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Chapter 5 Cutscene + 15 Minutes gameplay footage in English


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Please tell me Belka's isn't final. It's literally just her Japanese name left un-romanized.

We don't have Revenants in this game, so going for "malign" with a syllable lopped off is pretty cringe-worthy.

I think Malig Knight is supposed to be a pun on "malignant".


If they wanted to go for word play something like Necrowyrmancer would have worked better imo.

Edited by Ivory
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Putting some responses in the spoiler cause it'll discuse chapters outside of 5:

Thing is we already get racist Hoshidans in the random chapter bosses on Nohr's route, they're the ones who insult Nohrian based on their race and that's the only place I can remember seeing it (none of the royals apart from Takumi do). Dehumanizing the enemy is a fact but is a bad thing and isn't justification for hating a people group in general that can be considered "good" it just is and causes things like internment camps to happen. FE9 did a good job of showing the blind fear and hate with the Daein citizens who refuse Ike's aid supplies and spit at them because they're with the enemy army, but FE14 doesn't really have any equivalent narrative space to address this. And I know all those reasons why Hinoka has beef with Nohr, it's the same in the Japanense script but I can't recall her ever using "Nohrian scum" or any similarly racially charged insult in those original lines despite the backstory. So having localized Hinoka say it isn't a direct translation but instead taking artistic liberties in the depiction of the character- thus why others in this thread theorize they're trying to "grey up" her personality.

If you do happen to remember please let me know, as right now I can't recall it ever happening in what fans have translated. In Hoshido route Chapter 13 Hinoka says to Camilla "Stop it! Let go of my brother/sister!" and that's it, nothing about the fact Cam's Nohrian. Even in Nohr route Chapter 24 she doesn't use such insults when presumably they've killed her younger siblings and slaughtered their way there through Shirazaki. Instead all she talks about Kamui which is bad writing, but I'll take it over racist insults and overtones to the character. She does say "pawn of Nohr" but like Ryouma's "Nohrian commander" in localized Chapter 5 it's more concerned with the enemy military and the threat they pose by being used, rather than the sole fact that they're Nohrian and thus scum, ect.

People in this thread have also mentioned their worries about the subtleties of character being missed, Marx's vulnerability and Takumi's insecurity, because little changes in the wording. I'm worried that localization added an element to Hinoka's character that wasn't there at all before- she never made racially charged insults in the Japanese script despite have all the same motivational justifications, it just wasn't part of her character. But for whatever reason localization has decided to add it, I dunno if they changed a bunch or if it's a one-off, but it's there now and therefore canon which leaves a very sour taste in my mouth. It's an interpretation of the character I do not like, feel free to disagree, but all the "it makes sense to insult their race cause they're the enemy and she's got beef" arguments won't change the issue I have- which is Hinoka wasn't racist in the original script and now she is. And my resulting worry that the added racism wouldn't really be addressed, that instead it'll just have happen, unresolved, and be ignored which I'd find particularly frustrating in a character I was looking forward to playing first-hand.

Maybe you missed my last response to you where I explained why I don't think she's racist, especially in comparison to other characters in the series who legitimately are racist (Shinon, Jill, Oboro). Oboro, for example reacts negatively to the presence of Nohrians, even those who have demonstrated their friendly intentions. That's racist. Hinoka has calls the Nohrians she's fighting scum. Unless she also calls Felicia, Joker and Silas scum, I don't think she's being racist.

If the matter is never addressed and nothing comes of it, wouldn't that be proof that racism wasn't their intention? I still think you are overreacting to the change. It's an artistic liberty that makes her lines a bit more poignant.


Iron Kunai>Iron Dagger

"Dusk Armory"

"Staff Store"



Seems like it's Bronze for Nohr weapons, Brass for Hoshido

Revenant Knight>Malig Knight (What the hell?)

Luna>Selena (Coughs)

Belka>Beruka (What the hell?)

Rod Knight>Troubadour







And I think that's all? All I saw anyway

(Iron Bow aside, etc)


I do like Kunai's being changed to daggers or knives. It was pretty silly having a specifically Japanese name for a Nohrian weapon when they went out of their way to make the Hoshidan names unique.

