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SF Story can't-think-of-a-title


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I actually don't like how chapter one ended, but it gets better. Hopefully. The plot is vague until it gets around the middle, too... also, note that a shitload more characters are being introduced in chapter two. And Bizz isn't going to exactly be the main character, either. You'll catch my drift once plot comes around.. I just dislike making myself the main. Ew. Chapter one features her the most just because she was introduced first along with the other people, and chapter two should barely have her in it :'D

.. I noticed that's usually my habit, and chapter two ends up being shit lengthy




Chapter One: The Beginning of Autumn

"It's just something I remember in the deep parts of the wind. My thoughts scatter like the dandelion seeds themselves; I cannot recall in the haze of the frigid fields of the mind itself, but what I can tell is something of a different calibur... will you listen? I'm sure you will. Your heart is set on so many things, and this is exactly why I speak to you now..."


She was walking, except she was not. She could've sworn she was; she had tripped over about ten minutes ago, so it might've been only a dream. She heard voices. Thought she was going delirious. She tried picking herself back up again, but couldn't tell if she was doing so. Hearing someone ask if she was feeling distraught, she shook her head. At least, she hoped she did. She hadn't regained her right mind until either an hour or five minutes later.

".. Hm? Bizz? You there?"

"I.. think so. Am I?"

"Well, I believe you are, considering you're speaking to me, hm?"

"I guess." Bizz dusted off the much clothing she wore, and she glanced to the side. Her vision fixed itself right on the girl next to her, one she called friend, who glanced back with that quiet, reserved sort of smile. Her hair was jade-colored; Bizz liked that, and also the fact that she was a fellow swordmaster. Swordmasters, after all, shared the same defense problems.

"Well, that settles that, then." Opal stood up. "You've been having these fits for a while now, haven't you?"

"Only around this time of year..." Which is what Bizz realized when she looked up: the maple leaves were colored brightly of yellow and red and a few orange here and there. Autumn was always so-so in her book- not counting the spells she had, which were actually allergic reactions of some kind. She looked at it that way, anyway. Allergic to a season... it may have been possible, right? Bizz sighed and lifted herself off the ground. At least the trees were rather pretty; and she knew that for a fact. "... Hay, how long was I out, anyway?" She asked.

"I.. think about twenty minutes?" Opal replied with a small shrug.

"Ah. Good thing. I thought it was longer." Opal laughed softly; her young friend had seemed to amuse her since so long ago. Bizz looked to the sky one more time, then turned her head east. The wind was blowing the opposite direction; seemingly a zephyr following it's dream of evolving into a gale. "We should head back to town, eh? The winds are anxious, which might spell ill weather soon."

"But of course. That important letter won't deliver itself, hm?"



Serold was a town of fairly stable economy, and known for its students of acedemic brightness. It was one of those quaint little places to live that was traveled through rather frequently, and had also been close to the main capital of Eroya, which was a bonus.

The nobles of said continental capital visited sometimes, causing excitement throughout the whole vicinity of the place; citizens everywhere would come to wave or watch the royal family go by...

... Which had been happening now, in actuality. And thus the commotion was relevant, and everyone gathered around...


"Sooongbiird! Song, come on! We're going to miss it!" Shouted a sage shaking his little sister awake, "The royal family's going by again!"

"Uhh.. uh?" came a groggy answer as the younger girl was finally rising out of bed. "They're... coming?" She started straightening her slightly unkempt hair with her right hand, organizing the long, brown locks.

"Yes!" The older brother replied, "Hurry up, Sister!"

"Uhh.. uh! Right!" Songbird rummaged for something under her cot and slowly pulled out a long, green bandana. She promptly tied it into her hair, and the two rushed through the house in the quickest of times ever recorded in the history of a long time. "Hey, do you think Cymbeline and Desdemona will be there?"

"Most likely!"


Bizz groaned a sort of breathy groan, and hadn't known why she done it. Opal nudged her slightly. "You okay?"

"Yeah," She breathed. "I guess the nobles just make me feel weird."

Opal chuckled slightly. "Why? You don't like them?"

