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Ever play Fire Emblem in your sleep?


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Last night I had a dream that I remembered surprisingly clearly when I woke up. Got a copy of Fire Emblem Fates in the mail, but when I started playing that, the characters were a little different than what I had expected. Hector was in the game, and for some reason FE7 Marcus and Lowen were in it too. Basically, everybody on the map besides Hector was a mount and the Wolf Beil was dealing some ludicrous damage to everybody. No healing was possible so I quickly figured I should put Hector as a support unit in attack stance, and Marcus and Lowen could tank the enemy attacks better while Hector provided most of the damage for them (he was underlevelled compared to these two so he couldn't take hits well on his own). At some point, I must've had a stroke of tactical genius when I had Lowen drop Hector just a little out of the boss's range, and the boss could somehow cross rivers in spite of being some sort of paladin. Hector had a coin flip chance of connecting the support attack because of WTD against swords, but I had good luck with connecting these attacks beating the boss in 2 rounds and routed the map in 3 turns; meanwhile, Marcus solo'd another portion of the map. I felt strangely intellectually fulfilled when I awoke.

This dream's a bit of an anomaly but ever since I got hooked on FE, I've been getting dreams in which I just play the game in a routinely way very often. In these dreams, I do basic arithmetic, get different kinds of level-ups, rescue and shove and have units team up for kills and I always seem to have a save state function so that I re-do each little turn and action in countless variations, which is a bit odd for some FEs where I lack access to save states when I normally play them.

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I actually have had many times before (woah it's weird though...) But I've had one recently about Fates.. I remember waking up angry because I don't actually have the game lol.

In other terms: I can play it in my sleep because I'm just that good. Jk.

Edited by ♡黒猫~
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Last night I had a dream about playing Fates, too. All I really remember is the fact that in the CG cutscenes, your customized Corrin showed up however you made them look, instead of their face being randomly obscured, re:my icon. The Corrin I saw was female with the long twintails, and I remember complaining about how they kept phasing through her back.

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One time I had a dream where the FE7 lords, Florina, Sain, Kent, and...Marth for some reason were walking around and talking to me in Peach's Castle. For some more unexplained reasons. I forgot what order the following events happened in: Hector cannot captain a boat and Florina got seasick. Marth can make a pretty tasty sandwich. And Eliwood gets mad when you try to kiss Lyn. Sain and Kent were just kind of...there, talking to each other.

I do play a game in my head when I'm falling asleep. Currently Roy's army is fighting Bowser's! You know, 'cause reasons!

Edited by Power Master
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I've at least dreamed twice how I got Fates to play and I never actually got to the proper gameplay, either for waking up or other dreamy reasons. It was Hoshido, the one I played.

My sister though, she dreams about Tellius and its characters a lot.

She must've dreamed of a third Tellius game at least three times, and each of them it was always weird. The weirdest and eeriest was one where the Greil Mercs had to go against a Satanic Cult who spoke with backwards words, then there was one that she doesn't remember much, but it was a prequel about the Greil Mercs and it was not a SRPG.

Shinon and Soren were apparently always present. Oh and yeah aside from the third Tellius game, she still dreamed a lot about Tellius.

We love Tellius!

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I used to play FE7 and 8 to sleep and by extension, while I slept because handhelds.

The last FE dream I had was a Radiant Dawn dream, but it was Radiant Dawn with SRW Original Generation's "Twin System".

Better known to FE nerds now as "Pair Up"... Here's the thing, I had this dream about Radiant Dawn having "pair-up" in 2010

Edited by Soledai
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I had a dream about FEFates during the third route before we knew there was a third route. The dialogue was way different, namely my Kamui actually said "fuck that' when asked which side to choose. And then it got to Kamui outrunning the army as a sprite while talking to random characters to recruit them before you could escape. Kinda PMD styled I guess. I remember Charlotte, Benoit, and Joker were some.

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It happened a lot with FE7, but it was only the boring (and frurtrating) kind.

It was my first FE and I had a lot of trouble completing most of the maps, so I had a lot of thoughts about it before going to sleep (since I played just before going to sleep.)

When I woke up, I just remebered vaguely having completed the chapter, but was unable to take any good advices for it.

Then I started my game and discover I actually didn't have completed it yet.

The feeling of despondency was really high at those times...

Edited by Tamanoir
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Well I don't know about dreams but when I first had FE 10 I was having low blood sugars a lot and I remember that when I would go low I would start moving like in FE and acting like I had to wait for my turn to move.

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I also had a dream where I had a Marth amiibo, but it was shown in his white (Leif) pallet. I put it in my pocket, expecting to find it there when I woke up. Needless to say, I didn't, but I did end up getting Marth much later.

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Once I dreamed I was playing an English Fates,but the story was slightly different.I knew it was a dream when I woke up,but after when I was walking home after school I got all excited to play it until I told myself it wouldn't be there.

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Few months back I had a dream where I was playing FE7 and Kent told me to wake up. Complete with his sprite doing the mouth movements and the text bubble saying "Bullwine85, wake up"

There are other Fire Emblem related dreams I've had, such as me getting into a debate with someone on whether Perceval was useful in FE6, an Ephraim amiibo coming out and being extremely rare, me getting a Ragnell keychain that could shoot lasers, and some other bizarre ones that might be a bit bizarre to post here.

Sometimes I wonder why my subconscious does this to me.

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