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Likes & Dislikes about Fates? !!SPOILERS!!


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So pretty much what the titles says..

What's your Likes & Dislikes about Fates so far?

Here's mine


-Character desighs

-My castle

-Gay marriage


-Foleo and Velour ahhh

and of course the waifus


The story , which I heard is bad

The stripping opition , Like come on really?

Umm there is not much I can think of , I havent played the game yet soo

Btw sorry if there is a topic like this already made..>//<

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Like: music, character designs, balance, IK, new weapon system, exp curve, Kazahana, Takumi, Takumi, Takumi, Marx's Hair, Brunhilde, overall aesthetic.

Dislike: IS is still Avatar pandering, Nohr's plot basis, Camilia's design, how blatantly overpowered the royals are, Camilia's design, skinship, Nohr's late game.

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  1. My Castle sounds awesome since I love having bases to build.
  2. Dressing up characters regardless of how stupid it can get I'll still love it. I fully blame it on my TF2 days.
  3. Gameplay sounds amazing.
  4. More than 3 save slots (with special edition/extra routes)
  5. Revamped weapon system seems better than the old one.
  6. Foleo is cute.


  1. Incest is not wincest in this case.
  2. Some character designs are awful.
  3. Camilla's offical artwork is just horribly bad.
  4. So is F!kamui
  5. Impossible boob physics.
  6. Story stuff.
  7. Kamui is terrible
  8. RIP unique weapon icons ;~;
  9. Eponine is the worst thing in this game and you can't convince me otherwise.
  10. Some lines should be changed.
  11. No Lunatic+
  12. Camilla is bad.

Overall the likes are still bigger than the dislikes even though there are more dislikes.

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-a lot of the class outfits and battle animations look great

-plethora of new classes and skills

-the attack/guard stance system

-improved skill gaining system

-hidden weapons

-many new weapon types

-Nohr chapter design




-the story (particularly Nohr)

-weapons not having unique icons

-many characters not having any unique color pallets

-awkward/excessive fanservice (certain class outfits, stripping, my castle stuff)

-player worship

-poor integration of children

-undermining the family themes with casual incest

-unable to buy limited stock items at other player's shops

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character designs (mostly..)

unique chapter objectives


blond marth


character personalities


stripping in and out of battles

weapons not having unique icons

children excuse

Awakening characters

not enough saves to waifu them all

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Nohr's premise

Several of the characters- I've gotten really attached to Marx, Jakob, Zero along with my other favorites

My Castle- I hope they expand on it in future games. Make something on the scale of Suikoden castles

Gameplay is better

The music

Character designs


How Nohr's story ended up

Nohr Kamui's guilt trip

What they did to Marx

Marx's subordinates

I hate that they made it so Kamui could marry his/her siblings, Gunter, and the characters that look like little kids

How few same-gender supports there are

The game not letting the player choose which servant they want at the beginning

Some of the female characters look ridiculous in their armor

Them trying to force Aqua as a love interest

Camilla's focus on Kamui

The story and characters' focus on Kamui

The Nohr siblings+Kamui's growing up situation

Wasting the potential of so many characters

Awakening trio and second gen

How Garon was handled in the story

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I have one huge dislike about Fates, the weapon uses. Now its unlimited. It used to have a set amount of durability. This is definitely going to take away from some gameplay for me, I would prefer the durability style of weapons instead of unlimited.

Other than that I really like the way each side is portrayed.

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* The return of the playable lancer class!

* The battle animations, I really enjoy watching the characters attacking and doing criticals (what is Fire Emblem without spinning after all?), you don't know how much I like seeing videos of the Holy bowman's critical animation

* Flying class with bows

* Pegasus for the males!

* My castle. I really like that idea of customizing the castle's yard and see the characters "expending their time" around the buildings.


* Actually I don't know, hasn't played the game yet... The videos I watched didn't show me something I don't like

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- Balanced gameplay compared to Awakening (barring the whole teleportation thing)

- Cool new skills

- New weapons

- My Castle

- Crimson!

- Foleo

- All classes are unisex

- Personal Skills


- Nohr Story

- Camilla

- Child characters (minus Foleo) and how they're integrated.

