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hangover tips


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That's not what I myself meant.

TC is 19. That is legal in some countries IIRC, but even in those countries they probably aren't supposed to be getting hammered, so I'm pretty sure TC's not partaking in very legal activities.

For instance, Japan's legal drinking age is 20. U.S.'s is 21. There's nothing wrong if you're of legal age for your country.

Granted, most users on this site break the law such as myself for using ROMs so what can I say.

of course since tc's location is in your pants then we may never know

1. how do you know he got hammered

2. shut the hell up lmao

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tbf this is absolutely correct

the arbitrary number is pretty pointless considering most people here have a drink far before 18 too.

i think 18 is entirely fair because it's the age where you're legally responsible for yourself in most countries (drinking, smoking, treated as an adult in legal matters, army conscription, etc.). from a rational standpoint, anyway. in practice, it's all but irrelevant

if i had to field a guess i'd say most kids start drinking around age 15-16 and afaik it's not really very hard to acquire alcohol around that age nor are the laws regarding it enforced very heavily (consumption, anyway. i know americans are hardasses about IDs)

21 is just plain ridiculous tbh

Edited by fuccboi
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the law to be 21 is stupid, im p sure a lot of people have had their first drink before that age

Yeah. 18. But I was in Europe, with my mom, so nyeh. :P:

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I literally don't know how to enjoy parties and the like without alcohol. It turns boredom and awkwardness into fun and great times.

I just don't understand the alcohol haters. It's not like TC is an alcoholic lol

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I literally don't know how to enjoy parties and the like without alcohol. It turns boredom and awkwardness into fun and great times.

I just don't understand the alcohol haters. It's not like TC is an alcoholic lol

I'm not a fan of drinking alcohol. But that's because it didn't work as advertised for me. I'd get all the sickness and none of the buzz, and that's not fun. I've got my own opinions about your sentiment, but this isn't the time or place to air them.

Booze in my cooking, however. . .

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That's not what I myself meant.

TC is 19. That is legal in some countries IIRC, but even in those countries they probably aren't supposed to be getting hammered, so I'm pretty sure TC's not partaking in very legal activities.

For instance, Japan's legal drinking age is 20. U.S.'s is 21. There's nothing wrong if you're of legal age for your country.

Granted, most users on this site break the law such as myself for using ROMs so what can I say.

of course since tc's location is in your pants then we may never know

do you seriously think that 21 is a reasonable drinking age

Hell, the vast majority of people have drunk before 18 here in Australia, and I do consider 18 a reasonable age limit as far as actually going bar-crawling goes. That's what the law's for, not for having a few under the watchful eye of your mates, possibly your family.

oh hi page 2 i see you said everything i said but earlier

Edited by Parrhesia
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Frankly, turning 18 made drinking much less 'exciting' (for lack of a better word) and caused me at least to tone it down significantly. Germany's alcohol legislation seems sensible, where you can drink beer or such with a custodian as early as 14, without a custodian after 16, and distilled beverages after 18.

Here beverages up to 22% alcohol (though you can buy anything from a bar from the get-go, screw you absinthe) are legal at 18 and beverages above that become such at 20, which I don't think is all that bad of a system apart from the limit of 18 being somewhat overly high for beer and such. A uniform limit of 21 makes no reasonable sense.

Edited by Topazd
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Yeah, that's a good point. Definitely not all forms of drinking are equal, though I think most teenagers figure it out on their own - we were having beer, cider and those shitty little cruisers that drown out the taste of alcohol in sweetness by 16-17, not doing shots.

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That's not what I myself meant.

TC is 19. That is legal in some countries IIRC, but even in those countries they probably aren't supposed to be getting hammered, so I'm pretty sure TC's not partaking in very legal activities.

For instance, Japan's legal drinking age is 20. U.S.'s is 21. There's nothing wrong if you're of legal age for your country.

Granted, most users on this site break the law such as myself for using ROMs so what can I say.

of course since tc's location is in your pants then we may never know

counterpoint: what does any of this have to do with us giving op hangover tips

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Yeah, that's a good point. Definitely not all forms of drinking are equal, though I think most teenagers figure it out on their own - we were having beer, cider and those shitty little cruisers that drown out the taste of alcohol in sweetness by 16-17, not doing shots.

