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Corrin/Kamui in Smash


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Salt because you cant use the character the first time? Come now. The side b can help with recovery. Its tricky but doable and hella funny. Ive been playing 1 on 1s and im not having trouble recovering with Kamui at all.

I tried a few matches, not just one. And sorry, but I still disagree. Only experts wouldn't have trouble, I guess, which I'm not.

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I liked Corrin a lot, actually. Better than Bayo. Sure his recovery is below average but his overall set of moves feels very varied and a lot of combo potential. USmash seems to have a powerful sweetspot and FSmash has insane range. Dash Attack is also fun to spam (but mostly on casual matches). FTilt is quick to pull and a good KO move at high percentages. FAir is also good to approach opponents.

I'll admit that the very first time I did BAir I almost fell off the stage because the pushback caught me off guard. :P:

I'm maining Female Default Corrin. My favorite DLC character, favorite FE character in Smash, and will push it into my Smash 4 mains.

Edited by Jave
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Something I saw pop up in the tips: while charging up Dragon Ascent, Corrin is invincible. It then recommends trying to time it so as to nullify punishes. Can't see that working all the time, but it probably has it's use.

Edited by The DanMan
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Not having too much trouble recovering with Corrine. (Yes, that is what I refer to the female version as.) Black alternate because it looks so good. Dragon Lunge is so much fun, just launching myself into enemies. Also, I love when Dragon Lunge hits with a tipper and beats everything.

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Corrin's Recovery is a big upset. Marth has better and more safe recovery, while Corrin is still trying to get back on the ledge and hurt box is still hanging around. It's shorter than I thought. No throw combo's surprisingly.

Female voice sounds weird also.

Corrin's recovery is like Roy's, but better because you're pretty well protected by your move, so gimps aren't as easy to pull on you

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"if you need help talking to a lady, ask your mum"

said when fighting Samus/Lucas

"new do, dead you"

said when lucas's whipped topping hair is there

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I don't get what y'all are talking about Kamui's recovery isn't as godly as Robin's but it's just as decent as non-jump monado Shulk or Roy's. Recovering from wall teching a meteor isn't guaranteed, but comparing it to Little Mac, Ana, show how little you're willing to experiment with a character almost everyone still has mediocre proficiency with.

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I don't get what y'all are talking about Kamui's recovery isn't as godly as Robin's but it's just as decent as non-jump monado Shulk or Roy's. Recovering from wall teching a meteor isn't guaranteed, but comparing it to Little Mac, Ana, show how little you're willing to experiment with a character almost everyone still has mediocre proficiency with.

Wall Tech Jump + Second Jump + Wall Jump + Up B = Better recovery than Corrin imo.

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Wall Tech Jump + Second Jump + Wall Jump + Up B = Better recovery than Corrin imo.

But mac has the best wall jump ever

Even better than Mario, and Mario has a goddamn level in Mario64 called Wall Jumps will Work

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Ana, show how little you're willing to experiment with a character almost everyone still has mediocre proficiency with.

What? I'm willing to experiment a LOT. I played several matches with the character. It's just that somehow, people can become an expert at a character right away and I still suck after trying for weeks.

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Nobody has become an expert at Corrin yet. He's been out for less than a day for crying out loud!

Then why am I getting my ass handed to me when I'm using a main I've used for years while someone else is using Corrin? There are Corrin experts here already.

EDIT: I never said Corrin's recovery was worse than Mac's. I said it was the second worst behind Mac's.

Edited by Anacybele
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I tried a few matches, not just one. And sorry, but I still disagree. Only experts wouldn't have trouble, I guess, which I'm not.

I have had literally zero trouble recovering with Corrin and im far from an expert, hun. You know, before Corrin dropped, i hadnt even played my Smash in like, two months almost. Corrin may fit into my playstyle better than most, but expert? Oh hell no.

I played against someone who mains Ike and was able to win with Corrin. Not because im an expert and not because the other player was bad. Its just how the games go. We arent Corrin experts, we just play Smash. Honestly, love, theres no real way of putting it other than (no offense) 'git gud'. Practice with Corrin a bit. Try to land that recovery (because it is directional and can be hella situational. You heard that lot about the bair, and its true). Try practicing with Dragon Lunge and see what its capable of doing. If even after practicing a lot with Corrin, and she still doesnt jibe well with your style, than maybe its just your playstyle and the character dont mix. It doesnt mean the character is bad or that you are a bad player. I cant use Olimar worth shit and everyone's high tier guys (Falcon, etc), i stink with. So... Dont dismiss it unless you've tried everything.

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"git gud" is a lot easier said than done in my case though. I don't seem to get any better no matter how much I try. I still get two or three-stocked no matter who I use most of the time. I just don't understand how everything really works, I guess. I might have been pretty good at Brawl, but the slower gameplay was probably the main reason. Smash 4 is quicker.

I was able to fix my recovery issue with Corrin, though. Still, it obviously isn't enough to make me good at Smash. I've decided that I'm done putting myself through this disappointment and just won't play anymore. I'm sorry to those who wanted to see me get better, and I don't REALLY want to give up. I honestly hate giving up. But I don't feel I have a choice here. I might've said a few times before that I was done playing, but this time I really mean it.

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Wall Tech Jump + Second Jump + Wall Jump + Up B = Better recovery than Corrin imo.

Bair, Side B, extra jump, and I haven't even needed up B yet.

You were saying?

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