- Invisible History

- FE:A Expies

- Absurd Weapon penalties (even though this was due to unlimited durability on ALL weapons)

- Major Plot holes

- Some characters are still quite poorly written.

- Aqua/Azura being forced with the protagonist.

- Felicia

Edited by Jester Capri
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Well... I like the story (though, full disclaimer, I'm reading from a translation so I'm probably losing nuance there), the characters (for design and/or writing), and the music. Also, a lot of the new classes and weapons seem really neat.

As for dislikes... Without the game in my hands (like I kinda said, my experience with the game is essentially translations), I'm a lil hesitant to list anything, mostly because I'm not sure how prevalent it'll end up in the actual game (like the battle panties or boob jiggle on a few My Room models). If it's easy to ignore, I tend to just ignore it, and I really only care about writing/art stuff, so it looks like my dislike list will be a short one this time around!

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Unisex classes (Fuck you DLC for ruining that)

Gameplay is good!

Lunatic is actually playable without a guide for the first time (Well for me)

The new weapon triangle

A lot of the characters

My Castle and Affiliates (My Room etc)

All the fan fiction that has come from the terrible story


How poorly the children were handled

The portrayal of many classes and characters e.g. Camilla, who could have been awesome but was forced to be 'that' character

The story (Conquest mainly)

How bad the main characters are

RIP Custom weapon icons

How overpowered certain units are over others e.g. Royals<Everyone else, especially prominent in Revelations

Kamui customization is worse then Robin's, especially for males

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I don't yet have the game, I'm basing off pre-localization info (I have done my studying):


- Music

- 2.5d Style

- The variation of objectives in Conquest (not a series high, but it's a massive improvement over Awakening)

- Gameflow/UI (Assuming the same system as Awakening)

- The concept of Conquest Lunatic (Fixed Growths, Hard Mode Stats, Etc)

- New Weapon Triangle

- LGBT Representation

- Return of Shove

- Some Characters (Flora and Charlotte Mostly)


- 3 Route System

- Debuffs on Weapons

- Kozaki's Art Style

- Marriage

- Skills

- Most Characters

- Rebalanced Pair-Up (Improvement, but I'll take real rescue any day)

- Invisible Kingdom's Objective Variety

- Dragon's Vein

- All 3 Plots


- Removal of Weapon Durability (My Favorite System in FE)

- Execution of the Child System

- Changes to Rescue/Seize (Both are missing a lot of their mechanical complexities)

- Birthright's Objective Variety

- Lack of real interesting recruitment

- Player Worship/MU as Lord

- Extreme overuse of Fanservice

- Lack of linear gameplay

- False Promises in Early Marketing

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I havent played the game yet, but i can comment on junk i like and dont so far.


Zero. (Brace yourselves, English Zero is coming and i feel like its going to be amazing.)

Amie Feature

My Castle


Three different paths all with heaps of chapters.

New gameplay balance that i cant wait to try out.

A good chunk of the cast.

Varied aesthetics between the two casts.

Ignis' existence.

Benoit's existence.

Heaps and Heaps of content.

Being entertained with one title for a very good long time.

Fanservice. (get at me)

Gimme dat Same Sex S SUpport!

Men on horsebirds and women wielding axes in fighter class.

Go go go CAPTURE!

Fandom reaction not respecting people's opinions.

Some characters are just too young.

Conquest's story being...well...to put it gently, a flop. (i was looking forward to it too. Better to be spoiled and disappointed ahead of time than otherwise...i suppose)

Kamui being a bit too much of a gravitational pull. (meaning everything EVER revolves around him/her. Even Robin didnt have that issue)


No custom weapon icons, omg come on.

- Anna being DLC exclusive.

Oooooh yeahh...Thats like shameless on-disk DLC. I could forgive the other routes business, but that is kinda :/

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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- The class designs and character models are improved from Awakening

- Battle animations look better as well

- My Castle as a fun distraction from the main scenario

- Same-sex marriage (mainly Zero; I don't care about Syalla)

- Fighter and Pegasus Knight becoming unisex as well as Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon

- Being able to experience the story from multiple perspectives based on which side you choose

- The music is good as well


- Hard to say since I have yet to actually play the game. I can't speak to the story without playing it for myself.

