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What Stops Other Units Using PRF Weapons?


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It's a weapon, not a part of his body. He can just give it and get it back like one turn later (I dunno how time works in FE).

EDIT Fair enough on your second point though.

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I agree with the general ideas that have already been mentioned. Some weapons are inherently magical/blessed to where they can pick their wielder or only work for certain people. Other weapons simply belong to the person, have personal significance, or fits with their fighting style. It's not the best explanations, especially with the non-magic weapons, but those are the best non-meta reasons.

Obviously, a big part of it is giving your main characters special weapons (that are usually the best weapons as well). So story and gameplay balance have an impact as well.

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It's more that Ike would just immediately rescue Mist (or have someone else do it) if she were at risk of dying, so he doesn't need to pass it over to anyone.

@OP tbh it never bothered me that the character in question might just say "this weapon is mine", so yeah, that's likely to be a reason for it imo.

Can't rescue her if she's on a horse (I think).

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I was talking about killing an enemy so she doesn't get injured, not rescuing as a mechanic.

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I don't think Greil ever touched the thing aside from briefly throwing it away before his death. The Black Knight got Ragnell from Sephiran as far as I can recall.

lmao whoops

right, they probably just made it Ike exclusive because having his own exclusive legendary sword made him twice as heroic or something along those lines. or, as I said, gameplay balance. it doesn't really make sense from a story standpoint but it doesn't bother me that much

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this doesn't apply to all cases since I know sometimes they say "only X can use this" or whatever

but a big reason in some cases is because your units aren't huge dicks

for example Hector starts on his quest with the Wolf Beil

let's say Hector picks up a silver axe and decides to temporarily give the Wolf Beil to Merlinus

any unit can access the storage in FE7

so wouldn't it be kind of rude if someone just took the Wolf Beil and started using it

like they can carry it around but the only reason you'd want to take it, with the mechanics established is to give it to him

and again, with the mechanics in place, we can only assume that a unit would be holding a weapon they can't use because they don't actually plan on using it

so that's one reason that I guess makes sense

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Why can only Ike use Ragnell?

Thing is, in Awakening, anyone with a high enough sword rank can use Ragnell... and the same goes for all of the other "legendary" weapons.

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I don't think Greil ever touched the thing aside from briefly throwing it away before his death. The Black Knight got Ragnell from Sephiran as far as I can recall.

Maybe it was an off-screen thing in prior events? I mean, he did once wield a sword, after all

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I've always interpreted it as gameplay incentive to use certain characters (mainly Lords). Why should a player bother using the scrawny lord character when they often come with christmas cavaliers, Jeigans, and more specialized foot units? Giving them a cool personal that can mow down both horse and armor units is one way to do it. Meanwhile Sigurd, perhaps the only lord who isn't statistically suspect at the start, is one of the few who doesn't get a starter personal lol

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They will explain in universe from time to time. To give an example, only Lyndis was deemed worthy enough to wield the Mani Katti, explaining why others can't use it. Similarly, I'd expect the same to apply to the Sol Katti given that it's the sister blade of the Mani Katti, and also itself a one of a kind holy relic.(Until, not only is there more than one of them, but they can be found on the ground in Awakening. Still don't get that)

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As others have said before I think the other units just don't use the other weapons out of respect for its original owner who uses it as their signature weapon. Can't defend the rapiers though, hah.

Also a bit of a stretch, maybe the reason why only Walhart can use Wolf Berg is because the axe is an absolute behemoth and only he can lift it lol.

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I always interpreted that Rapiers were used for fencing-like fighting styles, and that other sword users are just accostumed to other styles, while most Lords have never been in a real fight and have experience mostly with duels that weren't to the death.

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Usually magic or because the weapon requires special training.

At least that's what I tell myself.

I always interpreted that Rapiers were used for fencing-like fighting styles, and that other sword users are just accostumed to other styles, while most Lords have never been in a real fight and have experience mostly with duels that weren't to the death.

Not according to Chrom.

Seriously why can Chrom use rapiers it looks so bad.

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Feena can use Rapiers in FE3. She likely has no experience with fighting, especially judging by her stats.

Apologies, haven't played FE3 yet (Althrough i hear it's somehow both really good and really awful at the same time from the people who played it), Feena is the dancer, right?

Not according to Chrom.

Seriously why can Chrom use rapiers it looks so bad.

Because with Awakening, IS decided to be lazy, while most older games had the Lord either have an alternate attack animation for Rapiers or simply make the thrusting animations the default ones, they decided to do neither, which means that now every time Chrom uses his Rapier the player loses a little more immersion.

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Yeah, she's the dancer. The given reason that she can use rapiers is that she's (secretly) descended from a noble house.

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Yeah, she's the dancer. The given reason that she can use rapiers is that she's (secretly) descended from a noble house.

Which completely throws the whole trained to use rapiers idea out the window at least for that subseries.

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