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Mafialands [OC] - Game Over, Congrats ClarinetsandOboes


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Votals in the Caustic Caverns.

Baldo Scroll (2): Assassin, Clarinets

Paperblade (2): Diego, Refa

Not Voting: Paperblade, Baldo Scroll

Phase end has been extended thirty minutes due to the request of a player. You have approximately 2 hours and 35 minutes.

"How hilarious

You just set off my trap card

I move in for the kill" Zer0

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The Sextican Stand-off only ends when a giant comet rains downs from the sky, crushing both Paperblade and Baldo Scroll. Ironically, most of the guns were trained on them so the result pleased everyone.

Dear Paperblade, you are Captain Flynt.

You are the fiery man, the legend, the dragon! You are Captain Fucking Flynt! Burn, baby, burn!

Once per night, you may send a PM to Life titled "Burn, <USER>, Burn!". <USER> will immediately be surrounded by a wall of flames and anybody who attempts to kill <USER> will be stopped.

You may also send Life a PM titled "Have fun with <USER>". You will stick a red hot poker in <USER>'s eye, killing him. This counts as your faction kill.


You are allied with the Bandits. You win if all other threats are eliminated.

Dear Baldo Scroll, you are Mortar.

You are the leader of the Sawtooth Bandits. And the Boombringer is one sweet ride.

Once per night, you may send a PM to Life titled "<USER>, come ride on Boombringer with me". <USER> will join you for a ride on Boombringer and as a result, will not be able to carry out any non-lethal action that night.

You may also send Life a PM titled "<USER>, say hello to Boombringer". You will land Boombringer on <USER>, crushing him to death. This counts as your faction kill.


You are allied with the Bandits. You win if all other threats are eliminated.

With only 4 left, you all stare at each other and then run off into the night for one last night's sleep.

It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end 20/11 at 8 PM GMT+2. Remember to send in kills.

I specifically mentioned in the rules not to ask for extensions. Rules aren't made for show. If you know that you can't make deadline, then do your shit before it.

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Lmao that broken bb code :P:

##Vote: Baldo Scroll

Under rule 6, Diego was still voting for me because he did not edit his post voting me. If you overrule his allowing an extension because it contradicts the rules, why do you not also overrule his interpretation of the votals. Paper should not have been lynched, as he had one vote on him according to the rules, and I had three votes on me according to the rules.

The players are not the only people who need to get their shit together. You need to either mod the game personally, or inform Gaius how you want the rules to be interpreted. Ten minutes prior warning is not enough; I was in transit from work to home. You can not reasonably expect me to be glued to a computer/phone just in case the WORD OF AN OFFICIAL MOD is broken for arbitary reasoning.

Edited by Baldo Scroll
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Under rule 6, Diego was still voting for me because he did not edit his post voting me. If you overrule his allowing an extension because it contradicts the rules, why do you not also overrule his interpretation of the votals. Paper should not have been lynched, as he had one vote on him according to the rules, and I had three votes on me according to the rules.

The players are not the only people who need to get their shit together. You need to either mod the game personally, or inform Gaius how you want the rules to be interpreted. Ten minutes prior warning is not enough; I was in transit from work to home. You can not reasonably expect me to be glued to a computer/phone just in case the WORD OF AN OFFICIAL MOD is broken for arbitary reasoning.

It works like this.

There should have been no extension. I specifically stated that no extensions would be given unless I could not make the update. That was in the rules.

Secondly, you also did not edit your own post which I considered. You just kept reposting different votes and could have left a vote on yourself. You decided not to. That is your own fault. At lynch, votes were tied and you had chosen not to vote.

Honestly, you messed up. You don't have anyone to blame but yourself.

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It works like this.

There should have been no extension. I specifically stated that no extensions would be given unless I could not make the update. That was in the rules.

Secondly, you also did not edit your own post which I considered. You just kept reposting different votes and could have left a vote on yourself. You decided not to. That is your own fault. At lynch, votes were tied and you had chosen not to vote.

