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Fire Emblem 11 SOYO Draft, Or CABBAGE Units for CABBAGE People

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So basically I got 4 Cavs, 2 healers, a Tiki (which means Bantu in a chapter that already is a bit of a crawl, no problem), a Gordin, a Jeorge and Sedgar. Oh and Bord and Dolph. I think I'm saving at least 5 turns on you guys in the first chapter alone (played ahead as a test once I was given Abel, and same before, saved 5+ turns with Abel vs just Marth/Gordin/Jagen).

So recruiting Jeorge and Bantu shouldn't be TOO bad. I guess Sedgar is gonna be a sorcerer just so I can get the good Falchion.

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I've already finished Chapter 1, and am trying to figure out how to do Chapter 2 without killing everyone that's drafted.

EDIT: Did I say Chapter 1? I meant to say Chapter 3. And all the drafted units survived! Now, how to kill off the non-drafted units without explicitly meatshielding. . .this WILL be interesting!

Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 1: Marth Embarks 22 turns

Marth gets 10000 gold from Village

Jagen kills Thief

Caeda sells Wing Spear and buys 2 Javelins

Everyone else stores weapons in convoy

Jagen dodges pirates like a troll.

Jagen crits Gazzak with Silver Lance.

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ch1 13 turns+ turn penalty for wrys healing once

painful. absolutely panful. jagen and draug got a lvl up and marth got 2 lvl ups had to heal with wrys if i wanted to live i figured ill take the penalty cause this chapter was annoying. at least i can look forward to ogma now

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I'm going to go with the assumption that gaidens are the usual "up to 20 turns taken".

I had to get creative with how I got rid of my extra guys, but it worked out in the end. Chapter 4 is the best meat grinder, and if you're willing to take a couple of risks, Chapter 6 works too.

EDIT: Currently on Chapter 11. Abel just died to a 1% crit. Now I get to redo the whole thing~! I'd have to redo it anyway, because of a positioning error.

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I'm at chapter 11, sitting at 98 turns atm. I'll have summaries up on Thursday but the basic strategy has been rush with horses, Gordin does whatever he can to pretend to be useful, like spending gold. And Bord is a boss killer with Hammers/Silver Axes.

Ch1 10

Ch2 12

Ch3 10

Ch4 9

Ch5 8

Ch6 10

Ch6x 18 free

Ch7 14 (thanks Bantu)

Ch8 6

Ch9 9

Ch10 10

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Alright, since we're in about the same place, here's what I got. . .

Ch. 1 - 7 (no I'm not going to rig it for one turn less, that's lame)

Ch. 2 - 7

Ch. 3 - 6

Ch. 4 - 7 (extra turn to give the fighters and hunters a little more time to kill things)

Ch. 5 - 6 (might've been 5)

Ch. 6 - 9

Ch. 6x - 18 (free)

Ch. 7 - 10 (I think? It's whatever the minimum turn count + Bantu is)

Ch. 8 - 6

Ch. 9 - 9

Ch. 10 - 8 (or whatever the minimum turn count for this chapter is)

And so I don't forget. . .

Ch. 11 - 9 (THIS one was hard, because Abel kept getting crit to death. . .at 1%. . .seriously, game?)

So through 11 chapters, that's 84 turns total.

EDIT: Basic strategy is "get Bord and Lena to the boss if it's an armor, or Jagen and Cain if it's squishier". Jeorge is really, REALLY good. Gordin, not so much. Matthis is surprise MVP for being just bulky enough to take hits.

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I haven't been rigging boss hits past the first few chapters. . .or stats. . .or much of anything else, except for "dammit Abel that's less than a 5% crit chance stop dying to it".

I've been drafting this game for a couple of years, so I'm sort-of familiar with some of the dumber things that can be done, like blocking off the forts in Chapter 7 so that I can walk people to the boss.

EDIT: Oh, right, and the Devil Axe, a total of three times.

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Having 6 horses by the end of chapter 5 is just silly. It's like "Hi guys meet doom before Gordin can get near you"

Edit: Also my Marth full moved every turn to get Bantu and to the throne except 1 turn where I had him block a draco from killing Wrys

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Then again, is Gordin capable of killing anything? Usually, Sedgar runs it over first. The Longbow will help, but then Jeorge wants that as well (and IMO does a better job with it, growths be damned).

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Here's the game flow:

- Chapter 1 and 2 will take a while

- Chapter 3 won't take as long, because the game will give you two save points to work with

- Chapter 4 is dependent on knowing your team's limits, and not accidentally getting the bow guys (all of them) mad

- Chapter 5 is a short breather

- Chapter 6 will take a while

- Chapter 6x (if applicable) can usually be done in one take

- Chapters 7 and 8 are pretty straightforward, and I can do them pretty quickly

- Chapter 9 depends on how quickly you can get a mage/other competent bosskiller to the boss, but it's usually short

- Chapter 10 will either be very short or very long (I'm sorry to whoever has Maria and Minerva)

- Chapter 11 is positioning-dependent and a bit of a RNG-fest, and to whoever has Jake, keep another female unit (either Lena or a generic) alive. . .unless you want to reset a bajillion times to make sure that Jake doesn't shoot Caeda out of the sky

- Chapter 12 takes a while until you figure out how to deal with the enemy movements

- Chapter 12x may take a reset or two, especially if you kill Horace

- Chapter 13 requires both save points and is a RNG-rigging pain in the ass, no matter how you cut it (this is one of the few chapters where I don't care if others rig hits/misses, because the enemies outrange you, and waiting around 100+ turns for them to empty their stash is unrealistic)

- Chapters 14 and 15 are fairly straightforward, unless you're going for the treasure in both of them

- Chapter 16 is a gigantic pain in the ass that requires a lot of prep for the absolute minimum turn count (whoever has Arran/Samson will have an easier time)

- Chapters 17, 17x, and 18 are fairly quick

- Chapter 19 may take a bit longer, if you decide to stop for treasure (choose 3-4, max). However, if you guys are on PAL version, there's a bug on the throne, which is why the standard ruleset says that the minimum turn count for this chapter is 5, not 4.

- Chapter 20 is a lot of prep for very little chapter

- Chapters 20x, 21, and 22 are VERY fast

- Chapter 23 doesn't require Gharnef to die (and it's probably for the best if he doesn't)

- Chapter 24 is a lot of prep for very little chapter

- Chapter 24x is boring

- Endgame requires a whole lot of planning, but wraps up pretty swiftly

So you got past the first hump of the game. The next one will be Chapter 6. Don't worry about taking your time. . .I've been drafting this game for a while, so I'm going off of memory at this point!

Currently using one of my resets on 12x - stupid me thought Hardin could dodge axes! :P:

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Chapter 3: A Brush in the Teeth 9 turns

Lena handed over Warp to Julian

Marth visits village to get Devil Axe.

Everybody sans Caeda dies.

Navarre was not recruited but was still alive (why was that killing edge not droppable?)

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