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Good fathers for Brady (Avatar not included) Poll #3

Good fathers for Brady (Avatar not included)  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. Good fathers for Brady

    • Chrom
    • Frederick
    • Virion
    • Stahl
    • Vaike
    • Kellam
    • Lon'qu
    • Ricken
    • Gaius
    • Gregor
    • Libra
    • Henry
    • Donnel

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Nearly everyone can agree that Maribelle's classes she gives him are pretty good, so he only needs mods. I agree with that statement, but I'm that type of player who sees a character can be better offensively than they already are, i'll most likely make them better than they already are.

My personal choice for his father is a tie between Henry and Lon'qu. Henry gives the Hexathema combo, the Dark Mage class line to use effectively with Tomefaire, the Wrath + Vengence combo if you're a risk taker, and Axefaire to make him a decent War Monk. His mods are decent, though his speed could be a little higher. Lon'qu gives Brady Vantage and Astra from the Myrmidon class line, Swordfaire to use swords better, Movement +1, Lethality, Lucky Seven, and Acrobat from the Thief class line, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker, Deliverer, and Lancebreaker from the Wyvern Rider class line. His mods are pretty good with skill and speed being the highest, though he did inherit his father's frailty due to a -4 defense mod. Honorable Mentions: Gaius!Brady, Gregor!Brady, Libra!Brady, and Virion!Brady.

Note: I have not played Apo as of this moment, include Apo if you want to, but until I play Apo while doing this series (which is unlikely in my book) I will not include Apo in any of my explanations.

Edit: Changed the title from "Best" to "Good" so that it could actually say what I meant for this series of topics and edited the poll to multi-choice.

Edited by I love fire emblem
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I guess "objectively" it's Lon'qu or Virion because of the mods logic. But I am partial to Henry because he gets Axefaire and less negative strength to run War Monk, while also getting good mods in magic so he can always switch to Sage when you need to be more optimal (ie. Apo). Whereas Gregor and Vaike give him good str with the price of hurting his mag.

Also white hair looks badass on those black robes.

Edited by Radiant head
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To be perfectly honest, I only voted for Virion!Brady mainly because my father options for Henry and Libra are already taken by both Cynthia and Owain (respectively). But if it was up to me, I would have either Henry if I hadn't gone for Olivia!Lucina/Chrom!Inigo...

Edited by Formerly Colm
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Kinda wish it was "good" instead of "best" so we could vote for multiple options, but my money's on Lon'qu. Brady is the only galeboy (aside from Morgan) who can have both a proc and some semblance of speed, so you might as well go all out.

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Kinda wish it was "good" instead of "best" so we could vote for multiple options, but my money's on Lon'qu. Brady is the only galeboy (aside from Morgan) who can have both a proc and some semblance of speed, so you might as well go all out.

Yeah just realized what the title actually meant in comparison to what I actually mean, changing that immediately.

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Everyone else please revote since you can select more than one option now. I'll vote for Chrom, Virion, Lon'qu, Ricken, Gregor, Libra and Henry. Gregor is a bit of an odd choice, but I think he has some interesting non-standard potential that I want to play around with sometime, so he gets a vote.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only logical explanation that i could think of is probably for that blonde canon hair of his, and maybe because Vaike gives Axefaire for Brady to help his supposed canon class as a War Monk...?

So does Henry, and Crow Boy has a much better class selection. Unless whoever likes Vaike wants a Brady that can counter/sol or something.

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Libra does the whole "canon" (huge emphasis on quotes) thing better since he has War Monk, blonde hair, and good mag mod.

That or the kids should just have their mother's hair with the exception of Lucina and Morgan!


And I quoted the wrong post D: was meant to quote Czar Yoshi and add my two cents :/

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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If only hair was a stat...

In my mind, I pictured Stahl staring off into the sunset.

Libra can't be "canon" for Brady when he's suddenly become "canon" for Owain. Got to have blond hair and Sorcerer, and all. Again, emphasis on those quotes though. Even though I've been making Libra!Owains ever since...

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Hair color is a poor indicator for canon when you try and justify Severa's (and some others') hair color with Gregor/Ricken/Gaius and say "well it's kinda close" when in reality it's completely off target

Edited by Vascela
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[spoiler=Hair-color vs canon related, fairly major fates spoiler though]

I'd think due to the fates DLC involving those 3, something that's different from their default hair would be more "canon" since they got a magical hair color change into whatever they show up in fates as, out of some kind of hiding identity thing

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[spoiler=Hair-color vs canon related, fairly major fates spoiler though]

I'd think due to the fates DLC involving those 3, something that's different from their default hair would be more "canon" since they got a magical hair color change into whatever they show up in fates as, out of some kind of hiding identity thing

[spoiler=Continuing on fairly major fates spoiler]

As I understand it, it also potentially makes it so that any father that gives Owain sorcerer also wouldn't be strictly "canon", since Owain is given the power of a sorcerer after his present abilities were not enough.

Edited by Ezrius
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  • 3 weeks later...

He's usually my sack kid. He gets everything he needs from his mom. And based on my other pairings that means he usually has vaike, libra, and kellam leftover to pick from. I think more often then not i give him libra.

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