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Endgame Teams

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I just randomly decided to start a topic about Endgame teams! So which characters do you usually pick for your team? Do you consistently pick certain characters, or do you change it up each time you play? How do you decide which characters you pick?

My Endgame team usually looks like this:








They're all forced, no getting around them. But I don't always deploy Sothe, Sanaki, or Ena. Sothe hardly contributes anything, it gets to the point where he's more of a hindrance than a help, so he's pretty much always benched. Sanaki contributes for most of the time, but then I always have trouble using her in the final battle against Ashera, so she's usually benched at that point, and Ena is kind of in the same boat. Ena contributes a bit, especially in the fight with all the dragons, but after that I usually bench her. I usually use Kurthnaga all the way to the end, but in the final battle I usually just have him help fight those little orbs Ashera summons. As for Ike and Micaiah, I always try to get them trained up as much as I can, Ike for fighting and Micaiah for healing.



I always pick Reyson, I think it's pretty clear that he's the best Heron. Just give him a Laguz Gem, Galdr units, coupled along with Canto...












Caineghis, Tibarn, and Naesala annihilate mostly everything, they're all pretty beastly. But of course, all the Laguz Royals are beastly.

Elincia is my main healer, I always pick her over Mist because she's a flying unit and Mist is confined to a horse.

Geoffrey isn't always a lock for me, it really depends on how well he compares to Oscar and Titania. He's usually about even with them, but sometimes one or both of them surpass him. I've considered using Nailah in place of Geoffrey (or Oscar/Titania), but never have.

I always pick Brom and give him Urvan, and I always pick Nephenee and give her the Wishblade. The two of them are basically my main units during Part 2, so they're always trained up pretty darn well by the time Endgame hits. I know Nolan, Haar, and Boyd are generally the units people say to give Urvan to, but I only ever use Nolan when he's needed with the Dawn Brigade, Boyd is always more of a supporter for the Greil Mercenaries, and Haar...well, I do use him, but I have Brom bias!

I always pick Shinon over Rolf and Leonardo and give him the Double Bow. Why go through the trouble of training Rolf or Leonardo when Shinon is beastly right from the start?

Mia is another lock, I always pick her and give her the Vague Katti to get blessed when the time comes. Edward and Zihark are like Nolan, I generally only use them for the Dawn Brigade stuff, and Lucia and Stefan just don't get much playtime.

I always pick Soren and usually try to use him along with or as a replacement to Sanaki.

And then of course, I recruit the other characters within the Endgame itself (Nasir, Gareth, Sephiran/Lehran)...although the only one I ever really use is Sephiran/Lehran.

I know, my team is probably not very good at all. *Shrugs*

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I try to change it up every time I play, but usually Shinon will always find his way into my final team, I've even caught Lucia and Tormod up to be end game material because I like them.

I sometimes do all Human runs where I take no Laguz nobles for a bit of challenge, it just varies, but my regulars tend to be, Zihark, Makalov and Shinon, although since I like all the Trueblades I've used them all in final at least once each.

Sometimes I'll just go all nobles if I'm lazy, although I still think giving you all of those laguz nobles is one of the games weakest points, because it makes it feel like all of your work through the game was pointless.

Also there was the time I gave Jill Boots and Celerity... That was fun.

Edited by Jedi
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My endgame team varies on each playthrough, but I usually do something like:

Mia (Alondite)

Ike's A-support, even though the Trueblade strength can be problematic on some of these maps, I still find them useful, and she's the best one.

Elincia (Amiti)

Best healer for endgame, comes with an infinite brave sword, and therefore not contesting swords with others.

Nolan (Urvan/Tarvos/forged Silver)

I usually go Dragonfoe+Arbalest for Part 3, and he's hilariously awesome. Also do A-support with Micaiah and they both become unhittable. Also don't like Boyd and his lousy speed base.

Zihark (Vague Katti)

Mostly for favoritism, and because I like to use all the SS weapons (except for Tomes, which I sell)

Jill (Urvan/forged Silver)

Probably don't need to explain this.

Haar (Brave Axe)

A-support with Jill, and even though his speed cap doesn't let him double auras, the brave axe makes him more than useful enough. Plus, his whole character is slick as hell.

Tanith (Wishblade/forged Silver)

I find her kind of underrated. My speed transfer helps compensate for her low growth, and her strength, mount, and Earth affinity gives her a lot of strategic utility.