"No, it isn't that..." The sixteen-year-old girl peered through the massive crowd of people- it was a very narrow view- for anyone she knew. It was a strange thing to do, and Bizz hadn't known many others for that matter, either, but people made her uneasy. She needed some familiar faces. "... See anyone we know? Like, friends, maybe?"

"Not that I see." Opal started scanning the area herself, her eyes moving like the eyes of a young prodigy perusing the pages of a book in their spare time. "There is bound to be someone here, isn't there?"

"If we can find our way through this mess, then yes."


There were loud cries of "Look!" and "Over there!" coming from the citizens all around as the carriage pulled by horses in ornamental decor came into the view of the landscape as the people frantically waved and shouted and yelled. Bizz squinted her eyes. There was something familiar about one of the royals. It was her Sense, she presumed: He was a swordmaster, too. In fact, he had been much more skilled than that, as her Sense told her- a full blown trueblade. She'd always aspired to that kind of rank.

Squinting them further to the point they were almost shut- her vision hadn't been too acute- she saw three other nobles. One of them was a girl, from what her limited vision could portray. "... Hm," she muttered silently. She felt a breeze in her ear, and was poked in the shoulder again. "Yes, Opal?" she replied absentmindedly, her attention span still wavering towards what she thought had been--

"We still have that delivery, remember?" Her friend said, waving a hand in front of the girl's face. "I thought you said you wouldn't be distracted as we were coming here."

"Oh, hush it." Opal giggled.


"Uh, um, delivery!" Bizz had called uncertainly as the two friends arrived in the small inn. Visitors resting at the lobby shifted eyes towards the two, there were a couple of looks, and one person waved silently. Opal waved back. The innkeeper herself looked at them, then gestered them forward.

"Is it the message from the capital?" The woman asked.

Bizz and Opal both nodded.

"Hah, all right. I'll make sure it gets to the Head of Serold immediately."

"Thank you, ma'am," The brunette swordmaster replied, and with smiles and waves, the duo exited the bulding almost instantly. Bizz complained slightly about someone giving her an odd stare, but it hadn't been the full reason she forced them to hurry out. Leaves were falling gracefully about the excited city as Bizz looked up to the clouds again.

What was the message, she wondered?


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I finally got to read this last night, but I didn't get to post casue the site went down:

But I think you pretty much bitch slapped all the other writers here and showed us how it's done.


I look forward to reading more!

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Yaay for writing!

You did a very good job dear, you're getting better! Just you wait, not too long from now, you shall be the writer that you always dreamed you would be!


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Wow, for once, I actually had a chapter finished on the (estimated) deadline! Yeeey


Well, thanks for all of your comments guys, I really appreciate it <3 It really means a lot, honestly. and ilu too Epona ;____;

Note: Anyone who'd like to be in, sign-ups are still avaliable until chapter 3 rolls around. Last chance!

Random note of questionable importance: Anyone who's seen Cowboy Bebop at all, just imagine Piano Bar playing in the background of the first scene. I don't know, it just sounds so suiting to me..

Chapter Two: Seeds in the Wind

On a hard, possibly oak desk, sat a pottery-made coffee cup. Steam arose from it in patterns, various shapes emerging into the air, in pale puffs. A sigh came from above, fingers rapidy tapping the wooden desk, causing the cup to rattle slightly. A man in about his twenties shot a thirsty look at his scolding hot java, soon rising the cup up to his lips, sipping small, delicate sips. The room was small and peaceful- which was what the rested man has preferred at this particular time of day- but very slight boredom had settled in after a while, a young and hardly noticeable mold on the surface. There was a jacket hanging on an also-possibly oak hanger in the corner, a gift he recieved a time ago.

His ears heard many things in his moment of tranquility. For one, he heard the footsteps approaching closer to his door, the frantic whispers and mutterings of a mistress to herself. He chucked slightly. "Come in," he called out loud, which he surmised startled the woman behind his door, as his accurate hearing caught the faint sound of a gasp.

