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Your pet peeves


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I have a bunch, but the two that pisses me off are

- when Latino people say there Latin, it's so politically incorrect (I'm a huge Roman Empire fan so yea ROME FTW )

- when Latino people walk up to you and ask you something in Spanish. In South Florida it's very common and it pisses the shit out of me, how do you know that I speak Spanish I mean I do, but still

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Stupid drama, such as "I don't like how you're wanting to like what I like" and "this game sucks, because I'm not good at it". This is usually triggered by my brother.

Other things include:

over the top cussing

being bugged late at night when I'm trying to sleep

being bombarded with redundant questions

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I can guess at one of Fox's pet peeves...

anywho, mine are:

people who think less of me because I've never drinken alcohol (I'm dead serious)

the medical business because it's so damn confusing to get an appointment to fix my jaw

dumbass drivers

people who assume things and think it's true

I'm sure there's more, but I just can't think of them atm

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Well here's some I can't remember all of them

Annoying voices: Seriously there's one kid I know who has the most annoying voice, it makes me what to kill him

WON'T SHUT UP: Same deal as annoying voice but he won't be quiet.

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Mistaking You're for Your and vice versa, but I stopped caring. It used to be big on my list.

Basically distorting the English language to a huge extent. I make mistakes too, but when someone puts no effort, which is big among speaking with people to online at my school.. It makes me cringe. So I hate giving my Aim away.

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Koreans getting pissed and calling you names in Korean. It happens alot in my school....

People thinking that they are really, really fast when outside of their little dream world, they only run a 10 minute mile.

People thinking that they will run fast if they do weird things that slow them down. ie: hands behind back, etc.

Special-ED teachers that talk to normal kids like they are special-ED too.

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I have too many...To name a few...

-People mispronouncing words

-Calling me by a different name. (some call me Kenny or Kelly...)

-Idiots, stupid people.

-When people yell

-When people generalize me..

-Second hand smoke


-People making a big deal out of nothing

-People who think they're the coolest thing..

-A ringing phone.

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People who pretend to be something and they're truly something else

Depressing emo whiny ppl

Ppl who think you have to "talk" or "act" black if you are black

Ppl who walk arround with their pants falling down

Ppl who say "are you listening to japanese porn?" whenever I listen to music.(seriously, I hope those fucktards get hit by a bus)

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I have too many...To name a few...

-People mispronouncing words

-Calling me by a different name. (some call me Kenny or Kelly...)

-Idiots, stupid people.

-When people yell

-When people generalize me..

-Second hand smoke


-People making a big deal out of nothing

-People who think they're the coolest thing..

-A ringing phone.

Wouldn't calling people "morons," and "idiots," be generalizing them though?

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Mistaking You're for Your and vice versa, but I stopped caring. It used to be big on my list.

Basically distorting the English language to a huge extent. I make mistakes too, but when someone puts no effort, which is big among speaking with people to online at my school.. It makes me cringe. So I hate giving my Aim away.

lol I must get annoying

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Wouldn't calling people "morons," and "idiots," be generalizing them though?

I probably should have put people who act like in front of those...

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Too much cussing

People who Use the word Gay the wrong way


Idiots/Smart alecks. (I know I spelled that wrong)

US rap music

People who talk bad about things I like

That's all I can think of for now....=/

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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Let me think of more

1. Annoying voice

2.Won't shut up

3. People who think Nintendo is gay

4. People who are emo and complain (if your emo and don't I'm fine with you)

5. Most US rap

6. People who wonder why I don't listen to "THE GOOD OLD U S OF A" music when I listen to japanese

7. People who think reading is gay

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Too much cussing

People who Use the word Gay the wrong way


Idiots/Smart alecks. (I know I spelled that wrong)

US rap music

People who talk bad about things I like

That's all I can think of for now....=/

*reads list*


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Despite the fact I'm an uncaring asshole, I know for being the last one to make a blunt guess that could possibly be insulting.


8. Anyone who acts out during class and repetively does, it. Seriously you sound and act like suck a fuckin retard

origionally going to say cockbite there

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I can guess at one of Fox's pet peeves...

anywho, mine are:

people who think less of me because I've never drinken alcohol (I'm dead serious)

the medical business because it's so damn confusing to get an appointment to fix my jaw

dumbass drivers

people who assume things and think it's true

I'm sure there's more, but I just can't think of them atm

I know MaSu always agrees with you but this is all 100% me!! People at school look at me weird because I've never smoked or drank before...

Mine: Bros IRL. When people treat me like I'm dumb. When my mom yells at me for NO F*CK*** REASON AT ALL. And of course...homework

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-"Trolls' who think they can troll

So you like people who really can?

I don't know why people seem to dislike trolls. I mean honestly, should you really be getting mad about what some guy has said on the internet?

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