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Do you think there will be gameplay changes in the localization?

Light Master

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I'd like some growth changes and base changes especially on Revelations. Not sure if I just was playing those maps badly but I needed a little bit of grinding to get through them on Lunatic.

I doubt they'll change stuff though guess we'll see.

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Reason I say 'Rinkah' is fine is because her archetype or statistics on paper are perfectly fine -- In the same way that someone like FE7 Canas is 'fine'. Neither unit is stellar at all, but when comparing them to units who are, then yes, they fall a bit short. But that doesn't mean they need buffing.

Thing is, Rinkah is a perfect example of a unit who would otherwise be balanced extremely well against the enemies/maps/content you're up against, to the point where if every unit was on her level or similar, it would be an even better game.

At face value she's an armor knight (with no movement loss) who debuffs res and joins early. Statwise there really isn't anything genuinely wrong with her too, with HP being some weakness in the longterm. IS clearly balanced her around protecting a mage and then utilising said mage in duo attacks (+3 damage or +9 if the mage can also attack after).

Rather, there's just units that could well be tuned down so that the Rinkah's/Nyx's/Arthur's of the game can have more incentive. But I think they are cool units for a draft as it stands. It's not like they are bad.

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lol fix how bad odin is in third path

People need to remember that both Birthright and IK are designed with training units outside of the main story/maps. If you need to go out of your way to train up someone a bit, then the option is there.

Usually I put a hard cap on what level I can train up based on the story map. I make my own formula per game. For me it's chapter number or close to it. So CH7 means I cannot grind units past LV7 tier 1. Or 7+2, 8+2, 9+2 etc... depending on the difficulty and power creep of the game. I set a hard limit.

Conquest was IS's answer to this when it comes to more serious players, like myself. But when/if I do play the others, I understand that the game is balanced differently.

Conquest at least is balanced pretty well as far as FE is concerned. It's no worse than earlier titles at the very least -- and made with the actual intention of being played the same way.

If Birthright/IK has no skirmishes/grinding, I am sure that IS would have balanced they differently. Still, at least there's no Wendy in the game either way. If you were to play BR/IK without letting units play a bit of catchup, I'm sure using 1 or 2 units you need to baby a bit can't be that bad.

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I could run through Birthright easily on Lunatic without grinding, IK it doesn't really seem like I can.

Also I dunno man, Odin being doubled and dying on his join chapter is pretty fucked up also not being able to do damage at all is pretty sad.

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Growth boosts are dumb anyway. Growth rates in the recent games are too high, the last thing we need is to make them even higher.

Also since when was a 45% strength growth bad, or even mediocre? Rinka's main problems are her weapon rank and really meh bases. Her growths are fine for the most part.

Glancing at caps, it looks like at least those have been noticeably docked from Awakening; that's one step in the right direction.

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Glancing at caps, it looks like at least those have been noticeably docked from Awakening; that's one step in the right direction.

And no resetting levels either so reaching them caps is much harder.

Of course, there are eternal seals but those still apply the EXP formula and therefore make it much harder for a unit to become ridiculously strong without too much effort.

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There are some rumors percolating around 4chan that review copies are saying:

skinship removed

corrin thigh coverage

bathhouse removed

some clothing/outfit changes

But they're all pretty unsubstantiated.

Edited by ckc22
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There would be so much backlash if they took all that out.


Probably not really.

You'd get the usual people who scream about censorship regardless of what is being localized/censored. You'd get some of the hardcore otaku people who would be annoyed. There are probably just as many who think skinship is stupid and shouldn't be in a FE game.

I think the overall response would be "meh. ok"

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There are some rumors percolating around 4chan that review copies are saying:

skinship removed

corrin thigh coverage

bathhouse removed

some clothing/outfit changes

But they're all pretty unsubstantiated.


This is my lucky year, the general cry will be epic!

But remember: "Hey, it's opitional!

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Lunatic Nohr enemy stats (HP, Def, Res):

Lv6 Dark Mage: 22-16=8, 5-3=2, 7-5=2
Lv18 Sorcerer: 44-17 =27, 22-5=17, 30-8=22
"Growth": 61%, 48%, 65%

Lv6 Fighter: 26-19=7, 6-4=2, 3-1=2
Lv18 Berserker: 58-24=34, 18-5=13, 8-0=8
"Growth": 87%, 29%, 19%.

Lv8 Ninja: 23-16=7, 6-3=3, 9-3=6
Lv15 Elite Ninja: 42-17=25, 17-4=13, 29-8=21
"Growth": 69%, 15%, 38%

Lv11 Samurai: 26-17=9, 8-3=5, 8-3=5
Lv16 Trueblade: 45-18=27, 19-5=14, 23-5=18
"Growth": 75%, 38%, 54%

45% Str growth is just enough to keep your damage on the weakest enemies, If that is your work.