The other names though... I hope they change the boss at the Infinite Chasm from Mozu to Mozume.

Dear gods, what were they thinking?

They shorten Mozume to Mozu, probably because it is "hard to pronounce" or something silly like that. Which is already stupid but THEN they just use Beruka? What is the logic behind that? Someone tell me please.

And Selena for Severa is like the least useful code name. Just imagine her in My Room going "I can't tell anyone else, but my real name isn't Selena.. it's SEVERA!! Now you know my most well-hidden secret."

Niles is simply ridiculous. That's a name for an accountant or other door to door salesman. What was wrong with Zero anyway?

To be fair, there was never a reason to change her name.

"I will tell you my most closely guarded secret. My true identity is...Severa."


"Severa. One of the heroes from Yilisse?"


"I was really popular in the last game!"

Edited by NekoKnight
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As cringe worthy as IGN is ever since they did kingdom Hearts 3 vid, The vid doesn't seem bad. Think the Marth voice got better. Way better than code name I think. Where's the Ike voice? Well we got a lot of info so I'm good. Can't wait until the game comes out

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ugh these names are atrocious

I've defended stuff like Xander and Rinkah but completely changing Zero, Revenant Knight, and Luna makes no sense.

Belka's name is a terrible romantization, and cutting Mozume is even worse than cutting Suzukaze.

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As cringe worthy as IGN is ever since they did kingdom Hearts 3 vid, The vid doesn't seem bad. Think the Marth voice got better. Way better than code name I think. Where's the Ike voice? Well we got a lot of info so I'm good. Can't wait until the game comes out

I haven't watched it yeat; glad to hear that Yuri's derpish Marth performance got better at least.

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Am I the only one who likes Zero's name change? Riles isn't that bad of a name. Though, I was hoping for Zorro. Did you guys notice that his voice actor was a tad flamboyant though? xD

I'm not thrilled with Beruka or Malig Knight (am I even spelling it right)?


And, looks like I just got spoiled on Selena, Odin, and Lazward.

Though I guess it WAS obvious it was Severa, Inigo, and Owain lol.

Guess I'll learn how they got to Corrin's world when I play it.

EDIT2: It's NILES, not RILES. How did I mess that up? Still, it's not terrible. Zero as a name was a little lame.

Edited by Leif
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And, looks like I just got spoiled on Selena, Odin, and Lazward.

Though I guess it WAS obvious it was Severa, Inigo, and Owain lol.

Guess I'll learn how they got to Corrin's world when I play it.

Nope, you won't. It's $5 DLC that will just raise more questions than aswers.

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Anyway, I don't mind the names as much now that I've had some time to think about them. Niles is just more subtle (considering what Nil means), Malig Knight is a pun for malignant, Beruka is apparently a derivative of Beronica and Veruca (and what you'd get if you put the two together), Mozu is...okay, that one's pretty terrible, but the point is that the names aren't all bad

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Anyway, I don't mind the names as much now that I've had some time to think about them. Niles is just more subtle (considering what Nil means), Malig Knight is a pun for malignant, Beruka is apparently a derivative of Beronica and Veruca (and what you'd get if you put the two together), Mozu is...okay, that one's pretty terrible, but the point is that the names aren't all bad

Do they have to choose names like they're naming Pokemon? Subtle references to mythology/literature are fine (Cordelia, for example) but I don't think they should make things punny.

Maligknight: The Dark Knight Pokemon. This Pokemon likes to guard bridges and challenge other Pokemon to duels. It seemingly has poor defense but no matter how many flesh wounds it takes, it can continue to fight.

Dark/Steel type

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This game's name changes just get worse and worse... I would love to hear the thought process behind changing Revenant Knight to Malig Knight.

Beruka is meh but I'm going to pronounce it like Veruca Salt which is a bit better. Niles seems like an unnecessary change. Selena is too close to her real name so really they should've just kept Luna. And IMO the shortening of Japanese names is stupid, but especially if they're short enough already like Mozume.