Marcia (Wishblade/forged Silver)

See above. She and Tanith have a bond transfer so I usually have them A-support again. She's kind of difficult to use in this game because of availability and abysmally low str, but with transfers I make it work anyway.

Rolf (Double Bow)

Shinon is objectively better, but I find Rolf incredibly fun to train, especially with his ridiculously high strength.

Either Gatrie or Geoffrey - Brave Lance

Gatrie isn't optimal, but having a General with amazing speed growth makes him one of my favorite characters to use. Also like Geoffrey and like getting his paired ending. His caps suck, but Blossom goes well with Paragon to fix his growths.

The royals were a nice crutch in my first playthrough where I didn't build a very good team, but otherwise I avoid using them. I've used both Reyson and Rafiel. Not sure which I prefer.

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Sometimes I'll just go all nobles if I'm lazy, although I still think giving you all of those laguz nobles is one of the games weakest points, because it makes it feel like all of your work through the game was pointless.

Eh, I didn't mind it. I thought it was kinda cool, actually. Although I do have Caineghis bias since he's one of my favorite characters.

I've used both Reyson and Rafiel. Not sure which I prefer.

I like Reyson's movement. I know Rafiel can Galdr the maximum four units even untransformed, but if you give Reyson a Laguz Gem then he can move further and also Galdr four units.

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The nice thing about Rafiel is that you can take out the pesky sleep staffer, Hetzel, and the siege mages on the first turn.

I'm far from an LTC'er, but those are a pain to deal with.

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I pretty much always use the forced people + Mia, Nephenee, Jill and Haar. Elincia is also often there, but I occasionally replace her with Tanith or Marcia (save for one time where I bought all 3 for Triangle Attack shenanigans). Other favourites are the royals, Edward, Laura, Soren, Ilyana and Rafiel. Though nowadays since I've done regular playthroughs so much I switch it up a bit and do themed teams, like all magic, all laguz/branded, all girls, etc.

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Rafiel is more usable as heron in E-1, E-4 and E-5. Just make sure to kill both long range sages from E-1 in turn 1. Then he should be fine for the rest of the game.

As for the axe users go for Jill or Haar. Jill can double everyone except for the swordmasters in E-2.

Geoffrey needs lots of babying in 4-5 since he's not available after 2-E. And honestly silver knights have pretty much the worst caps in the game. Marcia or Tanith are much more useful.

Instead I'd bring a second SS sword user to bless the vague katti and the alondite.

Furthermore you could bring Ilyana to the endgame to have access to all SS weapons. However she's not really that useful except for one chapter in the endgame.

My favorite endgame team


Mia / Edward (vague katti)

Mia / Edward (alondite)

Soren (rexcalibur)

Marcia / Tanith (wishblade)

Marica / Tanith (brave lance) => triangle attack is very nice in the endgame

Elincia (amiti)



Jill / Haar (urvan)

Shinon / Rolf (double bow)

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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I pretty much always use the forced people + Mia, Nephenee, Jill and Haar. Elincia is also often there, but I occasionally replace her with Tanith or Marcia (save for one time where I bought all 3 for Triangle Attack shenanigans). Other favourites are the royals, Edward, Laura, Soren, Ilyana and Rafiel. Though nowadays since I've done regular playthroughs so much I switch it up a bit and do themed teams, like all magic, all laguz/branded, all girls, etc.

I always have the worst time trying to get Laura and Ilyana for some reason. Is there some secret to it or am I just bad?

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Laura has great a speed growth, but she can't really benefit from because of her low speed cap (15 speed at tier 1). Another problem is that it takes way too much time to give her levels. You only can prepromote her via masterseal.

And furthermore you don't need her for the endgame, because you've Micaiah.

Ilyana is way easier to train with PoR boosts. With speed boost she can double a bit in the early chapters she joins.

However she's only really worthy to train, if you want to have as many SS weapons as possible.

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Laura has great a speed growth, but she can't really benefit from because of her low speed cap (15 speed at tier 1). Another problem is that it takes way too much time to give her levels. You only can prepromote her via masterseal.

And furthermore you don't need her for the endgame, because you've Micaiah.

Ilyana is way easier to train with PoR boosts. With speed boost she can double a bit in the early chapters she joins.