Honestly, you messed up. You don't have anyone to blame but yourself.

The rules state there are no extensions, and you have to vote in "X" manner.

Gaius stated there was an extension, and you can vote in "Y" manner.

You cannot declare in one case Gaius cannot override the rules (regarding extensions), and in another case he can override the rules (regarding voting).

Admittedly, if I had put down a vote there wouldn't be a situation. But you took Gaius' word on the votals instead of counting them yourself. You have to accept responsibility for your mistake.

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Let me explain the voting issue.

Sorry. ##Vote: Baldo Scroll

##Vote: Baldo Scroll

Lmao that broken bb code :P:

##Vote: Baldo Scroll

well, it looks like my hand's going to be forced.

##vote: AssassinMercenary

If you want to live, or Diego wants his buddy to live, feel free to switch your vote.

The best ways, don't always lead to the best results.

##Vote: Paperblade

These are the first votes made by everyone who votes, as they appear right now. There are three votes for me, one vote for Assassin, one vote for Paperblade. According to the rules, the only way to change your vote is to edit it. Therefore, only I should have been lynched.

If Gaius cannot challenge the rules about extensions, he cannot challenge the rules about voting.

Furthermore, the voting rule is less ambiguous.

The extension rule states "There will be extensions at my discretion" which implies extensions may be granted.

The rules explicitly state that "To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote."

Diego did not edit his post so he was voting Paperblade instead of me, so why do you recognise his vote change to Paperblade?

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Baldrick, stop. Like Mitsuki said, complain later.

Edit: And for the record, I only ask for people to edit their first vote that I don't get confused. Nobody abided by it so I wasn't going to penalize everyone. End of story.

Edited by Jim Moriarty
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Not posting is one of the reasons I'm in this position. I won't be surprised is this game ends after the night phase, anyway.

If you want me to stop, Life, admit that you fucked up and screwed my faction over.

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Except that I didn't. And it's completely moot for reasons I'll mention soon.

With the current actions that I have, it's Game Over (not saying who won). So if anyone wants to change their action, you have until I get home (about half an hour).

Edit: You know what? Phase continues as planned until tomorrow. But make sure that you're all sure.

Edited by Jim Moriarty
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At this point, giving an extension is just to spite me, right?

Or at least, not suddenly cutting the phase short like you did on Day 2.

Edited by Baldo Scroll
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At this point, giving an extension is just to spite me, right?

Or at least, not suddenly cutting the phase short like you did on Day 2.

This isn't an extension, it's simply reverting back to the original deadline and there were no posts between my own flip flop.

I know because I checked. Now shut up already, you were lucky to even make it to Day 2 in the first place.

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Since nobody is talking or going to change their actions, looks like I'm ending this game now.

The next morning, you wake up with a note telling you to go to Hero's Pass. On your way there, you pass by Great Lord Diego who was crushed to death in the middle of a giant claw print.

Dear Polydueces Great Lord Diego, you are Handsome Jack.

What can we say? You're handsome, your name is Jack and you have a horse made of diamonds named Butt Stallion. Life is grand.

Being the boss of Hyperion, you can essentially do anything you want. Once during the game, you may post in the thread "Handsome Jack here! Screw you, bandits!". Afterwards, the daily lynch will be immediately cancelled and night will commence. You may only do this once so choose wisely.

You may also send Life a PM titled "<USER>, enjoy the train ride". You will put <USER> on a train and blow it up. This counts as your faction kill.


You are allied with the Hyperion Corperation. You win if all other threats are eliminated.

Soon after, the body of TheAssassinMercenary is found lying on the ground. Looks like he was sniped through the head.

Dear TheAssasinMercernary, you are BNK3R.

You are a floating tank that is designed to defend the Angel Control Core. You're also badass because you make even Batfleck shit his pants.

Once per night, you may send a PM to Life titled "<USER> is under my protection". <USER> will then be guarded from all non-lethal attacks during the night.

