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How awesome would a crossover between Bayonetta and Kid Icrarus: Uprising be?


So, in response to my random nerdiness...  

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Ok, I may not be posting this Topic in the correct forum (if this is the case, Mods- please can you move this to the correct forum please?).

Anyways- I was watching the Super Smash Bros Direct yesterday and I didn't realise just how badly I wanted a crossover between Bayonetta and Kid Icarus. I have no idea how this crossover would work (I've never played Bayonetta, and I've only played Kid Icarus: Uprising) and it's probably the most stupid, dumb and generally crazy idea I've ever had.

But I want it so bad.

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Well, one of Bayonetta's taunt quotes in the first game was: "I have a fever. And the only cure is... more dead angels." So basically, it would be bloody hilarious with the emphasis on "bloody".

Edited by BrightBow
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Sounds terrible, because they're both the good guys/gals and they're both killing eachother. How can I maintain my waifu love if they're both dead?!?!

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Why Kid Icarus and Bayonetta?

Most likely referring to how Bayonetta's reveal trailer was. (Including Kid Icarus characters.)

That's exactly the reason why. Dang, the characters worked well together in that trailer and it was just awesome! :D

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Sounds terrible, because they're both the good guys/gals and they're both killing eachother. How can I maintain my waifu love if they're both dead?!?!

I am not sure about Bayonetta being a good gal if you ask me. She is as nice as Dante.

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But in her own series, Palutena is pretty tough Godess. :)

I'm pretty sure Plautena could hold her own.

I just had to laugh at these statements.

Palutena is a definition of a damsel and incompetent goddess.

She exiled Medusa which caused a huge war between the underworld and the lightworld and was captured and taken imprisonment because of it. She had to require an angel with no ability to fly to save her and she even gets captured again by the Chaos Kin who had the ability to completely mind control her to the point that she couldn't even do anything about it.

Edited by kingddd
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I just had to laugh at these statements.

Palutena is a definition of a damsel and incompetent goddess.

She exiled Medusa which caused a huge war between the underworld and the lightworld and was captured and taken imprisonment because of it. She had to require an angel with no ability to fly to save her and she even gets captured again by the Chaos Kin who had the ability to completely mind control her to the point that she couldn't even do anything about it.

That doesn't mean she isn't powerful, just how her character is. She can still kick ass.

Yeah she did exile Medusa. Because she has that power and she banished her away lmao.

"The ensuing war did not go well for Palutena as the Three Sacred Treasures were lost, the Centurions were turned to stone, and Palutena herself was captured and imprisoned within her own palace, unable to help as her beloved Angel Land swarmed with the forces of evil."

Can't really do much if you're imprisoned.

And I'm pretty sure anyone could have been taken capture and controlled by the Chaos Kin.

"The Chaos Kin is a powerful creature. According to its Idol Description, the Chaos Kin's dark power is said to rival that of the gods. The creature has the ability to consume the soul of its victim."

Edited by Ukero
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