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Actual Fire Emblem 64 Details


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Never thought I'd ever see this.

The Making of Fire Emblem 64

Details from Microwaveit on reddit

Fire Emblem 64 became Binding Blade, although nearly everything was changed.

While in the middle of production for the N64 version of Maiden of Darkness, due to various structural changes, game planning basically had to start over from the beginning.

While the hero, Roy, remained the same, almost everything else about the game changed, including story and (almost) all other characters.

Also, since the target audience for the game became older, they had to recreate their protagonist to appeal to both kids and adults.

Karel was apparently the only character from Maiden of Darkness to get carried over into Blinding Blade.

A character named Idoun also existed in both games, but only the name is consistent — the appearance, personality, and role in-game are all different.

Images and more info can be found in both of the links.

Edited by VincentASM
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I uploaded the Roy named Ike image a few days ago, so here's a scanned higher quality version.

I've been going through the book slowly too, digging up other tidbits and scanning some art and designs for myself and others, too. But looks like someone already handled some of the more interesting interview bits. : ) Good info to see!

EDIT: Wonder if there's anything more in the interviews, or whether it would be worth it to get the word for word interview for that section. Do you have the book, Vincent?

Edited by Kirokan
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I uploaded the Roy named Ike image a few days ago, so here's a scanned higher quality version.

I've been going through the book slowly too, digging up other tidbits and scanning some art and designs for myself and others, too. But looks like someone already handled some of the more interesting interview bits. : ) Good info to see!

EDIT: Wonder if there's anything more in the interviews, or whether it would be worth it to get the word for word interview for that section. Do you have the book, Vincent?

I don't have it yet; it should be arriving some time this month... hopefully!

Well, from what I've seen, there are a LOT of interviews so I don't think you'll be running out of things to cover any time soon XD

I suspect I'll be slightly frothing in the mouth when my copy of the book arrives.

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From skimming things a lot of it is things you already know, but what makes it hard is trivia that is unknown is buried deep within... so yeah we may need to take a very close look at it...

Anyway, here you go Vincent! I scanned the same images that the news post had (in addition to the Roy one above), so hopefully you find some use for them.

Blog post here.


"Bows are my specialty, since I would ALWAYS go hunting in the mountains!"


The "Idoun" shot


Edited by Kirokan
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Thanks, those are amazing and I know how painful it is to scan so close to a thick book's spine >___<

It's a bit late for me, so I'll add them to the article some time tomorrow.

In particular, I'm really happy we finally have a clear image of not!Klein talking to bow girl without the IGN and unknown watermarks.

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Thanks, those are amazing and I know how painful it is to scan so close to a thick book's spine >___<

It's a bit late for me, so I'll add them to the article some time tomorrow.

In particular, I'm really happy we finally have a clear image of not!Klein talking to bow girl without the IGN and unknown watermarks.

That's exactly why I went out of my way to bend my book (and my own) spine to make sure the shot came out clear. xD

While you sleep, I will be making a mega compilation post of all sorts of scans I got from the book (the special character art, Roy's alternative designs, the FE9 character designs [with some interesting bits about how Soren may have been named Leon or Soan] and alternate FE6 box art...so far). So hope those can be put to some good use for you, too.

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I'm now convinced that IS keep a notebook where they write down names they like.

This kind of thing is actually pretty common. For example, the original star wars underwent extremely heavy editing, to the point of being almost unrecognizable. Two of the revisions featured sith lords called valorum (one of the versions was essentualy palpatine, but was renamed in a latter version). He was entirely cut from the script, but the phantom menace includes a character named valorum as the supreme chancelor of the republic. There are no other similarities, so it was apparently a name that lucas liked but never found a good character for before that (if i had to guess, it was an in joke about getting replaced by palpatine).

from what i understand, this kind of thing is actualy pretty common (although you don't see it THAT frequently because you generally only hear of it if you are a hardcore fan.)

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I basically made a scan dump (and translated some of the design stuff) here. See if anything comes in handy. It includes the FE 64 info above, too. It's a sort of ongoing post, so I hope to add more design works and all that. I have the raw scans without any of my own speculation/notes added on them too in case those get in the way.

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I basically made a scan dump (and translated some of the design stuff) here. See if anything comes in handy. It includes the FE 64 info above, too. It's a sort of ongoing post, so I hope to add more design works and all that. I have the raw scans without any of my own speculation/notes added on them too in case those get in the way.

Thanks, I've added your scans to the article now ^^

When I have time, I'll probably make an article with other findings. Possibly after I get my book.

It's weirder since you only recruit him during the "true" ending.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hold on for one second

does that mean the only screenshot we've seen is from the N64?

No, it's still for the GBA I believe.

The aspect ratio of the screenshot matches with the GBA's and not the N64's.

Plus it's a screenshot from Space World, when the game was announced for the GBA.

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