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What's your favorite Rush song?


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Don't know how many people here listen to them, but I'm in a Rush mood so here you go. Mine is a tie between, Passage to Bangkok, Spirit of Radio, 2112, La Villa Strangiato, and YYZ (because I'm a drummer and dat solo doh).

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I don't know. I'd probably say that the entirety of Clockwork Angels (the album) might be my favorite, but Xanadu, The Camera Eye, and By-Tor and Snow Dog are pretty cool. And their instrumentals have always been top notch. But yeah, I really like Clockwork Angels.

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Cygnus X1 Book II, (Hemispheres), Subdivisions and Chemistry.

I'd like to add that these guys are my favorite band.

Ohh, and the drum solo in section 2 (didacts and narpets) of Fountain of Lamneth is amazing!

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It's Fly By Night for me. I'll give Lakeside Park a shoutout too since it doesn't seem to get much love.

I've actually heard people say Lakeside Park is the worst Rush song. I wouldn't agree with that, but still interesting to note how divisive the Rush fanbase can be. Like Carress of Steel. Some people say it was a bad album, other's say it was great.

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I've actually heard people say Lakeside Park is the worst Rush song. I wouldn't agree with that, but still interesting to note how divisive the Rush fanbase can be. Like Carress of Steel. Some people say it was a bad album, other's say it was great.

Lakeside Park is okay. Now, off the same album, Fountain of Lamneth, is great. It has hints of the greatness that will inform Rush's later long-form prog suites, like the famed 2112, and my favorite, Hemispheres.

It tells an entire life's story in 20 minutes, with a killer drum riff to represent the tempest of teenage years. Seriously, go look up Didacts and Narpets if you haven't already heard it!

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Lakeside Park is okay. Now, off the same album, Fountain of Lamneth, is great. It has hints of the greatness that will inform Rush's later long-form prog suites, like the famed 2112, and my favorite, Hemispheres.

It tells an entire life's story in 20 minutes, with a killer drum riff to represent the tempest of teenage years. Seriously, go look up Didacts and Narpets if you haven't already heard it!

I do like Fountain of Lamneth a lot. Without a doubt one of, if not my absolute favorite pre-2112 RUSH song.
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