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Things you wish school taught you.


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how to be a swole alpha jock

I wish I had a science class that didn't involve creationism

in fact I wish I actually had science classes

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Schools always been like that. They don't teach you all the things you need once your out. All they do is make you be able to score well in tests when in reality your not gonna need that skill because it is so useless. You will learn social skills and are able to chat with new people. Personally, grades are just a thing to keep my family happy and don't do much for you. Grades only work for college and all careers that need a assosicates,bachelor, and Doctorates. I'm not a pro but that's what I think. They promote colleage being the most Important thing and I disagree. College is not meant for everyone and they do fine. I'm going because I want a career that needs college.

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how to be a swole alpha jock

I wish I had a science class that didn't involve creationism

in fact I wish I actually had science classes

mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

ur welcum

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I kind of wish they taught game design and programming because online tutorials all confuse me and seem to require some payment.

School does actually teach useful things, for example, math. They teach math to train you at thinking logically. They don't teach things like paying bills or getting jobs, but they actually teach some things that might potentially be useful to know for your job. Though they may be expecting too many people to become nuclear physicists or something.

If I'm being honest I can't think of one thing school's teaching me that's completely useless.

Oh but they should definitely teach survival skills. That's kind of an important thing.

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I kind of wish they taught game design and programming because online tutorials all confuse me and seem to require some payment.

We have programming and Compsci courses at my high school, also the reason I am currently doing a Bachelor's in Computer Science.

Honestly though, I wish my high school taught a Mathematical Proofs course or something similar, because the University equivalent is making me claw my eyes out. It's unlike anything in the field I had done thus far.

As for non-academic things, I surprisingly can't think of many as my high school was pretty well rounded.

Edited by DragonLord
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sex ed in america needs dire help

i have so many depressing statistics on this subject you guys :'(

Like STD statistics? I'm actually interested.

My school taught abstinence, which is cool and all but will likely be subverted by like 75% of the world's population. At least.

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Like STD statistics? I'm actually interested.

My school taught abstinence, which is cool and all but will likely be subverted by like 75% of the world's population. At least.

abstinence is your choice but it's not a good survival strategy for the species. Granted who gives a shit besides god. Not like I made humanity. If it dies out that doesn't reflect poorly on me.
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Like STD statistics? I'm actually interested.

My school taught abstinence, which is cool and all but will likely be subverted by like 75% of the world's population. At least.

abstinence-only education is pretty terrible. states that mandate abstinence-only education have notably higher teen pregnancy rates because teenagers are gonna have sex no matter the kind of education they're getting, but with abstinence-only they tend to not get any info on how to have safe sex if they actually do have it.

good news: we're on the downswing for teen pregnancy, though, and the majority of that is attributed to teens actually using contraceptives more lmao

but my two favorite stats that i remember:

only 13 states require that the information provided in sex ed courses be medically accurate (this doesn't mean they aren't, this just means it's not state mandated, but still)

only 13 states require discussion about sexual orientation, and of those 13, only 9 require that the topic is approached positively (^)

if you wanted to know std rates and stuff I can give you those, though!

they're also super sad to me but I thought they were pretty super publicized (i.e. the disproportionately high percentage of new HIV infections belonging to men who identify as gay or bisexual)

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I wish more US schools taught about computers and programming. Pretty much the only computer class in my highschool was "How to use Microsoft Excel".

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