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Gaming moments that gave you nerd chills


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I'm so glad to see Ace Attorney getting so much love; I think most people who - at least partially - play games for the story would like that series. Everyone here who hasn't played it should really watch the first case of Apollo Justice.

Also, I can't believe I forgot about "the best game no one ever played": Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. The ending is probably the only video game that has made me come close to crying.

Thinking about it, Sissel would make for an awesome Super Smash Bros. character.

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Xenoblade Chronicles. I immediately thought the music was awesome, but the moment that really grabbed my attention was a moment fairly early in the game where...

...Fiora "dies."

>Claims to post early-game spoilers

>Implies possible mid to late-game spoiler in spoiler

Good job. Thank you for that.

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Sorry about that, I didn't pay attention to the names; I just wanted a potential spoiler removed quickly. My bad.


Major Xenoblade and Mother 3 Spoilers:

Fiora's death and such isn't that big honestly. It's this Smash's "Spoiler Game"

Melee: Ocarina of Time (Sheik)

Brawl: Mother 3 (Porky)

SSB4: Xenoblade Chronicles (Mecha-Fiora)

Eventually Fiora's death and reconstruction will be as common knowledge as Sheik being Zelda, Hinawa dying, and Porky's empire.

also I totally want Fiora in smash and her Mechon form would be the best choice please deliver sakurai please please please

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Well, Ace Attorney is full of those, but people already talked about it enough.

Gyigas battle was already talked about.

And Mother 3 is full of great moment as well. That's a game that is pretty easy gameplay was, but have an extreme emotional impact. I won't go over all the many strong scenes (Tanetane, Salsa's chapter, the early game, the end game.), but I will talk about some more personal ones :

-Your first Chimera.

- When you realise that "A railway in our village!" is a corrupted version of the Love theme.

-The return of the Coffee Breajk scene form Earthbound, with the music.

-The boat scene near the end, with all the souvenirs from past games, and Pollyanna playing.

Another music-related moment is when I realized Route 113 is a remix of the Snowman theme from the Mother serie.
It's so fitting, and such a great reference.

Exploring DQIX's world and learning more about it.
Especially all the Ruins environment. It leaves a trace of the world's past.

I really had the impression I was part of this world.

And there's the Starlight Express Theme, which truly exemplifuy the sound of a flying train. A mastership of descriptive music.

Then there's Dragon Quest 7. This game made me realised I still loved RPGs.

-Most of the interaction with Maribel. She's such a great character


Kiefer leaving the party forever.

After all the time we spent together.

Grandia doesn't have any "oh damn" momen (I haven't finished it yet), but just put a big grin on my face as I play through it.

On my recent games, there's some general examples about Lost Dimension :

-Condemning the last few traitors. Especially trhe first time. You have fully completed your relation with them, and they decide to betray you for some apparently unknown reasons.

-On my 2nd playthrough I wanted the true ending (full relationship with everyone), so I ended up condemning an innocent.
I legitimately felt bad about it afterwards for a while...

And then theres Dungeon Travelers 2. This game is... really surprising. It doesn't sems like much (tbh, it seems pretty much like crap), but it become better and better as you advance through it. Let take some :

-Fried Einhart "massaging" Conette by imitating JoJo on her back (Ora Ora Ora !).

Conette and Fried's interaction are generally pretty entertaining.

-The second half of the main story.

Irena tries to seal the Demon God but ends up possessed by her. She starts giving nonsensical order and laughing creepily.
The voice acting here is really great.
The team realize progressively they were used and the final confrontation is a pretty great moment.

-Maid Sensei. Everything about her is a true delight.

That was the first time I was awaiting eagerly the next Tutorial lessons. It's a mix of deadpan and "normal" preoccupations,a nd it's truly wonderfull.

[spoiler=Maid Sensei Post Game]Then near the end of the post game, you learn she's actually one of the Eight Gods, extremely powerfull beings each controlling their own Kingdom. each around more or less as powerfull as the Demon God, the Big Bad
...And she's comming each morning on bike to school.

