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What game(s) hold a special place in your heart?


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I've been playing games for longer than many of you have been alive, and I've got a lot of emotional investment and sentimental value placed in my gaming backlog that I still remember fresh as day today.

  • Ragnarok Online; Met my [ex] on that game and am now a proud parent of two because of it
  • Crystalis; the first RPG I ever played, with my father, back when he still played games with me
  • Fire Emblem; Yea yea I know, but it's the first I played and brought me here, and I've made some really good friends and a seen major impact on my life since playing it
  • Halo; experiencing the Flood at 1am with my best friend at age 13 in a room where the lightbulb burst in our ceiling light about 1/3 through the level bestowed a feeling of fear I'll never forget

Those are the more memorable memories I have from games past played. What about you?

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I could probably just copy the post I made last night in the Favorite Games of All Time thread ((that's what I base my favorites on lmao)), but I'd say FE4, Chrono Trigger, Trauma Center New Blood, Pokemon Gold ((and the other Gen II games I suppose)), Undertale, and Majora's Mask. Just games where where the story and gameplay really combined to make it a truly amazing experience that I won't forget.

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Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped: My favorite game of all time, and the one I've put the most time into

Army Men RTS: The game that introduced me to strategy games, which would eventually be one of the two factors that would lead me to play FE

FE 7/Awakening: I hold both of these games in high regard for introducing me to FE. Counter and it's BS is the only reason I consider FE 7 better

Syphon Filter 2: For making me love Kaizo level difficult games

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Well, I get pretty emotional watching what happens to (spoilers) Elise on Hoshido route.

Other than that, Gary's Raticate I guess?

I suppose I can get emotional when I'm really immersed into a game or its story, but not particularly often.

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Okami: one of the first games i ever played in my PS2, still my favorite game of all time.

The Team Ico series: Thank God it finally seems the Last Guardian is actually happening.

thatgamecompany's games: They just work.

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Special place goes for these 3:

• Sonic Adventure 2; The game is my early childhood. I still remember very detailed the day I played this game first time with my good old Dreamcast.

• Wario Land 4; Such nostalgia. I got this game along with GBA, which was my own very first Game console for Christmas present 2001. Just like above, The memories of the first touches are clear, like it all happened just yesterday.

• Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn; Introduced me to the world of FE and more than deserves to be on this list.

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• Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn; Introduced me to the world of FE and more than deserves to be on this list.

Exactly the same.

Both Tellius parts for this above mentioned reason and the fact they became very worthy because of their rarity.

I was very close to the moment to sell them.

I'd have regretted it till the rest of my life.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Super Smash Bros 64

Mario 64

Star Fox 64

Super Mario World

Pokemon Gold/Silver

Final Fantasy VI

Ocarina of Time

Wow most of this stuff is on N64, which wasn't even that good of a console. I guess it's mostly nostalgia for me.

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Metroid Zero Mission for being the first game I really got into.

Pokemon Heart Gold because not only is it an amazing game but it was my first pokemon game.

Chrono Trigger for being my first RPG and the best game ever.

FF7 for being my first Final Fantasy.

Ocarina of Time for being the first Zelda game I played.

Link to the Past.

Super Metroid.

TES4: Oblivion

SSBB for being a game my brother and I played together a lot.

Star Fox 64 for helping to define a year of my life as far as gaming goes. (along with other N64 classics)

Those aren't my favorite games exactly, but most of them are.

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Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS I did not get to play this as a child but when I bought my 3DS I picked this game up and it holds a special place in my heart because at the time I was having to become an adult and the story reminded me that I need to keep the pure heart I had as a child and that still sticks with me.

Fire Emblem Sacred Stone because it was my first FE game and I really fell in love with all the things that make FE great and I have been a fan ever since.

Legend of Zelda The Minnish Cap because it was my first Zelda game and was the first game I 100% without using a guide.

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Ragnarok Online, I wasted so much time playing it when I was young... I still get the chills listening to its ost and it makes me super nostalgic

Pokemon yellow, for being the first game I ever played.

Many gba games, like Pokemon Ruby, Mario & Luigi, FFTA and of course, Fire Emblem.

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Ragnarok Online, I wasted so much time playing it when I was young... I still get the chills listening to its ost and it makes me super nostalgic

Pokemon yellow, for being the first game I ever played.

Many gba games, like Pokemon Ruby, Mario & Luigi, FFTA and of course, Fire Emblem.

I read the bolded parts as one phrase and thought "what soundtrack? what chills?". lol.

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grand theft auto 3, introduced me to one of my favorite game series. Also was just a ton of fun to play.

Pokemon Pearl: the first game of which then i would proceed to consume everything pokemon game related for the next 5 or 6 years of my life.

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Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations holds the most special place in my heart, because it introduced me to one of my favorite series and videogame genre ever. I think I know all the cases by heart now.

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future because me and my cousins used to recite its cutscenes even though I was the only one who actually finished the game (when it came out they were too young to understand the mechanics of the game)

Also Pokémon Diamond and Pearl because me and my brother bonded a lot through them. It's been 6/7 years and we're still cursing for Giratina, it took us a lifetime to catch it

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Tales of the Abyss: To this day, it's story still affects me.