For people i know it has been the opposite. We'd drink like fucking idiots but as we had more experience with alcohol we stopped doing that. I've still never gotten as drunk as i used to get when i was 15-16 again and i plan to keep it that way

Edited by fuccboi
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Basically im saying by age 17 i was a responsible, moderate drinker and i wasnt even legal yet lmao

. . .and then there's full-grown adults who can't handle it.

IMO, 18 should be the absolute minimum - that way, if Our Drinker does something wholly idiotic like drive while under the influence, they can be charged as an adult.

Rights come with responsibilities.

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. . .and then there's full-grown adults who can't handle it.

IMO, 18 should be the absolute minimum - that way, if Our Drinker does something wholly idiotic like drive while under the influence, they can be charged as an adult.

Rights come with responsibilities.

My mother always told me that 17 was the age you could be charged as an adult and your post led me to google and find out this fun fact


according to this article from 9/24/15 there are 9 u.s. states that try 17 yr olds as adults

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My mother always told me that 17 was the age you could be charged as an adult and your post led me to google and find out this fun fact


according to this article from 9/24/15 there are 9 u.s. states that try 17 yr olds as adults

I'll consider it if all 50 states try 17-year-olds as adults. But until the other 41 get their act together, no bueno.

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Yeah, that's a good point. Definitely not all forms of drinking are equal, though I think most teenagers figure it out on their own - we were having beer, cider and those shitty little cruisers that drown out the taste of alcohol in sweetness by 16-17, not doing shots.

but who in their right mind would want to taste alcohol

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Don't drink

Problem solved


Don't drink

Problem solved


but who in their right mind would want to taste alcohol

some of it is actually pretty good. most distilled beverages are honestly pretty gross alone, but mixed drinks are a thing so....

beer can be very tasty and refreshing. wine is the same. no one my age gives a shit about champagne, so i dunno about it. pretty gross when i had a sip of it once.

the only hangover cures are:

(1) drinking water. ideally 1 cup (8 ounce or whatever) per standard drink. so, have a shot, have a cup of water. etc. personally, i like to do all my drinking first, then have water after so that my stomach doesn't feel terrible. but i also don't drink a lot, nor do i drink very often. if you drink too much too fast, you'll probably fuck this up (as well as a number of other things).

(2) time. it's really all you have if you wake up with a nasty one.

(3) don't have more than 1 sugary mixed drink. the only hangovers i've ever had were due to sugary drinks. they absorb errything in your body and you have to drink a ton more water than normal. i'd stay away from them. i'm not completely sure on this, though, so it'd be cool if someone who knew about this (formally) could chime in. i'm not sure of all the effects sugars and sweeteners have on the body.

(bonus) eat beforehand. you'll get inebriated more slowly and safely. you really don't need to be hammered to have fun. usually that's what causes people to not have fun.

all of you judgy types should probably just not get yourself involved in this topic.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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i think i've eaten some kebab sandwiches while drunkenly stumbling around the streets of europe

plenty of meat, grease and carbs should help iirc

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Kebabs are the classic. Actually this one time at a Fringe festival the best thing to help my raging hangover was this Czech potato pancake thing which was like... 60% of its weight was probably oil and salt. Fantastic stuff.

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(3) don't have more than 1 sugary mixed drink. the only hangovers i've ever had were due to sugary drinks. they absorb errything in your body and you have to drink a ton more water than normal. i'd stay away from them. i'm not completely sure on this, though, so it'd be cool if someone who knew about this (formally) could chime in. i'm not sure of all the effects sugars and sweeteners have on the body.

(bonus) eat beforehand. you'll get inebriated more slowly and safely. you really don't need to be hammered to have fun. usually that's what causes people to not have fun.

yep, this is my problem. i love sugary shit, so if someone hands me a delicious drink, im going to go back for more. im thinking it has to do something with osmolarity of the drinks (though my renal physiology is sort of rusty). water reabsorption is normally shit with alcohol, and if the drink contained a lot of sugar, the sugar needs to be excreted and that requires water too further lowering the amount reabsorbed dehydrating you a lot. it would be nice if someone else can verify this.

i never thought of it like this before haha, makes for a nice conversation starter.

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