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Endgame Teams

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Ϲharlie, November 7, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Ϲharlie, November 7, 2015 - No reason given


Edited by Levant Colthearts
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I just give her a forged Iron Lance with MT and Hit boosts, usually.

For the character, I guess. I usually pick Reyson, though.

I guess I should really try forging weapons, I have actually never messed with forging.

Also, I am on mobile right now so I missed some posts before my last reply, but...how do you kill Ashera in one turn with Rafiel, exactly?

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Blessing the tempest blade with its 55 accuracy is utterly garbage.

Even Elincia with an A-support with Tibarn won't have 100% hitrate against Ashera.

The accuracy is a problem, yes. But as I see it, it's a necessary evil, given that I can't really think of much else to bless.

I guess I should really try forging weapons, I have actually never messed with forging.

Neither do I, other than for Fiona.

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I don't think I've ever blessed the Tempest Blade. Usually, I bless the following:

Ragnell (Ike)

Rexaura (Micaiah)

Peshkatz (Sothe)

Cymbeline (Sanaki)

Amiti (Elincia)

Brave Lance/Silver Lance/or whatever else I feel like (Geoffrey)

Urvan (Brom)

Wishblade (Nephenee)

Double Bow (Shinon)

Vague Katti (Mia)

Rexcalibur (Soren)

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Reyson because I find him enjoyable and the most relateable out of all the herons.





Volug > Nailah due to support

Nephenee sometimes


Either Zihark/Mia/Edward or more usually Zihark or Mia on Hard mode.


This spot is usually open and tends to go to Tibarn or someone else I want to bring along. Sometimes a non laguz royal with an S or SS strike.

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I think Levant's choice is just based on his favorite characters personalitywise.

No casual player would bring Fiona and Leanne to the endgame.


The tempest blade is only ok in E-3, because the dragons have bad evasion since they're slow as f**k.

2 range has less priority than might and accuracy, at least for me.

The reason, why I prefer blessing the vague katti instead of the alondite.

Other than forges, which need luck to surpass its Mt, the only options there are for blessing instead of Tempest Blades aren't that great imho.

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I've done like 30+ playthroughs and I think I've tried every single character for endgame. My most used chars are Ilyana, Pelleas, Boyd, Leonardo, Tanith/Sigrun and Elincia. I prefer blessing Brave Weapons rather than SS weapons because I've LTC'd RD so much that it's basically my only way of playing it, exception being the Tomes.

Also, I've tried all three herons, and I always end up using Rafiel, then Leanne. Just because it is a waste for me to spend a turn transforming, and Rafiel vigoring 4 units, and Leanne vigoring 2 is better than Reyson vigoring 1.

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I don't think I've ever blessed the Tempest Blade. Usually, I bless the following:

Ragnell (Ike)

Rexaura (Micaiah)

Peshkatz (Sothe)

Cymbeline (Sanaki)

Amiti (Elincia)

Brave Lance/Silver Lance/or whatever else I feel like (Geoffrey)

Urvan (Brom)

Wishblade (Nephenee)

Double Bow (Shinon)

Vague Katti (Mia)

Rexcalibur (Soren)

The team and weapons are fine.

Rexflame would be better for Sanaki, though: +1 might, higher accuracy and +3 speed.

She will have lots of speed penalty because of her very low strength. But Ena next to her will give her +5 strength.

With dragon boosts she's able to double the auras in E-5.

Im assuming you didn't get the baselard.

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The team and weapons are fine.

Rexflame would be better for Sanaki, though: +1 might, higher accuracy and +3 speed.

She will have lots of speed penalty because of her very low strength. But Ena next to her will give her +5 strength.

With dragon boosts she's able to double the auras in E-5.

Im assuming you didn't get the baselard.

I hadn't thought of that before, since Sanaki and Ena are generally benched by the time E-5 comes. I'll give it a whirl next time.

I always get Baselard, it just usually isn't what I have Sothe equipped with when it comes time to bless weapons. Not because I'm careless though, I always check my units to make sure I have the weapons I want. With Sothe, I just kinda shrug it off and go "meh" since he's always more of a hindrance than a help and gets benched.

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Sanaki is the most powerful anima magic user in this game.

You don't need Ena for attacking. She's only here to give your allies boosts.

It's more recommened to bench Kurthnaga, because +5 defense isn't as useful as +5 strength and speed.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Sanaki is the most powerful anima magic user in this game.

You don't need Ena for attacking. She's only here to give your allies boosts.

It's more recommened to bench Kurthnaga, because +5 defense isn't as useful as +5 strength and speed.

As I said in my original post, Sanaki and Ena both always end up struggling in the final battle, so I bench them. I don't want to have to worry about babying either of them.

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It's ok.

You'll be able to beat this game without them.

Uh...I know. I've beaten this game several times before. You do know that this is not a "look at my Endgame team and help me win" thread, right? This was just a "hey everyone, let's post what our usual Endgame teams are and discuss them" thread.

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