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How bad will censorship get with If?


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I agree. I'm overall against censorship, but some of the stuff are honestly over the top and unnecessary, and makes it hard to take the game seriously (ugh, Sophie and your unremovable personal skill). I would be really surprised and somewhat frightened if they decided to keep all of Zero's lines the same, for example. The somber tone of the story is simply incompatible with some of the content they decided to put in, and I've found myself questioning the development team's sanity more than once.

I hope they'll tone down Zero's lines for some units. I don't mind if he's sexually suggestive to Odin or Leo, since they're supposed to share quite a close relationship and would be willing to put up with his quirk more than others. Hell, I actually didn't mind Zero's lines in the first chapter of the Nohr Anthology at all; they were actually funny instead of creepy, as they should be. (And I was dying with laughter while reading the Beach DLC translation. Oh Zero.)

But when he goes overboard with other characters, it irritates me. It's obviously meant to be hilarious, but it's not. It just makes him an intolerable prick.

Like... you can crack dirty jokes with your friends and it would be fine, but it would simply be inappropriate to go up a stranger and make obscene jokes. And that's how Zero feels like. And NoA should definitely censor some of his lines so that he doesn't come across as some salacious beast.

Edited by Minischew
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At first, seeing Fates now in Japan, it's very uncomfortable and it's not serious, but what if when released in the west, they actually changed the game so much, the west version could be taken seriously and wasn't pandering, I'd actually be quite happy that the series can still look like it's predecessors even with children and the marriage while still feeling for Awakening players and traditionally show what Fire Emblem is for new and old.. It would still make me sad that the actual creators, IS, couldn't take the series seriously though.

I dunno. Just my 2 cents.

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I hope they'll tone down Zero's lines for some units. I don't mind if he's sexually suggestive to Odin or Leo, since they're supposed to share quite a close relationship and would be willing to put up with his quirk more than others. Hell, I actually didn't mind Zero's lines in the first chapter of the Nohr Anthology at all; they were actually funny instead of creepy, as they should be. (And I was dying with laughter while reading the Beach DLC translation. Oh Zero.)

But when he goes overboard with other characters, it irritates me. It's obviously meant to be hilarious, but it's not. It just makes him an intolerable prick.

Like... you can crack dirty jokes with your friends and it would be fine, but it would simply be inappropriate to go up a stranger and make obscene jokes. And that's how Zero feels like. And NoA should definitely censor some of his lines so that he doesn't come across as some salacious beast.

Oh lord, the Beach DLC... I thought it was hilarious when I read it, but I personally don't want it to stay in the localization. Plenty of Zero's lines are already suggestive enough (and those don't necessarily need to be changed, but they still might be), but that was just... on another level. Could've come straight from some porn. And yeah, it's insufferably annoying when he does this with other characters he barely knows.

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speaking of lines, i think they will censor some of Jakob lines(he really likes to insult people)because he love to say the word bi°°°

Temee doesn't actually mean bitch. It's just one of the derogatory ways to say "you". "Bitch" is usually used just for translation convenience because there's no English equivalent of that word.

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Controversies of Xenoblade X's breast slider makes me feel if Fates is censored in any way then it'll get out of hand just as easily.

And I mean just censoring something in general. Not that I'm going to compare what get's censored in this game.

Edited by Great Geargia Gateway
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Controversies of Xenoblade X's breast slider makes me feel if Fates is censored in any way then it'll get out of hand just as easily.

And I mean just censoring something in general. Not that I'm going to compare what get's censored in this game.

People on the internet raise hell about everything.

Seriously, just ignore it. If it stays on Sonygaf and gaming sites, then it's not going to have much of an effect (if any, really; most of the comments I saw on the Xenoblade X breast slider removal where "kinda sucks but eh whatever").

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Frankly, I'd simply be satisfied made both Zero and Shara less... creepy, for lack of better word. On a purely expected basis, it's likely the only real big thing they'll do is edit the Fire Emblem Amie lines to be less lewd, and tone down the wierd brocon/siscon lines on the royal siblings S supports.

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Frankly, I'd simply be satisfied made both Zero and Shara less... creepy, for lack of better word. On a purely expected basis, it's likely the only real big thing they'll do is edit the Fire Emblem Amie lines to be less lewd, and tone down the wierd brocon/siscon lines on the royal siblings S supports.

I desperately hope they change the age of some characters as well. Using Midoriko just feels wrong, and knowing she can get pregnant (meaning she had sex, unlike in Awakening where that was never guaranteed due to the nature of how the kids joined you) and become a mother makes it all worse. I know the kids are not canon, but it's still disgusting.

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I desperately hope they change the age of some characters as well. Using Midoriko just feels wrong, and knowing she can get pregnant (meaning she had sex, unlike in Awakening where that was never guaranteed due to the nature of how the kids joined you) and become a mother makes it all worse. I know the kids are not canon, but it's still disgusting.

This man speaks the truth.

If anything give the kids some time traveling alternate dimensioning explanation. If they did it with warp powder, they can do it with the hyperbolic time chamber.

Also I want to say something:

I don't think skinship will be removed. It caught too much attention, and tumblr will not buy the game without it (please this is a joke don't take me seriously don't lynch me ahghrusgtugvhshgehugf).

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I don't think skinship will be removed. It caught too much attention, and tumblr will not buy the game without it (please this is a joke don't take me seriously don't lynch me ahghrusgtugvhshgehugf).


At this point I have no idea what will be censored, what can be censored, and just how much will be lost by censoring.

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I desperately hope they change the age of some characters as well. Using Midoriko just feels wrong, and knowing she can get pregnant (meaning she had sex, unlike in Awakening where that was never guaranteed due to the nature of how the kids joined you) and become a mother makes it all worse. I know the kids are not canon, but it's still disgusting.

She's still going to look 10 even if they say she's 16 and give her a deeper voice.

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