"Er, Head Javaman, sir, um, you have a letter.." The delivery girl stammered slightly. She had a rather smooth, high-pitched voice, and her hair was a very pale blue, as was her eyes. Javaman raised a brow.

"Why so nervous this fine day, hm?"

"Did you, um, hear, sir?" The mistress' flustered look puzzled the man sitting at the desk to such a degree that he cocked his head slightly to the side in curiosity as he was handed the thin, folded parcel. It looked pretty geniune. Yes, it even had that authentic smell...

"... Sir?"

"... Hm?"

"Did you... listen to what I said?" The woman's expression had been slightly baffled.

"Why, yes. Something important?"

"It's.. in the parcel, sir. I must be going now..." And with that, she hastily scurried up to the door, shutting it behind her in a tender fashion. She must've been new, Javaman thought. I don't believe I've seen her around these parts before.

He stared at the folded paper of utter importance that had now been resting on his perhaps oak desk, to the left of his cup of java. He had another sip, and picked the letter up, opening it carefully and slowly. He noticed the faint fingerprints and dirt marks on it as the wrinkled sheet was slowly unfolded open, and the text was read...


"Cymbeline! Desdemona!" Masu called, waving a hand cheerfully at his two approaching friends. Songbird did the same, along with a few hops up and down. The crowd of citizens had been settling down and returning to their homes at this point, but jovial jabber and chatter and blathering was still thrown in all kinds of different directions. Shop stands were still teeming with lengthy lines of a vast variety of customers from all around all over the vicinity of the moderate-sized town.

"Hey!" The duo of twin sisters greeted in unison. "Did you see the family going by?" Desdemona had asked.

"Yeah!" Songbird replied with a joyful nod, "I just love it when they come to see us!"

"How's everything been faring for you guys?" Cymbeline wondered.

"Oh, just fine," Masu had replied, and Songbird nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! Thalassa's doing just fine, too!" She had replied in her constantly energetic tone. Being a pegasus knight, Thalassa was, obviously, Songbird's pegasus. She had a special stable she had stayed in at her home, and the sixteen-year-old would always be going out into the plains to ride her. Song rarely revealed her out in public, however, for various- and mostly understandable- reasons.

"So, did you see anyone else today?" Desdemona asked. Masu shook his head.

"No," he responded with a sigh. "I haven't seen many of the others today..."

"Maybe they're busy?"


"Hey!" Songbird chimed in, "Since we're all here, how's about some dinner tonight?"

And, to shorten things up, the four hungry individuals all did agree to dinner that night.


The rather frustrated, purple-clad trueblade was.. well, rather frustrated. He paced up and down one of the side halls of Casta palace rapidly in successed continuation. The attack on the captial of Eroya did devastating damage. The palace was relatively unharmed, but the common townsfolk of the city's proximity were harmed terribly. It was unnerving. Unnerving and also made everyone uneasy; countless were dead or homeless or hopelessly confused. The latter was noticeably significant before, but now it was worse.

The dark dragon who did so was killed. They said he was, anyway. Nobody knew the true indentity of the catastrophe-causing individual, he just sort of disappeared into the wind; like most things did these days when they were out of sight out of mind. But this incident wasn't out of mind, albeit the dragon was indeed better out of sight.

"Damn it!" The man had shouted, stomping one foot on the smooth, marble-like flooring in what was now irate anger. It echoed, as what happened in most gargantuan palaces. He rested himself on the nearest wall, which was to his left side. The visit to Serold was nice, of course, but did it have to come to such a price? What was happening now, what was happening? Confusion and discord everywhere that came out of nowhere! Nowhere! He'd heard that somewhere before, thought he could hear something echoing back-

"Something bugging you?" came a voice a distance behind him. Lyle Dayek swerved around to see the fellow noble trueblade facing him. "You know, you've been so tense lately."

"Ah, Nightmare..." Lyle muttered breathily in exhaustion. Something pinged in realization just then: Nightmare never did reveal his true name. It was rather interesting. That, and he had been blind, yet it was as if he wasn't. He always knew exactly what took place around him. Maybe your remaining senses did improve when one specific one was taken away...