-Then there's Beard the Libra and Peggy the Magic User, the Therians (anthropomorphic animals that comes into 3 sorts : Marys (sheep), Peggys (Penguin) and Bearc (Bears). They're another strong point of the game btw).

You never interract with them and you encounter them in each dungeons, leaving their own adventure. They serve first as a comedy duo and tutorial. Then in post game, they continue their own adventure.
And we arrive to to the Temple of Maharshtra

It start as one more of their comedy routine, but then you learn that Peggy is suffering from amnesia, and the scene is played completely straight.

It caught me completely off guard, but it was surprisingly effective.

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The entire fight with Asgore

It refused


Emmeryn's death and the chapters that follow

When it seems the prophesy that the Avatar would kill Chrom comes true and it all turns out to be a hoax

The entire last chapter

The Future Past DLC chapters

Xenoblade X

The entire segment where your arm is blown off and it's explained what you are

The invasion of NLA and the battle within it (This is as far as I am)

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

-The Soundtrack. That's all that needs to be said, really.

Persona 3

The segment during the final battle when all of the Hero's friends are calling out to him.

Persona 4

The reveal with Adachi and the fight with him.

Sonic Generations


The entire concept of the game as a whole, and the fact it had the best 3D Sonic Gameplay in my eyes. I still consider it to be the last really good Sonic game we've had in a long time.

Metal Gear Solid

Oh Jesus where do I even begin with this SERIES?

There's not many parts from MGS1 I REALLY liked but I supposed to punch-punch-kick fight with Liquid was pretty cool.

OH and that part where Gray Fox sacrifices himself for Solid

Metal Gear Solid 2

The supposed death of Solid sure was something.

Raiden meeting Solid was pretty great.

The Otacon and Solid handshake.

The ENTIRE segment of Arsenal Gear to the end of the game.

Metal Gear Solid 3

Anything involving The Boss.

Ocelot's farewell.


Metal Gear Solid 4

The final CQC duel with Liquid Ocelot remains my favorite Boss fight in the series.

The end when Big Boss himself shows up and CQC hugs Solid.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

The QTE segment where Big Boss fights off a bunch of soldiers and grabs the keycard from Strangelove.

Fighting ZEKE.

The Boss.



Metal Gear Solid V

The cutscenes as a whole.

The entirety of Ground Zeroes.

The Prologue

Ocelot scolding a soldier on gunplay

Venom scolding a soldier on trying to kill his own comrade and then forcing said soldier to stab him to get his point across.

Killing Skull Face.

Killing Skull Face.


Huey's Exile.

The Truth, Final Story Mission.

That's all I'm doing for now, goodness.

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Hmm, well...

Ah, you were at my side all along... my true mentor. My guiding moonlight. fukkin Ludwig.

And from a player example? I guess... probably during DMC3. It's more of a personal success.

Beating Vergil without taking a single hit. Love ya Verg.

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And I forgot another thing, my favorite video game character of all time: Kreia. I'm not even that into Star Wars, but she's just incredible. For those of you who don't know who she is, this is a pretty good, fairly spoiler-free thing in the beginning of the game; she does more incredible stuff all the time, but this sums her up nicely:

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Pretty much every cinematic in Diablo II and Warcraft III. They were incredibly good-looking for the time and still stand up excellently today.

[spoiler=for d2 and w3]In particular, the one where Arthas murders his father after losing his mind to Frostmourne.

And when Marius gets fucked by Baal masquerading as Tyrael.

fighting Diablo for the first time in Diablo II was one of the most memorable moments that I had, because I was particularly young and it was pretty terrifying.

When making a character in pretty much any D&D based game. So many choices, and I love to methodically think through making a character.

I love Diablo 1 and Diablo II so much, also Warcraft III was an addiction of mine back in the day, along with the original Starcraft, which I will add a moment from right now.