You may also send Life a PM titled "Flyby <USER>". You will perform a flyby on <USER>, killing him with your heavy guns. This counts as your faction kill.


You are allied with the Hyperion Corperation. You win if all other threats are eliminated.

At the top, you spot ClarinetsandOboes and Refa dueling it out. Refa takes potshots at Clarinets' head but he brushes it off and then effortlessly swallows Refa whole.

Dear Refa, you are Mordecai.

A great sniper and an even better drunk. You may be the first Mexican in the world who likes spending time with grass.

Once per night, you may send a PM to Life titled "Get <USER>, Bloodwing". Bloodwing will chase after <USER> for the next day, keeping <USER> so busy that he will not be able to even talk.

You may also send Life a PM titled "Adios <USER>". You will snipe <USER> from a mile away, killing him. This counts as your faction kill.


You are allied with the Crimson Raiders. You win if all other threats are eliminated.

And with that, ClarinetsandOboes sinks back into the lava, happy and victorious. You run out of Hero's Pass and are never seen again.

Dear ClarinetsandOboes, you are the Warrior.

You are the greatest weapon to ever exist. You shit rainbows and use Rockets as breath mints. What else could you want?

Once per night, you may send a PM to Life titled "Crush puny <USER>". You will crush <USER> beneath your giant claws. You can choose to idle instead if so desired.

Because you are the Warrior, you are so powerful that you laugh in the face of people wanting to lynch you. Therefore, you cannot be lynched during the first day phase of the game.

You are Eridian. You win if you are the last man standing.

Congratulations to ClarinetsandOboes for winning Mafialands as the Wolf.

Postgame coming soon.

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So I'm really not sorry about it and you can continue to bitch for as long as you want.

Thanks for the permission.

You admit Gaius shouldn't have granted the extension. If you employ a co-mod, isn't it your responsibility to ensure they're familiar with the rules of the game, and which rules are absolutely non-negotiable. If you did tell Gaius not to grant an extension under any circumstances, you'd have a point. But you set Gaius up to make a mistake. You played cute and fucked up because of it.

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Congrats to Clarinets.

Apparently I was lucky to survive to Day 2. I'd say he was also lucky to survive to Night 1.

That you survived Night 1, not to Night 1. I'll explain in postgame.

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Congrats to clarinets. Man everything I thought about the setup was wrong and then I died just as I kind of figured it out. gg

Gaius shouldn't have granted the extension maybe and that miscommunication is a mistake on the mods' parts, but complaining about the vote thing doesn't really serve much of a purpose. Some rules are clearly more important than others and it's not difficult to tell the difference?

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GJ clarinets.

Btw bandits, I have something to tell you


Dear The3rdCorinthian, you are Lilith.

Cool tattoos? Check. Awesome powers? Check. Amazing rack? Check.

Your talents as a mole has not gone unnoticed. As a result, if you are either investigated or killed, your role PM will read as follows.


Dear The3rdCorinthian, you are Incinerator Clayton.

What's better than immolation? Self-immolation! Glory to the Firehawk!

Being the leader of a great cult (that nobody is dumb enough to fuck with), your vote is worth double.

You may also send Life a PM titled "Sacrifice yourself, <USER>". You will force <USER> to sacrifice himself to the Firehawk, killing him. This counts as your faction kill.

You know that Baldo Scroll is Mortar.

You are allied with the Bandits. You win if all other threats are eliminated.

You may also send Life a PM titled "<USER>, meet the Firehawk". You will instantly turn <USER> into a pile of ash and a burnt shadow, killing him. This counts as your faction kill. Be advised that if your moled faction has asked you to kill, this kill flavor will show instead of the mole's. You may not inform your own team about this.

In addition, you may not inform either your own faction or the faction that you are moling that you are in fact a mole. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in an automatic godkill.

You know that Mitsuki is Brick.

You are allied with the Crimson Raiders. You win if all other threats are eliminated.

I was gonna play both sides like a goddamn fiddle, and it would have worked if everyone in my team but Refa made it past night one!

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