However she's only really worthy to train, if you want to have as many SS weapons as possible.

Figured as much for Laura. It's a shame because I really like her design and feel like I'd like her character if she got more development.

As for Ilyana, the reason I never pick her (besides struggling to train her) is because she'd only be useful for one part of the Endgame (as someone previously stated).

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As for Ilyana, the reason I never pick her (besides struggling to train her) is because she'd only be useful for one part of the Endgame (as someone previously stated).

Given that said part of Endgame has That One Boss... That's better than it sounds IMHO. (I really don't think wasting a blessing on a weapon that'd be good for only one part of Endgame is a wise move)

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[spoiler=About the boss]Caineghis can kill him in one turn.

Yeah, well, I don't bother with any of the laguz royals - except for Naesala, and even he's a maybe.

Anyways, to answer the question:

Marcia (Wishblade/Tempest Blade)

Sigrun (Same as above)

Ilyana (Rexbolt)

Calill (Rexflame)

Mist (Alondite)

Elincia (Amiti)

Laura (Rexaura/Valaura)

Fiona (Wishblade/Spear)

Astrid (Double Bow)

(The tenth chosen one may vary)

For herons, it's either Reyson or Leanne.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Figured as much for Laura. It's a shame because I really like her design and feel like I'd like her character if she got more development.

I've never been able to get Laura past level 10. Short of abusing recover staffs for grinding sake, I don't even know how.

Rafiel is more usable as heron in E-1, E-4 and E-5. Just make sure to kill both long range sages from E-1 in turn 1. Then he should be fine for the rest of the game.

Disagree on E-5. Dude gets decimated by Ashera's aoe attacks, unlike Reyson.

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I've never been able to get Laura past level 10. Short of abusing recover staffs for grinding sake, I don't even know how.

For me, it's just if her Strength grows to the point she can damage mages, trap some poor loser and have her go to town on them.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Ϲharlie, November 7, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Ϲharlie, November 7, 2015 - No reason given


Edited by Levant Colthearts
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With Rafiel you can one turn Ashera.

Just place him on a cover space (and give him an angelic robe) and he'll be fine.

Blessing the tempest blade with its 55 accuracy is utterly garbage.

Even Elincia with an A-support with Tibarn won't have 100% hitrate against Ashera.

PS: It seems that sth. is really wrong with the site.

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Rafiel is more usable as heron in E-1, E-4 and E-5. Just make sure to kill both long range sages from E-1 in turn 1. Then he should be fine for the rest of the game.

Personally, I don't see Rafiel's marginal advantages there to make up for his other disadvantages.

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With Rafiel in E-1 you can kill both long range magic users and at least the bishop with the sleep stave in turn 1.

It's even possible to kill Hetzel in turn 1

And that's supposed to make up for being disadavantaged everywhere else HOW???

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[spoiler=About the boss]Caineghis can kill him in one turn.

That's because...

Caineghis is freaking awesome!

I've never been able to get Laura past level 10. Short of abusing recover staffs for grinding sake, I don't even know how.

Disagree on E-5. Dude gets decimated by Ashera's aoe attacks, unlike Reyson.

Same here, Laura is always a huge pain for me to train.

Same with Reyson, too. He just seems more durable.

Yeah, well, I don't bother with any of the laguz royals - except for Naesala, and even he's a maybe.

Anyways, to answer the question:

Marcia (Wishblade/Tempest Blade)

Sigrun (Same as above)

Ilyana (Rexbolt)

Calill (Rexflame)

Mist (Alondite)

Elincia (Amiti)

Laura (Rexaura/Valaura)

Fiona (Wishblade/Spear)

Astrid (Double Bow)

(The tenth chosen one may vary)

For herons, it's either Reyson or Leanne.

Fiona is another one I have a hard time training. Doesn't she require a huge amount of BEXP?

Why Leanne? I don't think I've ever seen anyone mention her for Endgame. Is it just for the character or does she have some sort of advantage?

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Fiona is another one I have a hard time training. Doesn't she require a huge amount of BEXP?

Why Leanne? I don't think I've ever seen anyone mention her for Endgame. Is it just for the character or does she have some sort of advantage?

I just give her a forged Iron Lance with MT and Hit boosts, usually.

For the character, I guess. I usually pick Reyson, though.

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