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I may not get this game after hearing about the recent changes (story spoilers)



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I remember you saying this before, but where have you heard that they are making Hoshido more rebellious?

I remember you also saying that IK won't be translated, even though it's translation was already confirmed.

Could you give us the source for your claims?

There is none.

But...by the orginal Japanese version they had never been a rebellious nation.

There is literally zero source to any of this. That's how this TC operates.

There aren't any "homo changes" at all. Soleil is becoming more friendly than the Japanese version, and Rhajat and Niles are still marriage candidates. Idk where you got that from.

They are going to change all gay supports and make them normal ones.

Did you forget what the actual problem is with the current Soliel support controversy?

It doesn't have to do with homoeroticism; homosexual marraige still exists in this game.

Also, if anything, the implied "rebellious towards Nohr" comes from a perception/interpretation of Hinoka's dialogue in a few spots of the game, which makes me want to buy the game even more, since she has an actual personality not related to supports now.

They've already made it clear that they are going to change all gay supports. So, no Niles and Rhajat ones either.

I'm going to operate under the assumption that you did not erroneously use "homo" as a synonym for lame or stupid, although you have provided little evidence to the contrary. Second, I would also like more source material on the supposed changes to Hoshido's behavior. I think they would be extraordinarily more interesting if they were made to be more antagonistic. From the initial trailers, they seemed much more unforgiving of Kamui on the whole. And Ryouma initially struck me as unflinchingly jingoistic, which I found to be a very unique take on a potential ally. As it stands, Hoshido appears to me to be more flat, Takumi aside.

They were only unforgiving because of him being who they hate most which Garon has long invaded their country long before the Avatar existed. The hatred they give to the avatar shows that they are more rebellious when they gave him a chance earlier in the game with Mikoto.

Are you okay op?


You keep shitposting this across multiple threads and topics - always with very little info on what you think or evidence for why you think it. As best I can tell, you for some reason think they're removing the gay marriage pairings despite us getting a press release that confirmed them (for like the third time) a couple days ago.

Where is the link that confirms that?!


EDIT: I'm just getting this feeling that they are going to make them more of an angry nation when they are nothing of the sort through Mikoto's and Yukimura's teachings.

Edited by PuffPuff
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They are going to change all gay supports and make them normal ones.

They've already made it clear that they are going to change all gay supports. So, no Niles and Rhajat ones either.

Uh...no. I think you misread "no conversion" as "no conversations". Those words are VASTLY different, you see.

Conversion means to change it from what it initially was.

Conversation is what happens when people speak to one another. They stated that there won't be gay conversions, as in, changing one character from being homosexual to heterosexual.

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They are going to change all gay supports and make them normal ones.

They've already made it clear that they are going to change all gay supports. So, no Niles and Rhajat ones either.

I'm sorry, but this is not true.

It was comfirmed ages ago that gay marriage was going to be in the localized version of Fates.

I remember that very well.

Like it was said before there's a difference between conversion and conversation.

And about the Hoshido and IK thing, if you don't have a credible source, don't make claims like that.

Edited by Water Mage
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Uh...no. I think you misread "no conversion" as "no conversations". Those words are VASTLY different, you see.

Conversion means to change it from what it initially was.

Conversation is what happens when people speak to one another. They stated that there won't be gay conversions, as in, changing one character from being homosexual to heterosexual.


This means that it will contain no scenes involving the use of drugs, or homosexuality. It's going to be rewritten for Niles and Rhajat...too. ...And I get the feeling that they are going to make Hoshido more rebellious. Knowing Nintendo, they are trying to turn it into a two year old game! -.- (Which easily can be done now that they're's Phoenix Mode)

But...if they change the dialogue that's something like this. Jap "sennai" "Kill them/Die." Eng "Burn them to the torch", then that'll be fine. But if they are going to get Hoshido to rebel without getting attacked first, then it's a two year olds game.


EDIT: But still...I have to see some videos when it comes out as I'm unsure whether I will buy it or not.

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...Uh, no. That does not mean they are taking out homosexuality. They're taking out the implications of drugging and implications of changing someone from homosexual to heterosexual.

As for being rebellious, I honestly think it's going to be less 'rebellious' and more 'hostile', as someone has stated, which are also two different words.

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This thread is hilarious.

That article never says to take out or rewrite the homosexual pairs. Soliel can NOT have a lesbian relationship. She doesn't count as a gay option. Her support was controversial because Corrin put powder on her to help with her fainting problem and hijinks ensue.

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This means that it will contain no scenes involving the use of drugs, or homosexuality. It's going to be rewritten for Niles and Rhajat...too. ..

From Siliconera

“In the Conquest edition a male main character created by the gamer can pair up with another male character (Niles) which ultimately leads to marriage. Similarly, in the Birthright edition, a female main character created by the gamer can pair up with and eventually marry another female character (Rhajat). Like married couples of the opposite gender, these same-sex couples enjoy the stat boosts that come with marriage, which means when they are paired up in battle they are stronger than when they are apart or paired up with another character.”

Please do some research next time. Unless this is a troll thread. Either way, Fail.

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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This means that it will contain no scenes involving the use of drugs, or homosexuality. It's going to be rewritten for Niles and Rhajat...too. ...And I get the feeling that they are going to make Hoshido more rebellious. Knowing Nintendo, they are trying to turn it into a two year old game! -.- (Which easily can be done now that they're's Phoenix Mode)

But...if they change the dialogue that's something like this. Jap "sennai" "Kill them/Die." Eng "Burn them to the torch", then that'll be fine. But if they are going to get Hoshido to rebel without getting attacked first, then it's a two year olds game.


EDIT: But still...I have to see some videos when it comes out as I'm unsure whether I will buy it or not.