"Fim's been out wyvern riding," Nightmare said, "she's come back to say that the job was done not even halfway. Most of the city's still intact."

"But, people are still..." Lyle began, but faltered. A younger girl had walked in shortly after, about thirteen years of age. She was smaller as was visible, and her hair was a bright tint of light blue. Her cloak she wore was blue. Her full name being Fimbulvetr after the famous blizzard tome, she was indeed a very ardent fan of blue. Fire, too, but that didn't suit the 'blizzard' theme all too affectively. Among the few sages that rode wvyverns like Fim had, pyromania had been fairly common.

Her dark brown eyes scanned the hallway briefly before she chirped, "Hay, guys! I just got back from scouting!"

"I told Lyle about it," Nightmare replied. Fim nodded slightly.

"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought," said Fim, "but, who do you think did this?"

"That's, rather, the task at hand," Nightmare explained, "as in, finding that out. They say whatever did this was, rather, someone coaxed into attacking us. Someone used for grisly intentions, though the one used, exactly, didn't have the intentions themselves. Probably why they hesitated... I hope this doesn't continue." Nightmare paused, as if pondering something as if he knew something, as if something sounded familiar to him in what he spoke, before. Then, he asked to either no one or the entire world overall, "Anyone know where Chris went?"

"He went out, I guess," Fim eventually responded after an odd moment of silence.

"Ah, I see... Lyle? You there?"

"Eh," Lyle sighed. He nervously ran a hand through his brown hair, and rushed back down the echoing palace hall, leaving Fim and Nightmare to estimate what caused Lyle's troubled feelings. Either that, or maybe to search about for the fourth noble.


Edited by Bizz
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Loves it. MOAR!!!

(It's pretty cool that Nightmare and I have a sort of chance to communicate. The relationship between us too has never really been touched upon in a story.)

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Your writing style is amazing. And it's got a really interesting storyline, so I can't wait to see what happens next! =D


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Yaay for moreness! I loves you toos, Bizz.

Anyways, you've not only gotten better with writing in general, but the speed in which you do so! Hmm, can't think of anything I havn't already said, so to prevent myself from being repitive I say, keep going dear!

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I shall begin with my conclusion: that was very good. Therefore I can only really nitpick at a few points:

1) I noticed that a few times you use a comma before the word "too", for example:

"Yeah! Thalassa's doing just fine, too!"

It does feel a bit unnecessary, it just does not sound normal when I say that line with that pause.

2) There are one or two points where you do not start a new paragraph when a new character speaks, for example:

His ears heard many things in his moment of tranquility. For one, he heard the footsteps approaching closer to his door, the frantic whispers and mutterings of a mistress to herself. He chucked slightly. "Come in," he called out loud, which he surmised startled the woman behind his door, as his accurate hearing caught the faint sound of a gasp.

Remember that you should begin a new paragraph when a different character starts talking, even if it is only a small line. So really, it should look like this:

His ears heard many things in his moment of tranquility. For one, he heard the footsteps approaching closer to his door, the frantic whispers and mutterings of a mistress to herself. He chucked slightly.

"Come in," he called out loud, which he surmised startled the woman behind his door, as his accurate hearing caught the faint sound of a gasp.


The rather frustrated, purple-clad trueblade was.. well, rather frustrated.

That felt rather unneeded, there are better ways to emphasise his frustration: such as metaphors, making him express his frustration physically, or some other imagery.

4)From what I have been taught, you should not use abbreviations such as "don't" or "couldn't" outside of dialogue (where it is fine since you are trying to write it how the character is saying it) when writing in formal prose. Acronyms like organisation/country names, dates and such are okay.

Though of course are all rather small points of criticism I have for your story. Overall, the good far outweighs the faults: your descriptions are generally good, and the characters are all fine. However, because you are inserting forum members as characters (including yourself), there may be a future risk of creating a Mary Stu, or and author's pet. But since you seem like a good writer, I will give the benefit of a doubt that you can avoid such a situation.

I hope to see more of this in the future.

