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I was too lazy to look up who said what. Sorry if I offended you.

BTW Last Blade 2 is great. (I'm a fighting game aficionado.)

Lol, I was just joking anyway. :P

And yes, Last Blade 2 is great, and Kagami is great. Setsuna is also great. But let's not get off-topic. :o

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Setsuna is noob-mode. He looks cool and all but he's one of those easy-to-master-but-not-high-tier-fighter type guys. I can't remember who I used, though. I think it was the drunk guy that looked like Elvis, or maybe it was the chick with the Ice spear.


Makalov with transfer bonuses >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kieran. (I'd argue he's better than Kieran in RD anyway.) He's got 4 more levels to grow into his own and will actually surpass the K in a couple stats to start with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh, Makalov.

He's one of those characters I took one glance at and thought "There is no way in hell I am using this guy for anything..." He's just so....I don't know. Gremlin-ish? In PoR, he couldn't hit ANYTHING if he wanted to, so I stopped using him in favour of Astrid.

Yes, you saw correctly. Astrid.

In RD, He wasn't too bad, and I considered using him, despite his utterly horrendous colour scheme. Then I realised Astrid had got to his level and surpassed him in every stat by blinking. He dealt with a gate and an axe user on my recent playthrough. Then he vanished to the depths of the character select screen.

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Makalov is great personality-wise, but fails stat-wise. By the time he shows up, your Oscar and/or Kieran are either already Paladins or really close.

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Ugh, Makalov.

He's one of those characters I took one glance at and thought "There is no way in hell I am using this guy for anything..." He's just so....I don't know. Gremlin-ish? In PoR, he couldn't hit ANYTHING if he wanted to, so I stopped using him in favour of Astrid.

Yes, you saw correctly. Astrid.

In RD, He wasn't too bad, and I considered using him, despite his utterly horrendous colour scheme. Then I realised Astrid had got to his level and surpassed him in every stat by blinking. He dealt with a gate and an axe user on my recent playthrough. Then he vanished to the depths of the character select screen.

I agree with this post 100% (ESPECIALLY the bolded part). We think alike, that we do (too much rurouni kenshin)

Makalov is great personality-wise, but fails stat-wise. By the time he shows up, your Oscar and/or Kieran are either already Paladins or really close.

For me it's backwards, but hey, I'm just not a pink afro fan I guess

Edited by CGV
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My problem with him is that my other paladins (ie Oscar and Kieran and when I feel like using Astrid) end up awesome too. I've not had a bad Makalov yet but he's more of a pain to raise and he just isn't needed when I've got other candidates.

I loved killing him though. One PT I forgot to recruit Marcia somehow and I just stole the gem and killed him Sothe of all things.

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I admit I enjoyed a couple of his support conversartions (especially those with Bastian!) When I forced myself to use him. However, I just never found him superior. Just average.

Average + That Hair = Unusable.


I agree with this post 100% (ESPECIALLY the bolded part). We think alike, that we do (too much rurouni kenshin)


Edited by Warrior of Dawn
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I bet Makalov is consider to be one of the video game's Joke Characters <_<

Personally wise he probably is, but not exactly fighting ability. He's not super good, but he still can get the job done. He's definately not bad at fighting, well, he's bad at fighting debts.

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He can do more than "get the job done". He has arguably the best stats of all Paladins, with the highest HP and Def, as well as w1n AS and Atk. He also has a sexy support with Astrid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Makalov as a unit is not that bad. He gets the job done though he's a little harder to train coming in underleveled. As a character, I like the debt thing but the pink hair and orange armor is just...ugh, disgusting, can't stand it. It's like WTF were they thinking when they designed him? Plus Oscar and Kieran have a huge level lead on him if you've been using them and if you've been abusing Astrid she catches up to him really fast and surpasses him in the next chapter or two. He's not worth it imo.

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He dealt with a gate and an axe user on my recent playthrough. Then he vanished to the depths of the character select screen.

This made me lol sooooooo hard.

Anyways! I won't use him this playthrough because I'm already using too many other characters I like, and I doubt I'll have the space for him. Sooooooo, maybe next time.

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Makalov as a unit is not that bad. He gets the job done though he's a little harder to train coming in underleveled. As a character, I like the debt thing but the pink hair and orange armor is just...ugh, disgusting, can't stand it. It's like WTF were they thinking when they designed him? Plus Oscar and Kieran have a huge level lead on him if you've been using them and if you've been abusing Astrid she catches up to him really fast and surpasses him in the next chapter or two. He's not worth it imo.

My thoughts exactly

I HATE this guy's character, but as a unit (judging by his growths and such) I guess he's pretty good. I must've gotten seriously screwed with him...

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I may force myself to use Makalov on my next playhtrough. I'll probably get a migraine from that hideous armour but I'll have to deal with it.

is like not using Zhang He in Dynasty Warriors because he's exhuberantly gay.

I use Zhang He. All the time. Expressly BECAUSE he is so exuberently gay.

And it pisses everyone else off because he never shuts up.

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