- I will say I was disappointed to see the return of the second generation. It was made worse by how forced the kids were and how they had no connection to the plot whatsoever.

- Anna being DLC exclusive. Its not so much I like her than it is I don't like the idea of having to pay to get all the playable in-game characters.

- Inclusion of the Awakening trio in Nohr. They serve no purpose other than being unneeded fanservice. The Invisible History DLC made it worse by making it seem like they had a greater connection to the story than they wound up actually having.

- The nonsensical growth rates and modifiers of Rinkah, Subaki, and Hinata which hurts their usability as active fighters.

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- the voice actings

- Kozaki's arts

- music

- haven't played the game but I hear Nohr's gameplay is good

- Marx some of the characters


- no unique weapon icons

- how some characters are handled (mostly I'm talking about the royals) in the story and supports

- player worshipping

- children system

- how Kamui's not related to the Hoshidan siblings

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- Most class designs (mainly the Hoshido ones)

- Most characters

- MyCastle stuff

- LGBT marriage

- The music


- DLC classes being genderlocked (mainly only Grandmaster though)

- Charlotte

- No LGBT marriage between characters other than Kamui

Overall, I like Fates way more than I liked Awakening.

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-The new classes and characters

-Online Gameplay and Gameplay in general


-Gameplay requires actual thought this time around


- Some characters base classes are completely useless, never seen this in an FE game before.

- The Nohr storyline bores me to tears, I also dislike most of the characters and gameplay of the Nohr side.

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I like how the gameplay (on Nohr, at least) is a lot less exploitable, has more interesting map design and is generally a lot more thought out than Awakening's gameplay. I like the Soldier class returning, and I like Oboro.

Now for the dislikes, which will sadly be a lot longer than the likes...

Characters that only have one personality trait which you can usually tell just by looking at them and or only exist for fan service, the Maid class, incest (Not being related doesn't mean you're not family), the mess of a story, Kamui, Hoshido repeating Awakening's design flaws, Luna, Odin and Lazward (seriously those are the 3 worst characters in the series.) and the writers not even trying to make a decent excuse for child units.

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Legendary weapon for avatar

Dragon race avatar with a class that can use swords and Dragonstones

Childrens,too...much.. children...

Ninja! ninja! NINJA!!!

I have sinbling(s)!!!


too much fanservice

Camila(only her fanservice)


the fact that FKamui can't marry soleil


the clothes of dark mages(ironic saying: they even use clothes?)

Children don't have legendary weapons(only Ophelia have)

the nerf of nosferatu

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The short version


Trueblades, some of the skills, some of the difficulty


The game isn't difficult enough

Needs a tad more variation I would say

Characters, while more balanced than some games, is a bit unbalanced still

Maybe it's ridiculous, but I find that the game should be longer

Also some of the skills are just silly

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Tiddy Ninjas B)
So many children, I love children units

Zero and Shara (I would like her more if she was a 1st gen unit and if she wasn't Tharja 2.0, but I still like her)

Nohr and IK's gameplay

This is a game about the choices you have to make during war, and how difficult it is to make those choices. Regardless, I'm putting sunglasses on everyone.

My Castle / My Room

Personal Skills


Hoshido's gameplay (too easy imo)

Weird semi-incest

Nerf of galeforce (why)

Camilla and Charlotte's designs. Esp. Camilla because she's on a wyvern. Her poor chest....

I don't want everyone to be bi. That would be unrealistic. But only 2? That's not enough!

Weapons don't break for some reason? They should at least break in Hoshido, that game's easy enough....

The Avatar's guilt after choosing Nohr

Dumb Personal skills that you can't get rid of

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Most characters, generally. 1st Gen Only.

Balancing changes.

New Classes.

Weapons no longer breaking.

My Castle.


How skills are handled (Makes pairings even less relevant).

Awakening Returnees.



DLC+ offerings thus far..

Lack of LGBT outside Corrin. Soleil should have been able to S Rank women and women ONLY.

"Choice" separated by Paywall.

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