Gay Conversion or Drugged

This implies the soliel support and only the soliel support. This does not imply anything about converting Zero (Niles) or Sallya (Rhajat), which means that this is not an all-encompassing ban on gay things.

Specifically, Gay Conversion or Drugged

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Oh. I hope that I'm wrong more than anything.

Bottom line.

The way that they are making these games (Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates) for those that play them are already older than I am. Jesus.


Looking there!

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People please

It's Ayanami.

I'd rather not see any more misinformation spread. You're misreading conversions as conversations. Niles and Rhajat are still in.

EDIT: who even cares if Hoshido becomes "rebellious?" They're under invasion, and even before then, they were enemies with Nohr. It makes cardboard like Hinoka have actual depth.

Edited by Miss Kira
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Guys, guys, "homo" just means "same". By "homo changes", clearly TC is just worried that they'll make the characters more homogenous and similar. :P

Anyway, TC, not sure what you mean about them changing Hoshido to be more "rebellious". Honestly, given how black-and-white morality the game is, wouldn't it arguably be a good thing if they make it so that Hoshidans don't have light pouring out of every orifice on their body while Nohr's just the evil Grinch up on the mountain wanting to ruin their glorious nation? Adds more nuance to the story and feels less like cultural posturing.

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This means that it will contain no scenes involving the use of drugs, or homosexuality. It's going to be rewritten for Niles and Rhajat...too. ...And I get the feeling that they are going to make Hoshido more rebellious. Knowing Nintendo, they are trying to turn it into a two year old game! -.- (Which easily can be done now that they're's Phoenix Mode)

But...if they change the dialogue that's something like this. Jap "sennai" "Kill them/Die." Eng "Burn them to the torch", then that'll be fine. But if they are going to get Hoshido to rebel without getting attacked first, then it's a two year olds game.


EDIT: But still...I have to see some videos when it comes out as I'm unsure whether I will buy it or not.

I has be asked before, but it bears repeating, where it has been said that they are taking out homosexuality?

Nowhere in that article it says that. Not only that, but is that article even reliable?

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There is none.

But...by the orginal Japanese version they had never been a rebellious nation.


EDIT: I'm just getting this feeling that they are going to make them more of an angry nation when they are nothing of the sort through Mikoto's and Yukimura's teachings.

...I really don't think that's the word you mean to use.
To quote Elieson:

The more accurate term might be Hostile, not Rebellious?

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People please

It's Ayanami.

I'd rather not see any more misinformation spread. You're misreading conversions as conversations. Niles and Rhajat are still in.

EDIT: who even cares if Hoshido becomes "rebellious?" They're under invasion, and even before then, they were enemies with Nohr. It makes cardboard like Hinoka have actual depth.

Hinoka is the only character to be like that!

Guys, guys, "homo" just means "same". By "homo changes", clearly TC is just worried that they'll make the characters more homogenous and similar. :P

Anyway, TC, not sure what you mean about them changing Hoshido to be more "rebellious". Honestly, given how black-and-white morality the game is, wouldn't it arguably be a good thing if they make it so that Hoshidans don't have light pouring out of every orifice on their body while Nohr's just the evil Grinch up on the mountain wanting to ruin their glorious nation? Adds more nuance to the story and feels less like cultural posturing.

They never rebelled until the Avatar refused to join them and that capturing Elise was the last nail in the coffin. (Ch12)

I has be asked before, but it bears repeating, where it has been said that they are taking out homosexuality?

Nowhere in that article it says that. Not only that, but is that article even reliable?



But...most people that play Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem are well older than I am. So it would make sense to make Square/Enix to make the Final Fantasies more grown up. But...Fire Emblem is going on the direction of being less than that. :/

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I think it's still hilarious there's a poll.

So it would make sense to make Square/Enix to make the Final Fantasies more grown up. But...Fire Emblem is going on the direction of being less than that. :/

This game is based on warfare and more mature themes including suicide and brainwash, and has a cutscene dedicated to Camilla's ass and tits. I'm fairly sure it's not for kids.

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Well...they have to remove the Soleli one since they will get sued if they don't since they don't even allow that in mature rated games. Since drugging a kid is illegal. If they catch them putting them in games or in rl, they will put you in jail. Even though were old enough to handle it, but still they have to by force, or they will get sued. (RL) Even though that it is medieval times. There are no courts, laws and rules, but punishment in rl would be why. Wonder why Japan threw in this cheesy support anyway?! :/

Drugging a child will piss many folks off, so that is also why that this support has to be junked. But...homosexuality marriages are normal. The supreme court allow it! So...why should they have to go?! I just hope they don't change or remove the Niles and Rhajat ones. -.-

Hoshido wasn't ever rebellious beforehand till Avatar sides with Nohr. Makes sense since they have no one else to turn too.


Oh, wait... there's Azure.

This was Garon's fault, however. I believe that Ryoma threatened that he'd drug Elise if Avatar doesn't join them. Ch12. Cuz why would she feel really sick in the cutscene. Nintendo may have to remove this...too unless they can change it to sleeping gas or something =P

Tharja's edit in Awakening was nothing as changing homosexuality supports are far worse. Better view some vids first, and that silerca report to decide whether I'll buy it or not.

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please no one respond

I mean, I know English is likely not your first language, but you keep saying things already proven false. Why are you so concerned with "rebellious" Hoshido? Nothing you say makes sense on this front

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please no one respond

I mean, I know English is likely not your first language, but you keep saying things already proven false. Why are you so concerned with "rebellious" Hoshido? Nothing you say makes sense on this front

It's an assumption. I don't know yet. I just have this feeling.

That is why I have to see some vids of it to know what direction this game is headed towards Hoshido army's personality as well as the homosexual support changes before I decide whether I'll buy it, or not. (Hoping there is none, or done in a better manner.)

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