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Everyone's picked their side, but is there anyone on their preferred side that they don't like? (possible character spoilers)


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Children: While I could place almost every last one on this list, I will try to limit my ranting.

Maoti. Her and Subaki strike me as being similar to Mako from the Legend of Kora. The writers of LOK said that Mako was "Zuko without the angst!" completely missing the fact that Zuko had far more character traits and developments beyond just "angst." Matoi is to Cordelia as Mako was to Zuko. Matoi has Cordelia's perfection and modesty without including, what I considered, to be one of Cordelia's most interesting traits; her PTSD from being the sole survivor of the Ylissian Pegasus Knights. That trait, plus how Cordelia learns to deal with it through some of her supports is what made her a fascinating character to me. Without it, Matoi is a pale imitation of past glory.

EDITS: argh, spoiler tags, why do you do this to me?

Your thoughts on Matoi match mine. Matoi isn't nearly as interesting as Cordelia after losing her "lone survivor" past. She lost the unrequited love obsession (thankfully) but all she has left is why-must-I-be-so-perfect false modesty.

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I want to play both, but I hate Jagens and Oifeys so I will not be using Gunter if I'm not forced to. I don't even use Seth, if that tells you anything. Also, I will probably use as many Hoshidan characters and classes in Conquest as I can.

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I don't know their personalities much because I haven't played it, but appearance wise, I don't like Hinata. I don't know, he seems kind of annoying to me, which is surprising because I really only go for longhaired men (Virion, Priam, Libra were all my favorites in Awakening).

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Since I've played both main routes and started an IK file, I'll just list all of the characters that I don't like:







Bonus: Tsukuyomi and Felicia annoy me more often than not. Both of them have supports that I like to some degree though.

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For me, if I decide to bench a character, then his/her spouse is probably getting benched too. Probably just a habit that I picked up from Awakening, even though I'm aware that pair-up will be a lot different here. In general, I will definitely be using all the royal siblings and their spouses (even if I don't like all of them), and I'm most likely not gonna bother with any of the Kamuisexuals or 2nd gen characters until post game, like I did with Awakening.

As for each route specifically:


Asama (cuz he is a jerk who needs to have his a** kicked by Ryouma and Hinoka for harassing their little sister and retainer) and Setsuna (she just seems to get lost in the crowd and is outclassed by Takumi)

Tsukuyomi (I actually found Ricken pretty adorable, but he just annoys me) and Orochi (I like her design, but her personality is kinda meh). I don't know whether it's detrimental to not have any spellcasters among my units in Birthright, since I like to keep characters in their canon classes. But if it is, I might not be able to bench them

And maybe Hinata and Rinka if there aren't enough deployment spots for them on most maps. Nothing against them, but they don't seem to be very good units

And I don't really like Joker or Aqua, but they will likely be very useful (an extra move is too good to pass up)


Since Nohr is more difficult, it may not be possible to bench certain characters on higher difficulties, so I'm not sure yet. But I'm not a fan of the Awakening trio coming back. Also, I really don't want to use Suzukaze in Conquest, but I've heard good things about the ninja class in Conquest. It will just have to depend on if I'm struggling with the chapters, I guess...

For the children, I'm probably not going to use Eponine, Shigure, and Sylla that much

Edited by Tsuky
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I hate they reskinned these characters:

- Laslow > Inigo

- Selena > Severa (Actually liked her)

- Odin > Owain

- Gurei > Gaius

- Rhajat > Tharja

Rip Off's from popular Awakening characters....

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I hate they reskinned these characters:

- Laslow > Inigo

- Selena > Severa (Actually liked her)

- Odin > Owain

- Gurei > Gaius

- Rhajat > Tharja

Rip Off's from popular Awakening characters....

The first three actually are Inigo, Severa, and Owain.

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I'm going Nohr all the way! But I have beef with Pieri, Charlotte, Luna, Foleo, and Eponine.

Someday I may do Hoshido for Ryoma. Maybe when my wallet stops crying lol.

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Hmm... I chose Greil Mercenaries Nohr, and while I pretty much like all exclusives as of now, I really dislike Camilla and I have a mild dislike for Flannel.

The reasons:

  • Camilla is because she really gives off this air of dumbness. Doesn't seem particularly bright or smart.
    She is built around the player character and that's another no no on my part. Plus her design is so ugly, but not because of the fanservice but because it's a terrible looking armor that also makes her look like a walking pair of tits and ass with giant hair. I swear if I disliked fanservice so much I wouldn't want to play this game to begin with, so please don't get on my ass telling me I am a prude or something. Also, a lot of my dislike comes from expectations-- I really wanted Camilla to be a badass with psycho tendencies, somebody who was smart and cunning but also ruthless, but all I got was this mommy/sister who wants to sleep with you and goes turbo yandere on who dares to touch you.
  • Flannel is because I'm tired of pretty shapeshifters... not that he is pretty, in fact, I think he's amongst the ugliest males. I think they could've done something better with a werewolf instead of another J-rocker. I also dislike (although this is a general thing of mine with the shapeshifters in this game) how much humor and cute moments there are that talk about his animalistic side or animal ticks. It's annoying, as if all there is to them is the cute ears and tails.

edit: my husbando is probably the most hated character on Serenes. Wowie!

