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Who is the one character you want to see in smash that doesn't stand a chance to get in

Captain Karnage

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Simon Belmont actually has a shot, but id like him.

The total Oh-No-Way-That-Character-Will-Ever-Be-In-Smash vote for me, is Papyrus. (or Sans)

Rodea has a better chance than Simon right now


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Luke Fon Fabre or Emil Castagneir while a tales of rep is possible it would probably be Lloyd Irving even though I would want either of these two more then Lloyd

Seeing characters like Luke, Jude, or Milla would be awesome but...I doubt it will happen. Why? Because Lloyd made it, but only as a Mii costume. If such a popular character got costumed, the others will probably follow suit at best, which is a shame. Still, I'll throw those three out there because they would be tons of fun.

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Neku Sakuraba, from TWEWY.

Literally no chance (and even more so with Cloud in lol), but would be fucking amazing, with so much to pull from as attacks and abilities with all his psychs and whatnot.

Pretty much this. I can't really think of anyone else off of the top of my head.

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Drizzt. He would never get in, too many people don't know who he is, originates from a book, and has only had a small amount of video game representation, most of which he was unplayable. He would make for an interesting character though with dual wielding of Twinkle and Icingdeath and various nature abilities from being a ranger. I have a feeling if for whatever reason he got in, most people would be confused as to what the hell this dark skinned, white haired, elf is doing in smash bros. That and they would complain about another anime pretty boy with a sword making it in, even though his origin has never been in japanese media.

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Seeing characters like Luke, Jude, or Milla would be awesome but...I doubt it will happen. Why? Because Lloyd made it, but only as a Mii costume. If such a popular character got costumed, the others will probably follow suit at best, which is a shame. Still, I'll throw those three out there because they would be tons of fun.

Yuri is more popular than Lloyd in the Tales fanbase, he'd have a fair shot, if the last character aside from the voted character is a Namco character (seeing as they helped make the game, and it was the Tales division that was part of that team).

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Caeda/Sheeda from Fire Emblem

She should be having a better chance to get in, considering that she's a key character in the franchise like Marth is, but there doesn't seem to be as much interest in her appearing in Smash. How disappointing...

Paula from Earthbound

Unfortunately, the Mother franchise is pretty much finished so...

Misty, Kris, or Leaf with their Pokemon

If only Red/Pokémon Trainer wasn't considered such a Tier-Induced Scrappy...

Seriously, I would rejoice if even one of those dethrone Princess Peach.

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I'll join on the Lyn wagon, You know, they might as well make Super Smash Emblem instead if they let me decide the roster

Princess Daisy

I want Young Link back, even if I know Toon Link is literally the same thing

Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell, if we got Snake back, I'd just take him instead

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I want Young Link back, even if I know Toon Link is literally the same thing

I can see another Link coming in if they make a moveset based around different items than going semi-clone.

For example, the Link from ALBW could use the four Rods as his specials.

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Starfy. His treatment by not only Sakurai but also Nintendo of "too Japanese" America has been abysmal. He's even a joke assist trophy.

also yes they actually said the first four starfies were too japanese

MItsuru or anyone from Persona.

Dante from DMC would be sweet too.

Yu's not that unlikely IMO. Atlus and Nintendo are buddy-buddy and Persona is fairly large.

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-Rundas from Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

-Sylux from Metroid Prime Hunters

-Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater

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The one would be Anna from Fire Emblem. The others would be Lyn and (for this Smash) Ice Climbers.

I know Anna has potential for a moveset but may I ask, what you in particular would like to see her do in said moveset?

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I know Anna has potential for a moveset but may I ask, what you in particular would like to see her do in said moveset?

I would like to see a moveset where she uses all the various types of weaponry in the series, but I could also see a lance moveset based on the Awakening merchant Annas.
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I would like to see a moveset where she uses all the various types of weaponry in the series, but I could also see a lance moveset based on the Awakening merchant Annas.

Ohhh ok, that would be pretty neato, she could do some cool flips and twirls with it too, I've always wanted to see someone in Smash use a lance, spear, polearm or Bo Staff, because I really enjoy all the cool things people do with those weapons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would also like to see, but will likely never happen, a Blizzard rep. It's not like they don't have any connections with Nintendo since their first few games were on either NES or SNES. So you can kind of day Nintendo have them their start. It would most likely be a Warcraft rep though something like Arthas/Illidan or maybe Tyrael from Diablo or something. With cloud getting in and now bayonetta their chance does go higher. But likely will never happen.

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