Otherwise you will keep falling down. By having good base stats you won't fall down to the bottom.

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There are some rumors percolating around 4chan that review copies are saying:

skinship removed

corrin thigh coverage

bathhouse removed

some clothing/outfit changes

But they're all pretty unsubstantiated.

Don't believe everything you see, especially on 4chan. The IGN footage already confirmed hot springs and female Kamui still has the thigh. It's even in the cover art.

The rest is still unknown but the rumors have been debunked long ago.

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There are some rumors percolating around 4chan that review copies are saying:

skinship removed

corrin thigh coverage

bathhouse removed

some clothing/outfit changes

But they're all pretty unsubstantiated.

Like Duke of Dozel said before, the bathouse has been confirmed, and you can still see female Corrin's thighs.

There doesn't seem to be any oufit changes, as Camilla is left unchanged.

Also skinship has been somewhat confirmed to be in the game.

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Like Duke of Dozel said before, the bathouse has been confirmed, and you can still see female Corrin's thighs.

There doesn't seem to be any oufit changes, as Camilla is left unchanged.

Also skinship has been somewhat confirmed to be in the game.

I said they were just rumors and they seemed unsubstantiated.

I personally don't care either way. If some otakus want to rub peoples faces good for them. As long as it's not mandatory to getting something unique I'm of the live and let live variety.

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There are some rumors percolating around 4chan that review copies are saying:

skinship removed

corrin thigh coverage

bathhouse removed

some clothing/outfit changes

But they're all pretty unsubstantiated.

Thats so ridiculous. I dont know why people are spreading these kinds of rumors when videos with the localized version of the game are showing quite the opposite of this.

I highly doubt any gameplay differences are going to happen.

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Skinship doesn't change the resolution.

I believe Duke of Dozel was referring to how the skinship Live2D models allow us to view the front of characters in a higher quality than we would be able to see anywhere else in the game. And I have to agree, they are beautiful. If only they had been utilized in a less awkward manner. :(

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I'd actually be disappointed if they took out skinship. I mean, rubbing people's faces is a bit creepy, but it DOES at least provide us with high-quality model viewing of the characters, and from what I understand some of them say things that develop their character or reveal some interesting things, so there's at least some interesting dialogue in there buried under the foreplay and orgasmic moans. Also I want to see if you can piss the characters off by jabbing them or poking their eyes.

Anyway, topic, stuff that may get changed in international release...

I don't think any gameplay changes will occur at all. None did with Awakening as far as I know. I wish they'd fix the whole "male Corrin can't marry a first-gen woman without rendering a child lost forever" issue and maybe the "same sex marriage options destroy Kanna and potentially Eponine" issue, since that's pretty much my only major gameplay woe, but I can't see them doing that.

Has the Japanese version even received any patches or updates besides the addition of DLC? If it has, then there's at least the potential that an update to the Japanese version will coincide with the already-fixed international release. If the game's been stagnant, though, then it's safe to assume they intend to keep it stagnant.

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Maybe they'll change growth rates of some characters. They've done that in the past at least.

Here's hoping. I'd change growth rates if I were part of the localization team.

I remember that some HP growths are atrocious, they could change that.

And maybe turning Rinkah useful because of it

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I don't think any gameplay changes will occur at all. None did with Awakening as far as I know. I wish they'd fix the whole "male Corrin can't marry a first-gen woman without rendering a child lost forever" issue and maybe the "same sex marriage options destroy Kanna and potentially Eponine" issue, since that's pretty much my only major gameplay woe, but I can't see them doing that.

Yeah I'd love these. There's really no point in not including the children anyway. People will bitch about realism, but I find it a very odd place to draw the "that's not realistic!111!" line.

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I'd actually be disappointed if they took out skinship. I mean, rubbing people's faces is a bit creepy, but it DOES at least provide us with high-quality model viewing of the characters, and from what I understand some of them say things that develop their character or reveal some interesting things, so there's at least some interesting dialogue in there buried under the foreplay and orgasmic moans. Also I want to see if you can piss the characters off by jabbing them or poking their eyes.

I agree. The characters have a few lines where they comment on their appearances (hair, facial features, accessories etc.) and sometimes they talk a little about their backstories or relationships with other characters... That's the stuff I'd miss if the feature was taken out. I've been hoping that the localization would put more emphasis on that kind of dialogue rather than... the other kind. I do admit though, it's is a pretty weird way to get more character stuff!

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