Edited by Shuuda
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However, because you are inserting forum members as characters (including yourself), there may be a future risk of creating a Mary Stu, or and author's pet. But since you seem like a good writer, I will give the benefit of a doubt that you can avoid such a situation.

Yaaaah, I was trying to avoid doing that. I am hoping it doesn't happen in the future, for if it does I'd be a hypocrite for disliking mary-sues/stus myself. .__.

And a lot of the other things were intended; the commas after 'too' and such were things I've always been taught, which I don't always write that way. So actually a lot of errors pointed out are things I've been told in the past were generally correct. Which, some probably really aren't. My style is weird, like in the first paragraph in the third scene break with the 'frustrated' and so on, I meant that and know it sounds seemingly odd.

The 'break into a new paragraph every time someone speaks' rule, the one you caught wasn't the only instance of it, I believe I caught myself in another part where I did the same thing, merely because I didn't know how to break it up. x_X

Oh, yeah, and the abbreviation thing; I've heard of that, but never before with words like 'don't' and 'couldn't', so maybe I've just been taught a little differently?

I think a few weird sounding run-ons I had were intended, too, as characters' running-around-the-place thoughts. I should probably tone some things down, though; thank you for bringing these things to my attention.

Forgive me, I'll make some nessecary corrections as I also noticed some typos where commas were where they shouldn't be...

Thanks for the help and feedback, it really does mean a lot! I'll read the rest of yours where I last left off when I have time, I have just started a four-day weekend so I may be having some of that soon...

As for the rest of you, thanks! It helps to have the continued support ;____; It rly does, like coconut Ferreros I swear it does.Chapter three should be coming sometme soon (and, Shuuda, I will keep those things in mind)!

Edited by Bizz
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I like it. Your story does actually catch the readers attention ;)

I like the detail description! Creates good imagery

Only one problem....I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ^_^

Edited by Luxord
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I shall begin with my conclusion: that was very good. Therefore I can only really nitpick at a few points:

1) I noticed that a few times you use a comma before the word "too", for example:

It does feel a bit unnecessary, it just does not sound normal when I say that line with that pause.

2) There are one or two points where you do not start a new paragraph when a new character speaks, for example:

Remember that you should begin a new paragraph when a different character starts talking, even if it is only a small line. So really, it should look like this:


That felt rather unneeded, there are better ways to emphasise his frustration: such as metaphors, making him express his frustration physically, or some other imagery.

4)From what I have been taught, you should not use abbreviations such as "don't" or "couldn't" outside of dialogue (where it is fine since you are trying to write it how the character is saying it) when writing in formal prose. Acronyms like organisation/country names, dates and such are okay.

Though of course are all rather small points of criticism I have for your story. Overall, the good far outweighs the faults: your descriptions are generally good, and the characters are all fine. However, because you are inserting forum members as characters (including yourself), there may be a future risk of creating a Mary Stu, or and author's pet. But since you seem like a good writer, I will give the benefit of a doubt that you can avoid such a situation.

I hope to see more of this in the future.

:o :o :o :o


...........this'll be fixed long before you become a hatchling......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay, again. Chapter three should be up tonight or tomorrow, I've been busy with other things as of late. I promise chapter 4 won't take as long. I promiseee.

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I don't like how it ends. I don't. And it only vaguely introduces another person, but chapter four will be way better, most likely longer, and will introduce several more people.


Chapter Three- Autumn's Artistic Qualities

Bizz looked across the forest; dark was approaching, but she seemed oblivious to it. Opal had her head tilted slightly in curiosity and befuddlement. "Excuse me, but what exactly are we looking for?" She asked for what seemed to be the tenth time that day when in reality it was the third.

"We're going to the capital," Bizz snapped immediately, "There's something going on. I can smell it."

"Smell? ... Maybe it was just your Sense," Opal teased, "I mean, you did see there were two trueblade nobles, correct?"

"Oh, shush. It's not that. I swear on everything."

"Mm, all right. I'll trust your judgement on this one..."

