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WYR Revengeance: Would you rather drive a tank or fly a jet?


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Honestly I really hate this question

If you were asking me to sacrifice somebody I really cared I would be really really against it because I love them and I don't want to end their life and I would hate to live without them. and as dramatic and negative as this is, if I had to sacrifice Integrity I'd very well consider killing myself straight away too

But letting everyone else in the world die is a really really huge burden to carry and the world would be so lonely and desolate. And not only that but that means I lose most of my loved ones too because I'm only saving one person here...

If I were faced with this situation you can be sure as hell that I'm going to be trying to find some alternatives. But if I were forced to just one... tbh, I'd probably sacrifice the one person...


I just hope I never have to make this decision~

(well I mean I'm fairly confident that I'd never have to save one person over the entire world, but more realistic is if I had to save one person over a huge group of people)

Edited by Tamamitsune
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I would sacrifice the one person for a few reasons:

-As much as I would love to spend time with *insert person*, I couldn't live with myself if I chose to end a mass amount since the lives of the many outweigh the lives of the few. This question goes in the "humanity vs morality" section of questions which is why I hate it & at the same time love it since it really forces you to ponder about your options.

-If I were to save the one person, he/she would probably not want to be around myself, who decided to end countless lives to save their life. Typically I would hope that special someone would understand my decision and respect it, but life is so great you never want to throw it away (IMO)

-Guilt, really wouldn't be able to suppress the guilt I have in myself while enjoying all the opulent luxuries that the empty world has to offer

I wonder if we should make a "humanity vs morality" thread...

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if I were to save just this one person, does that mean I die with the rest of the world?? =O

man no way would I want the person I love to be alone in a world with no other person living, I'd probably be doing them a favour sacrificing them instead of everyone else

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Can you honestly say you would sacrifice a loved one... Say the ONE... For a bunch of people you don't know, May never meet, and possibly don't even like?

I mean...that's the Jesus-y thing to do. I mean...that kind of makes me Pilot, but...you know what? Bad example.

Sacrifice the one. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and all that. I mean...the world isn't three people. It's seven billion people. And, to me, I just...not saying it wouldn't be hard to do, but it is the clear, right choice. You can't kill six billion nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine people for the sake of one person, regardless of who that person is. I mean...it's a responsibility to make that choice, really. I mean, that's how I see, you might say who am I to determine the fate of one person, but who am I to determine the fate of seven billion even more so? It's like...I can't imagine a scenario where this is the rational choice. Provided, I'm looking at this from a perspective of emotional detachment, but you can't let your emotions kill everyone on the planet.

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That's also very true, you know...but for the sake of argument I wanted to separate that out. Like...if you only have two people on Earth, or in anything, really, it will eventually grow incredibly boring and lonesome, and how you live will eventually regress to the stone age because now no one is around to maintain things like power stations. I wouldn't recommend repopulating the Earth either, because...squick, man, squick. So, the human race probably dies, even if you do manage to survive living the way of a neanderthals in a practically terraformed Earth.

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there's more than one important person to me in the world so saving one would also be killing the other ones who were important to me...

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man people getting "wow good point" and "great logic" and "ya very true" and they're all points I already made and I got no recognition for them ;~;

notice me pls

Your first post was kinda long. Anyway, you're my senpai so I can't suffice to notice you.

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only two persons is obviously not enough to repopulate...

Incest much.

Artificial insemination perhaps? If one wanted to go that route... There are options other than just incest in our modern world, gotta say. :\

(Well as long as they were somehow able to keep the samples viable/frozen)

Also guess persons might be outta luck for repopulation if their significant other is same-sex?

...Anyways, So new question?

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(Well as long as they were somehow able to keep the samples viable/frozen)

Ooh, very true! Yeah, there might be enough residual power to...kind of do that, I suppose. It would still take a lot of time though. I don't know much about incubating fetuses though, so...who am I to talk?

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I do my best to save both, to be honest. There's always a third option. Or if worse comes to worse, I'd sacrifice the person.

Would you rather be a Pokemon Trainer or a Digimon Tamer?

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, I'm late.

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