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It's hard to like or dislike anybody when I haven't played or seen most of the game (and localization could change things), but going by looks alone, I have a feeling I won't like Hayate (Tsukuyomi). I didn't really care much for Ricken Dicken, but I didn't dislike him. However, from reading Hayate's description, he looks like he'll be the worst to put up with.

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So much hate for my favorite character, poor Asama. Of course if you think that you need to use him as a healer with a -3 mag instead of Sakura when the guy has a dreamy +2 str and +1 spd...

He just speaks his mind, nothing wrong about telling the truth.

Hoshido and Nohr : Aqua

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So much hate for my favorite character, poor Asama. Of course if you think that you need to use him as a healer with a -3 mag instead of Sakura when the guy has a dreamy +2 str and +1 spd...

He just speaks his mind, nothing wrong about telling the truth.

Hoshido and Nohr : Aqua

Oh dear. . .

There's two parts of communication - the one sending the message and the one(s) receiving it. From the sender's point of view, speaking the truth is a good thing. However, it's no good if the receiver(s) don't get the message, or hear something else. Thus, it's up to the sender to craft the message such that the receiver will hear what he/she/it intends, including emotional intent.

(first off, apologies in advance if I offend anyone, I really do need to get this point across)

"You're gonna drop dead because you're too fat" is honest, but is almost always the wrong thing to say. Those who are overweight only need to look in a mirror to see that, so telling them that they're fat doesn't give them any new information. If anything, it's saying "I'm going to point out a negative aspect of you," which tells me that the statement was spoken for the benefit of the speaker, at the expense of the receiver. "You're gonna drop dead" is something that isn't said very often, especially to strangers, because it's impossible to look at someone and figure out whether or not they'll take that advice to heart in the wrong way. Furthermore, it comes across as a threat, since dropping dead is something that is seen in a negative light. As a whole, that statement is honest, but is filled with negatives about the receiver, which is why it's unacceptable to say that to someone who's overweight.

Thus, honesty should be tempered with empathy - if you want the other person(s) to listen, say it in a way that they'll consider it seriously.

Back to Asama. Yes, he's honest. The stuff he brings up seem to be desirable things (luxury/nobility in Sakura's case, physical attractiveness in Kagerou's), but he does so without considering how the other person will receive it. That's why people don't like him. . .and that's why all I can do is shake my head at him. If he existed in this world, I think he'd unironically wear a fedora.

(the more I see of this, the more tempted I am to make an in-depth character analysis topic in Awakening, because I see the same attitudes leaking over to this subforum)

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Oh dear. . .

There's two parts of communication - the one sending the message and the one(s) receiving it. From the sender's point of view, speaking the truth is a good thing. However, it's no good if the receiver(s) don't get the message, or hear something else. Thus, it's up to the sender to craft the message such that the receiver will hear what he/she/it intends, including emotional intent.

(first off, apologies in advance if I offend anyone, I really do need to get this point across)

"You're gonna drop dead because you're too fat" is honest, but is almost always the wrong thing to say. Those who are overweight only need to look in a mirror to see that, so telling them that they're fat doesn't give them any new information. If anything, it's saying "I'm going to point out a negative aspect of you," which tells me that the statement was spoken for the benefit of the speaker, at the expense of the receiver. "You're gonna drop dead" is something that isn't said very often, especially to strangers, because it's impossible to look at someone and figure out whether or not they'll take that advice to heart in the wrong way. Furthermore, it comes across as a threat, since dropping dead is something that is seen in a negative light. As a whole, that statement is honest, but is filled with negatives about the receiver, which is why it's unacceptable to say that to someone who's overweight.

Thus, honesty should be tempered with empathy - if you want the other person(s) to listen, say it in a way that they'll consider it seriously.

Back to Asama. Yes, he's honest. The stuff he brings up seem to be desirable things (luxury/nobility in Sakura's case, physical attractiveness in Kagerou's), but he does so without considering how the other person will receive it. That's why people don't like him. . .and that's why all I can do is shake my head at him. If he existed in this world, I think he'd unironically wear a fedora.

(the more I see of this, the more tempted I am to make an in-depth character analysis topic in Awakening, because I see the same attitudes leaking over to this subforum)

I would read it.

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So, basically, Asama is inconsiderate.

I'd say being blunt isn't really a reason to hate a character, but I'll have to wait for the game to come out before I actually see what I think.

EDIT: I do think tact is a good quality, though, so if he's just downright tactless, then I can maybe see the problem.

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