Glad to see they left Nyx alone though.

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Do they have to choose names like they're naming Pokemon? Subtle references to mythology/literature are fine (Cordelia, for example) but I don't think they should make things punny.

Maligknight: The Dark Knight Pokemon. This Pokemon likes to guard bridges and challenge other Pokemon to duels. It seemingly has poor defense but no matter how many flesh wounds it takes, it can continue to fight.

Dark/Steel type

Ability: None Shall Pass. Hidden Ability: Always Triumphs

True, but I said not all bad. I prefer Revenant Knight, Belka and Mozume (Naming characters things like 'Zero' is a pet peeve of mine, so I'm happy to see it go), but it's not like the Localisation team got together and said "Hmm, how should we fuck with the FE Fanbase today? I was thinking we could butcher all the names for no reason and maybe shit in their cereal bowls if we have some time left over.."

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Ability: None Shall Pass. Hidden Ability: Always Triumphs

True, but I said not all bad. I prefer Revenant Knight, Belka and Mozume (Naming characters things like 'Zero' is a pet peeve of mine, so I'm happy to see it go), but it's not like the Localisation team got together and said "Hmm, how should we fuck with the FE Fanbase today? I was thinking we could butcher all the names for no reason and maybe shit in their cereal bowls if we have some time left over.."

Maybe not intentionally shitting in our cereal but a lot of the changes are arbitrary and sound worse in my opinion. Like, who on the team said "Guys, Americans can't say a name longer than 2 syllables, Kazahana, Suzukaze and Mozume need to be shortened. Keep Sakura the way it is though, and make Belka's name longer."

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(To be fair for Zero's name change, "Zero" just isn't a good name)

I've got a word about Luna's and Belka's name changes, but everyone has said what there is to say about those changes. But regarding Mozume, I get the feeling that most English speakers wouldn't be able to get it right. I hear a lot of English speakers pronouncing Kamikaze with a hard E sound (kami-kaz-zee) and that's a word that has become accepted as a loanword in the English language for 60 years now. So if Mozume was kept, people would be calling her Mozu-mee if they didn't know better. (Of course that's not too bad either but welp)

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I doubt they are doing these changes to spite us lol.

Names I except to see changed are "Orochi" and "Oboro". Too similar.

That is, I see they are showing Nohr bias in these previews haha.

The GameXplain one chose Nohr at chapter 6, here they show us Nohr footage!

Anyway, this is not the first time FE names got changed.

Here, take a look:



















Some of these names sound very weird, but other are very normal, such as Kevin, Tiamat, Stella...

Basically, you won't know why the normal names got changed unless you ask the localizers.

Although the decision to let Beruka stay Beruka is weird. Others I can understand, and so the name shortening in Hoshido, but Beruka is weird, I would've expected a complete name change like Wayu -> Mia.

Because Belka is a weird name.

Anyway, part of me hopes the PAL versions keeps the normal, "uncut in half" Japanese names, because "Mozu" sounds dumb.

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Oh the names...

* I'm ok with Niles for Zero, but it will be impossible for me not to think in The Nanny while reading the name... And it looks that some people started to joke with it in tumblr (https://41.media.tumblr.com/5dfb19d68924e1dca66c8ef1e3251515/tumblr_nzvsf1HlKV1s25sh6o1_250.png)

* I'm ok with Selena for Luna, as at least it has a logic

* Belka is totally WTH territory... I don't understand the change

* Mozu... The localization team really like to chop chop the names

Omg, I'm really afraid of what the Localization team do to Oboro :S , I hope her name didn't get changed as I really like her name, it would be weird for me if they changed it for something strange :/ (But thanks to god because Takumi keep his name intact)

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Zero's voice sounds terrible and I love it!

I love bad dubs, I had such fun moments playing Shenmue and hearing those terrible voices... listening to pilot interviews in GX... ah, good times, good times.

Ah, I'm being 100% honest. I prefer a bad dub over a mediocre one or a overacted american dub.

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