likely not right in the head.

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