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GameFAQs Best Game Ever Contest

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I was gonna make a post about that actually.

Why compare two games from different genres, different generations, more than fifteen (?) years apart from each other? Of course one's going to seem better than the other- one of them is newer and shinier.

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As Zm said and as I've said in another topic, it makes no sense to compare a variety of games of different eras and genres as if it's applicable.

It's just a fun little thing gamefaqs does and people get all asshurt on there and dupe votes using VPNs so their game will win. Apply cream.

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I'd divide it into brackets based on era and genres. Like Best RPG in the SNES era or between certain years so PC games can be involved too. That way you can eventually have a 'Best X genre in the Y era' and it'll be more applicable. You don't even need to give a 'best game evarrrr', and this way maybe people will take it somewhat more seriously.

Though probably still not because people will just keep doing shenanigans.

Edited by Tryhard
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I looked at the brackets

Undertale beat Super Mario World. Why.

IMO, Undertale's story is a more unique approach than super mario world's super great platforming. If I had to replay one of the two right now, choose one game to play for the rest of my life, or something like that, I would choose Super Mario World. But if I had to choose to have never played and to never be able to play Undertale or to have never played and never be able to play Super Mario World, I would choose to have never played Super Mario World. There are plenty of platformers I like better than Super Mario World. Personally, I would vote for Undertale on this basis if I cared about the contest..

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