Bizz continued foward with Opal following carefully behind. The forest that was the separation line between Serold and Casta twisted and gnarled every which direction, green and mushrooms galore. Bizz was rather fond of the design of the mushrooms. Years back in the libraries of Casta, she would study them, day and night... she rather lacked in her sleep schedule after such escapades, but it utterly elated her nonetheless. Bizz span around another large tree, the diameter of the trunks getting slightly larger as they progressed. That had always been a mystery in itself along with the origin of previously mentioned mushrooms...

The sky gradually melted from a slight pink to a bright orange that then started to fade mellowly into the blue. Etches of the changing sky reminded Bizz slightly of a blooming flower, and both sequences played forward in her head, back and forth, to and fro. The young girl adjusted the parting of her hair and glanced at Opal briefly. "We're almost there," she told her friend, which was repsonded to with a subtle nod.

"You know, I'm surprised you haven't complained of hunger yet," said Opal a few moments after Bizz tripped over a tree root, "It's approaching dusk, after all."

"Well, maybe I'm just hiding the fact that I'm so famished, I could eat one of these full-grown trees. No joke."

"Wouldn't that be full of splinters?"

Bizz ignored the comment and pointed fowards into the approaching dark. Faint but clearly visible lighting was sighted in the far distance. "We're almost there."


Lyle stared blankly across the large room for a long time, then lie down in his bed. Something didn't feel right. He fervently believed so; a voice at the back of his head, his consious, whatever it was, told him of an upcoming event. It was big. Gargantuan, to the point where it made a proud and tall redwood tree look like a mere sapling. Trees seemed to be a center of thought lately. Maybe it was just the theme of the third season of the whole year. Hadn't mattered much in a time of turmoil. His ceiling mosiac resembled this mosiac of mixed and suspicious emotions of everyone and everything all abound.

The royal trueblade heaved a sigh. He couldn't take the suspense- why couldn't it just happen already?! And then he didn't want it to happen, all at the same time. He didn't even know what he was waiting for, this larger-than-redwoodtree event or somewhat.

In both reality and actuality, he wondered how Bianchi was doing. The great valkyrie went off to travel about the lands some time ago, and he hadn't heard from her since. Was she safe? Has she been caught up in any of this? What is going on?

"Hey, Lyle?" came a voice from the other side of the wide doors. It was Nightmare.

"Yeah?" Lyle answered.

"We've two visitors from the neighboring town of Serold. Old friends, in fact."

"Eh?" Lyle arose from his prince's bed, and asked, "At this hour? ... Did you ever find Chris?

"Just meet us in the main chamber," Nightmare responded in an apparent rush. Lyle's ears pricked up to his rhythmic footsteps tip-tap echoing in the hallway behind the doors. Well-placed, he thought a few moments before he eventually made his way to his assigned destination.


"It's getting late," Masu noticed after the long dinner at a more expensive inn, "I think we should be retiring for the night." Songbird sighed a both disappointed and exhausted sigh.

"I'm sad to say it, but it's true," Songbird replied rather dismally. "We'll meet up tomorrow, though, right? Maybe look for the others?"

"Sounds like a plan!" said Masu jovially. The twin sisters Cymbeline and Desdemona both nodded in agreement.

"Right. We'll see you guys later!" Des said with a wave, and the two pairs of siblings parted. Masu and Songbird watched as their duo of friends slowly vanished into the darkening night. Masu looked up and sighed.

"Come on, Song. We should hurry up before it gets too dark."

"All right! I'm coming!" Song hurredly followed her brother back into the quieter part of the town, to where their own little cottage was. Many of the other citizens were 'hitting the hay' for the night, so to speak, but many others were still doing late night shopping and general prowling around, and no one could forget the nocturnal tavern-goers. Trees aligned some buildings for show and effect; the people of Serold loved the joy trees and other such foliage brought, thus much of the city was engulfed in green. Autumn of course transformed the green into the showy red and yellow and orange and brown such much known for aforementioned season.

Masu and Songbird were about halfway home when a figure thoroughly silhoetted in the darkness emerged from behind a maple tree. The older brother stepped in front of his younger sister as to shield her from possible danger, and asked sternly, "Who are you?"

The shadow stepped ever foward to reveal in itself a female figure.


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