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My Roy OHKO'd Idoun but also Zephiel and pretty much anyone on Normal Mode after getting SoS, but then again like i said i didn't check averages back then.

Well, personal experience varies. That wasn't only directed to you but also to a specific group of people that kept hyping SoS!Roy. By the way, my first Roy was incredible as well, he had +20 Str/Spd and (somehow) Res.

This is kind of an iffy argument cause he really does make that chapter a hell of a lot easier

It also helps that it has a 2 range so he doesn't have to eat a Manakete attack, and the defense helps him soak up some damage.

Alright, I'll elaborate:

The Sword of Seals has three main selling points over most other Legendaris in FE6:

1)It has 2-range.

2)It gives the best defensive boosts.

3)It's effective against Idoun.

4) It can heal 30 HP, but who has ever done that?

1)Murgleis, Forblaze and Apocalypse (and I guess Aureola, if somebody gets the required weapon rank) can attack from afar as well. Let's look at the facts, chapter 24 solely consists out of rooms and corridors. The rooms are filled with 3 Manaketes and there's also one that's either very close to the room or in the room. The Throne!Manaketes don't move so he isn't an immediate threat and we just have to take care of 3 Manaketes when approaching a room. 3 or 4 ranged option+Dancer/Bard+whatever 1-ranged options you have (if you don't mind taking a hit) is more than enough. The map is kinda long so after some time, you likely won't have all of your units available when entering a room but like I said, there are only 3 immediate threats. Taking a hit is okay too as long as you have a Healer nearby/ a Healer with Physic/Fortify/Saint staff or an Elixir. Roy is also busy seizing thrones, there are seven in total and the game kind of gives you a turn limit via reinforcements.

tl,dr: You have other ranged options, few enemies and enough units to tolerate taking a hit here and there, which devalues 2-range on SoS and the SoS in this chapter in general. SoS!Roy is a nice add-on but he's ultimately just another member of your ORKO-everything-army, except he loses 7 turns due to thrones.

2)That's actually kind of irrelevant. I don't have the HM stats for this chapter but since the Manaketes in chapter 22 have 41-42 Attack, I presume that the ones in chapter 24 will have at least 42. So SoS!Roy must be Level 13 to avoid getting 2HKOed. He's mediocre in chapter 22 and offensively pretty good in chapter 23 but might not have the best durability (Silver Lance!Wyvern Lord says Hi), getting 12 Level-ups is unfeasible.

3)Fair enough.

Overall, I think that SoS!Roy is good, I just found it a bit strange that some people would praise him that much. Also, we should all keep in mind that SoS!Roy's usefulness is limited, the weapon has only 20 uses and stuff like Warp or nearly broken Legendaries would appreciate Hammerne too.

Edited by Cyas
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| B4. Roy | Master Lord | Weapon: Sword/Rapier | FE6 |


| Rating: 9/10 | Fan Rating: 8.20/10 - 10 Votes |


| He's not much better promoted unless you let him tear loose with the Sword |

| of Seals, quite possibly the best weapon in all three games combined. He is |

| the only one who can wield it, and that's why he gets the score of 9. Forget|

| to fix it with Hammerne, and Roy will be back to average, but with it, only |

| Hector can stand against him. |


Damn it puggy I almost got in trouble for laughing at this in class.

On a side note - Roy sucks for obvious reasons such as relevant enemies, Roy having piss poor base stats and so-so growths to compensate, Sword-locked, locked into seizing every chapter (by far the biggest nail in the coffin), and promoting roughly 3 chapters before the damn game is done (sometimes only 1!). Roy is absolutely terrible as a combat unit from every angle in FE6 since the maps are so huge, too.

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I liked Roy because he was more underpowered actually. He felt more like what a lord should be. Able to hold his own, but you have to use him wisely. He needed protection, but that was part of the fun, at least for me.

Anyways, my 2 cents.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The big problem for Roy is his late promotion which makes him quite vulnerable against stronger enemies during the mid chapters. It is not a big deal in NM. But in HM, it is just annoying. His relatively low HP, str and spd make him useless and fragile when facing enemy mercenaries, cavaliers, wyverns and mages. He is the one to be protected during the long journey. On the other hand, he does provide good support to damage-dealers (such as Allen and Lilina), and does get a huge boost in stats when promoted which makes him easy to gain level in late game. So I just tolerate his performance (and I have to).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked Roy because he was more underpowered actually. He felt more like what a lord should be. Able to hold his own, but you have to use him wisely. He needed protection, but that was part of the fun, at least for me.

Anyways, my 2 cents.

That's what I thought too, about the franchise in general. And also babying units but that's for another day.

Binding Blade being my very first game in FE, I assumed that Roy's late promotion was the norm of Lords in the franchise. It actually felt rewarding when I finally promoted him after the end of Chapter 21, partly because of the sheer difficulty of that Chapter, and also the feel you get when you've been given an amazing superweapon at the end of an action movie and can go "Ooooohhhhh yeah, let's go kick some ass!". I would appreciate it if his level cap was 30, though.