[spoiler=End game spoilers for the original Starcraft]Tassadar had finally united the Protoss thanks to Zeratul and Fenix after a minor civil war, and even worked with the Terrains under Commander Jim Raynor, against the Zerg and its Overmind and it ends with this

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And I forgot another thing, my favorite video game character of all time: Kreia. I'm not even that into Star Wars, but she's just incredible.

Kreia: "It is such a quiet thing to fall... but far more terrible as to admit it."

Kreia: (talking to the Exile about the threat of the Sith not being directed at the Republic) "You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves."

Atton Rand: "Explain something to me."

Kreia: "I do not have the years required nor the desire to indulge you."

Vrook: "You were deafened."
Kreia: "At last, you could hear."
Kavar: "You were broken."
Kreia: "You were whole."
Zez-Kai Ell: "You were blinded."
Kreia: "And at last... you saw."

"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it. It is something no Sith or Jedi has ever truly learned."

"Do not see every enemy as an enemy. See them instead as an ally, whether they know it or not."

"Be careful of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with open hands then a clenched fist."

"From such small things, from such critical points, the universe and its masses may be moved... that is why you must be careful in all that you do, and in every choice you make."

"Apathy is death."

And perhaps two of my most favorite quotes:

"It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you."

"It is not the destination that matters—it is the journey."

And many, many more I would love to quote.
Such character ... one of the best things ever happened to me is to learn all she explains to you from her.
I remember after I finished the game ... I felt like I began a new way to see life through my eyes.
Consider me like her best second fan you could ever met, if you acknowledge her lore better than me, that is.
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I hate everything, it failed to post and I lost 90% of what I wrote and the auto save only got the Undertale part.


The True Lab was easily my favorite part of the Pacifist ending, the Asriel fight definitely gets close up there though with how it ends.

Nothing beats genocide route though, every moment of that was amazing. Ruins is pretty similar until you get to Toriel, though I think her betrayal dialogue is better.

Snowdin in genocide is probably the funniest thing in the game, until you get to the town. The town is where I really started to get chills, the sheer emptiness of it all and the note from the shopkeeper asking you to spare her family. All that leads up to a horrible sad moment where Papyrus still believes you can be good even after you cut him down.

The Caves are probably my least favorite part of the genocide route though, it doesn't really feel as empty as Snowdin since the NPCs are scattered around.

The Undyne fight though is just amazing, it really made this route feel like I'm playing a villain. The battle is really fun too with probably my favorite song in the game.

Hotland is only better than the Caves because Burger Pants and the "fights" against Muffet and the Royal Guard.

Sans' is amazing and his fight made him my favorite character. I'd say more but I don't want to type everything again.

Also on this list where Majora's Mask, Dark Souls, and The World Ends With You. I'd probably have added a bunch more if I could remember all the awesome moments :(

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Simply seeing the box art for this game makes me smile. :)

Flying with the wing cap is still one of the things I like doing most in any video game; the fact that you can fly whenever you want but can't abuse it strikes a perfect balance of giving the player freedom without breaking the game. I know they remade the game for the Nintendo DS, but I would do anything for a proper sequel to Super Mario 64; I'm talking wing cap, bigger levels in which you can go after the stars in whatever order you want, and so on.

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The opening theme of my favorite game of all time still gives me chills, back when I played it as a kid, I knew I was about to embark on an epic quest, but how much fun I'd have doing it, and managing my armies I didn't even realize...

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Phantasy Star IV: Noticing that Flaeli and the like were references to Phantasy Star 1 (oddly, I actually got the effect when playing PS1 in Japanese - as PS4 kept the japanese names for the spells, but the PS1 translations gave them generic names instead - like Fire and Wind for Flaeli and Hewn); but more importantly, noticing that PS2's characters aren't mentioned at all because they died as villains who shut down Mother Brain, killing off 90% of the population and ending a golden age.

Phoenix Wright T&T: Case 5, playing as Edgeworth. Also, "The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."

Zero no Kiseki: Estelle using her father's S-craft.

Falcom general: Boss theme starts playing shortly before the actual boss battle. Notable example: Phillip in 3rd.