A great game with a great story and characters, and really makes you think and reflect about many important things.

Seriously, it has an amazing story. And the gameplay is very good too, so much fun!!

Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of time: Watching my cousin play these games back on the early 90s is what got me into gaming.

Pokemon Red and Blue: My very first Pokemon, and I've been fan ever since.

I even remember the Pikablu rumors back when Gen 2 was announced. Good times, good times.

Pokemon Ruby, Saphire and Emerald: By far my favorite Pokemon games, and Hoenn is my favorite region by far, and I love Omega Ruby and Alpha Saphire as well.

Actually Gen 3 as a whole was very special to me, a lot of my favorites are from this Gen, and the I love the spin-offs as well.

Super Smash Brawl: I played this game with my friends so much, the records are insane.

And of course Fire Emblem 7, it is what got me in the Fire Emblem series. But there's also Fire Emblem 8, my favorite one, and is when I really started to understand the mechanics.

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Mario Party 7, Yoshi's Topsy Turvey, and Pokemon Emerald.

Mario Party 7 - I saw my cousins playing it one day and I was like "omg Yoshi is so cute I wanna play" and that's literally how I got into gaming hahahaha.

Yoshi's Topsy Turvey - The first ever video game I got as a gift. Since Yoshi is my all time favourite video game character, I was ecstatic!

Pokemon Emerald - First Pokemon game. Needless to say, I didn't know much about Pokemon at the time so I ended up going through the whole game (including the Champion) with just Swampert. This is also why my favourite Pokemon is Mudkip.

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Kid Icarus Uprising

I was dealing with severe depression and anxiety in 2013, to the point where I needed to go to a ward for a bit. None of their treatments were doing anything, so when I left, I was pretty much on my own in terms of how to deal with it. Then I found this game at Best Buy and it quite possibly saved my life considering the road I was going on. The game's characters touched the part of my that needed it and in a way that nothing in that point had managed to do.

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Donkey Kong 64: This game was really fun as a kid.

Tekken 3: My first fighting game. I used to play it a lot with my dad.

Ocarina of Time: I absolutely loved thus game. I must of played it so many times as a kid.

Soul Calibur 2: First game from the soul series. I also played this with my dad.

Fire Emblem 8: My first Fire Emblem game.

Pokemon Yellow: This was the first game my mom bought for me and also my first Pokemon game ever.

Smash bros 64: This game was so addictive, I remember playing Link. I made a lot of friends as a kid thanks to this game.

Disgaea: I got this game around 14(?). I found this game hilarious and really enjoyed playing it.

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Well, either Zelda: A Link to the Past or Super Mario Bros. (Super Mario All-Stars version) was my first game ever. Zelda: Skyward Sword brought back the love I had for Zelda as a kid. Before that, I just felt like Mario, Pokemon, and Smash were better at that point. I hadn't loved a Zelda the way I loved Skyward Sword since Ocarina of Time, I think. The Minish Cap is my favorite handheld Zelda, but it didn't outdo any of the Mario, Pokemon, and Smash games I loved at the time.

And of course, Fire Emblem. Most specifically Path of Radiance because it was my first game in the series. I wouldn't have gotten into it if it wasn't for my younger brother, the same one who died in August. He wasn't directly the reason, but one thing led to another.

So yeah, all these games hold some sort of special place in my heart.

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The World Ends With You

It came at a time when I would literally act like Neku in the beginning of the game. Which is incredibly embarrassing now. It helped me stop being so childish and probably helped lead to the biggest change of my life.

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Hmm... Games from my childhood I still remember fondly are Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (and 3 to some extent) and Crash Team Racing. Fun to play, colorful and soundtracks were incredibly catchy (I like to hum along to CTR's every theme...). Alisia Dragoon was a tough game and I never beat it, but I remember loving its atmosphere and soundtrack to pieces. It left a huge impression on me, I'd love to play it again some day.

I guess I'd put the first Kingdom Hearts on my list too, even though to this day I haven't beaten it. It took a while until we got a PS2 memory card, so I played the first hours of the game several times. Traverse Town's theme music makes me very nostalgic! I don't really care about the series anymore, but I had a good time with the first game. It's like... it had something I was already familiar with (the Disney characters and worlds) and something I was very slowly getting into (jrpg stuff), and back then that combination felt special to me. Playing a game with so much English text and dialogue was new to me back then. (I think I was 10 or 11 when I got the game?) English was my favorite subject in school and I was excited to learn so many new words from a video game. :D

I have a huge soft spot for Professor Layton games. Maybe it's because I bought the first two games and a Nintendo DS as a Christmas present for myself, but every winter I feel like playing these games again. In fact, I have played the third game, The Lost Future, so many times I have most of the puzzles memorized... They're like my comfort food games, I love everything about them. Even the silly stories.

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I've been playing videogames since the Atari and Colecovision era, but the game that is probably the most special to me is Earthbound. I got it when it first came out and remember playing it start to finish over and over for a few summers in elementary school.

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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is my favorite game of all times.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is the very first video game that I played. (At like 6 years old, so more than 17 years ago)

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