Edited by henrymidfields
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Stat wise, I'm fine with Roy. It's that promotion that is just... WTF were they thinking? It's too late by then for it to really matter. I'd have rather him capped at level 30 and never promoted than have this garbage of promoting 3 chapters before the end.

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He's actually my favorite MC gameplay wise in the series tbh. Able to hold his own, but still needs some help, and as FE is a series about relying on your comrades to pull off amazing shit, I really enjoyed playing as Roy.

Heck, he's my 3rd favorite character character wise, but that's a story for another time

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Gameplay wise I feel like Micaiah and Lief did that a bit better though. Micaiah starts out with okay offense but always needs someone at her side to help her. She's never fast enough to kill anyone alone without a critical and later on, she gets staves to support everyone else.

But honestly I'm of the mind that main characters should be better with support than combat in games like this.

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From what I noticed about Roy is that the main beef with him in FE is that he becomes a load to bear for a lot of the game. While other FEs do have this issues with characters waiting to promote (Including Lyn and the main Lord in most runs of FE7), Roy is stuck in his premote stage longer than anyone else, making this load bearing stage the most noticable. Going from average to useless tagalong to Pseudo-Nino status makes many people dislike him because he doesn't stand out more than anyone else in his class or in the whole Nino status thing. Personally, I enjoy the game much more when I use an action replay to make him promote much earlier than the game intends him to. I did like his personality in the games but I can see why people do not.

From a Smash Bros perspective, even in Melee Roy is a better character to use than Marth in Multiplayer Free For Alls/Team Battles. His moves are actually really good at damaging multiple players at once and his strong counter and up-close aggressive playstyle make him quite fun to use. Even if he isn't a top tier character, most people who enjoy him tend not to be tournament playing competitive types, but more those who just enjoy having fun with their friends. Smash 4 just improved everything that was great about him and even made him viable in 1v1 battles. Unlike Lucina, Roy actually does have a different feel to how he plays, and can't be used in the same way that Marth is used. Similar to how Falco and Wolf do differ greatly from Fox, even if it doesn't appear so initially. Plus he is the only playable character to debut in Smash, and Sakurai made up a style he liked for the character without a lot of knowledge about him (since both FE6 and Melee were in development at the same time,) so there's that.

Smashwise, the main reason Lucina is given so much hate is there is really no benefit to playing her over Marth besides "learning the ropes" and not worrying about spacing. I personally have no beef with her as a clone, but when she is arguably one of the cloniest clones to be included (either her or Dark Pit), it makes people upset because they feel that the (minuscule time) spent on her should have been spent elsewhere. Plus a lot of people were convinced that there was a limit on the amount of "slots" available in smash and thought that her, DP, Doc, and others were taking up valuable real estate (I still don't get how this argument would make sense).

Personally, Roy is the first Smash character I ever learned how to use properly, and is my favorite guy to use in all games he's available in.

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I would like Roy more if he didn't promote at all and instead had slightly better growths and a max level of 30 like Shadow Dragon Marth. In fact, the same thing applies to thieves: compromising with the lack of promotion is one of the things Shadow Dragon did right IMO.

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Roy's not that bad of a unit, just doesn't have the greatest growths and promotes late. If you baby him early on, he can still hold his own pretty well. I do like his personality though, and he's one hell of a tactician I must say.

Able to hold his own, but still needs some help, and as FE is a series about relying on your comrades to pull off amazing shit

This. I like how he's not an overpowered Lord, and also relies on his allies in battle. It adds more depth tactically. Not to mention some of his support conversations highlight that he's not perfect by any means.

Edited by DragonLord
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  • 2 weeks later...

That Roy is ridiculously blessed and a statistical anomaly. Most players will not encounter such a roy unless they save scum.

Roy has 40% str growth, or .4, and a base of 5 at level 1. That means Roy has to have 15 level ups where he gains strength. Mind, on average he gets 19*.4 = 7.6 str, which puts his 20/0 str at 12.6.

To gain 15 str before or on 20 promoted (to simplify the math I'm just gonna do calcs for exactly 15 instead of 15 to 19 because I'm not really sure what the rng does when you're capped anyway, does it roll the rn for the level up anyway or does it just skip)

which gets you 19C15 (.4)^15 (.6)^4 which Wolfram Alpha tells me is roughly a 0.05% chance of occurence.

Please check averages next time, they're on the main page and are useful

His Strength is blessed? What about his Defence!? That's only got a 20% or 25% Growth Rate and it's on par with his Strength!

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Btw, why do some people say Roy can ORKO Zephiel

Like did they all support him with Lilina and happen to get that 5% SoS crit off of it or what

the best he can do is 18*2

Edited by Gradivus.
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Roy needs a crit, maybe two to ORKO Zephiel. With full supports and capped skill (unlikely given his promotion), he can muster 32 crit on Zephiel. If he has at least 20 strength (also unlikely), it's a coinflip.

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  • 5 weeks later...

That's a blessed Roy and also the hate for Roy comes from the fact that he doesn't promote until either the last chapter or one of the last chapters depending on if you have the legendary weapons or not.

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