Xenoblade: I entered Satorl. It looked like a boring swamp with boring music. Then night fell.

Monmusu Quest: The whole end of part 2.

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Flying with the wing cap is still one of the things I like doing most in any video game; the fact that you can fly whenever you want but can't abuse it strikes a perfect balance of giving the player freedom without breaking the game. I know they remade the game for the Nintendo DS, but I would do anything for a proper sequel to Super Mario 64; I'm talking wing cap, bigger levels in which you can go after the stars in whatever order you want, and so on.

Apparently, SM64 only used half of the cartridge space. Imagine what they could do with it now!

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Flying with the wing cap is still one of the things I like doing most in any video game; the fact that you can fly whenever you want but can't abuse it strikes a perfect balance of giving the player freedom without breaking the game. I know they remade the game for the Nintendo DS, but I would do anything for a proper sequel to Super Mario 64; I'm talking wing cap, bigger levels in which you can go after the stars in whatever order you want, and so on.


Y E S. Wing cap is bomb, and i still enjoy just booting that game up just to fly around Bob-omb Battlefield. Hell, the music for that level totally makes me nostalgia my mid-teen years kinda hard.

I didnt really like the DS remake tbh. WE DO NEED MOAR WING CAP

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A lot of my favorites (specially the Ace Attorney ones) have already been mentioned, so I'm going to talk about a game that often goes unnoticed:

Mischief Makers for the N64 was a 2D Platformer (pretty rare for the time) with some really unique gameplay mechanics and level design. What stood out to me about the game the most were the boss battles, most of which were very clever and creative. But if there was one thing about the game that absolutely made me nerdgasm, it was this:

This motherfucker. Cerberus Alpha.

You are riding a cute kitty at a insanely fast speed while this beast in a huge motorcycle is chasing you firing beams, lasers and missiles at you, which you need to grab and throw back. Then you have to fight him on the ground by making him trip and stealing his gun to fire it back at him. It's such an insane boss fight that I can't help but giggle every time I play.

It also reminds me we never got Mischief Makers 2. Which makes me sad.

Honorable mention to Phoenix Gamma for second best:

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A lot of my favorites (specially the Ace Attorney ones) have already been mentioned, so I'm going to talk about a game that often goes unnoticed:

Mischief Makers for the N64 was a 2D Platformer (pretty rare for the time) with some really unique gameplay mechanics and level design. What stood out to me about the game the most were the boss battles, most of which were very clever and creative. But if there was one thing about the game that absolutely made me nerdgasm, it was this:

This motherfucker. Cerberus Alpha.

You are riding a cute kitty at a insanely fast speed while this beast in a huge motorcycle is chasing you firing beams, lasers and missiles at you, which you need to grab and throw back. Then you have to fight him on the ground by making him trip and stealing his gun to fire it back at him. It's such an insane boss fight that I can't help but giggle every time I play.

It also reminds me we never got Mischief Makers 2. Which makes me sad.

Honorable mention to Phoenix Gamma for second best:


I love this game. I love that level with the missiles you have to land on. I also love that boss where you have to shake the word bubble and chuck it back at the thing.

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Here's some weirder ones.


- Rosalina's confirmation. The trailer still sends shivers down my spine because she's my favorite video game character of all time.

- Palutena's confirmation. A few years back I had mental health struggle and Uprising proved to be the medication I needed to get better. Seeing Palutena in the game was like a dream come true after what I had been through.

- Lucina's confirmation. At this point I'm getting greedy with all of the characters I wanted. She didn't get leaked and it was so surreal seeing her in the game.

- Mewtwo's return. I was eating out during the announcement and I checked my phone. Almost choked on my food when I found out.

Ace Attorney 5 Case 5:

Athena: I'm going to fix mommy.

Add that blood covered face with the black background and it's intense. This is the reason this game got the M rating.

Super Mario Galaxy

- pretty much all of Rosalina's storybook because of how cute, yet sad, it is.

Paper Mario TTYD

- the intermission in the final boss battle. The defining memory of this game for me.

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