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Thracia 776 FEGBA Remake (working title)

Moblin Major General

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I want to start working on a hack that redoes Thracia 776 for GBA format. Before I start, I want to ask these questions.

1. FE7(a) or FE8(b)? If (a), go to 2. If (b), go to 3.

2. Make Gaidens optional once unlocked?

3. Have branched promotions?

4. Keep(a) or remove(b) Thracia specific mechanics? If (a), go to 5, if (b), go to 6.

5. How could they be implemented?

6. What could replace these mechanics if they were left out of development?

7. Should skills be added?

8. Should certain characters have their class replaced? (i.e. Pegasus Knight>Falcoknight, or Valkyrie/Mage Knight)

9. Any other suggestions for when I start this project?

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Thracia 776 has too many mechanics and stuff into one game it would be nearly impossible to remake it onto a GBA emblem. Because of that, it would be way more helpful if someone just freakin' made a FULL translation of the game.

EDIT: But still, you are free to try. Good luck!

Edited by Jose_Darkeye
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My gut reaction to seeing question 5 is basically "if you are capable of implementing thracia mechanics in FE7/8 you have reached the point at which it no longer matters which game you pick and therefore wouldn't be asking us any of these questions in the first place"

Edited by CT075
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I know skills can be a thing, and FEE3 shows off what the FEGBA engine is capable of. Capture is easily doable, the Res fix would be appreciated, and the FoW fix would also help things. As for PCC and leadership stars, I can find a way to implement those. Everything else is there, albeit hidden, and can be doable. I just need to know which is better for hacking purposes.

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as a jugdral enthusiast I could have much to say

1. unsure

2. no

3. not a terrible idea

4. thracia isn't thracia without the mechanics

5. with a lot of patience presumably

6. see 4

7. see 4

8. I'm not exactly sure what this question is about

9. if you want to make a remake and not just a port, having more event scenes would be good, because while the original game has some, it's a bit lacking still

- support conversations would be great because every character that's not leaf has like 3 lines but it's a lot of custom writing work, with character research and inference after all

- the warp tiles in the annoying-ass chapters should be kept

- make super-crappy characters slightly less crappy

- stat caps should remain at 20 unless you can figure out a better way to balance things, especially if you want to implement counter-crit

- speaking of criticals, the 3x-DMG calculation GBAFE uses instead of 2x-ATK might affect progression, but it's hard to say how much

- weapon EXP should remain as it is in FE7, but only have long range tomes and staves give more than 2 EXP

- forget about implementing broken weapons, they're not necessary

- if you happen to implement growth-increasing scrolls, don't change their rates if you don't change the original character growths much, and also remove their critical immunity

- the 1%/99% min/max hit rate wouldn't be a bad thing to implement to keep the feel of RNG wrath

- critical reduction should be halved

- enemies need luck growth

- leadership

- rewarp

the list goes on!

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8 is about if I should make Pegasus Knight base class and have Falcoknight be the promoted form, or have, say, Olwen be a Valkyrie instead of a Mage Knight. As for your suggestions here is my thought.

1. Definitely thought about it. I want to reference Seliph if base Thracia doesn't.

2. I plan to leave 24x vanilla if FEGBA will let me.

3. Yeah, I heard about 16A being ragefest levels of hard.

4. I'll see what I can do there.

5. That could be interesting, I will admit.

6. Yeah, Finn's Brave Lance does need a nerf.

7. I could compensate by making some Prf weapons unbreakable, if that's what people want.

8. Growths are being overhauled, with the Scrolls changed to what the Star Shards were in New Mystery. Also, I didn't plan on turning them into stat-boosting Iron Runes, unless it was your unit that couldn't crit.

9.I could do that, but with the true hit system, that makes little difference.

10. Clarify.

11. Will do. It probably won't be high, though.

12. I think there is an FEE3 video that shows off leadership stars.

13. I kinda want to rename some stuff. Namely, Rewarp should become something like 'Teleport' or 'Escape'.

One more question: FEGBA Tome Triangle or FESNES Tome Triangle?

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8 is about if I should make Pegasus Knight base class and have Falcoknight be the promoted form, or have, say, Olwen be a Valkyrie instead of a Mage Knight. As for your suggestions here is my thought.

- if you don't plan on having the real falcon knights from jugdral (which were tier-3) then changing them to be like that would be fine I'm sure, as for valkyrie/mage knight, you could just have both and split them like FE8 for enemy/branch promotion variety purposes

1. Definitely thought about it. I want to reference Seliph if base Thracia doesn't.

- he, julia, levin, and leaf actually meet up in one chapter, and I'm sure references are made

2. I plan to leave 24x vanilla if FEGBA will let me.

3. Yeah, I heard about 16A being ragefest levels of hard.

- 16B is the one that uses warps iirc

4. I'll see what I can do there.

5. That could be interesting, I will admit.

6. Yeah, Finn's Brave Lance does need a nerf.

- that's not really related to my point, once your characters start getting levels or abusing killer weapons, there's a good chance you're going to do too little/too much damage with the 3x-DMG critical calculations while 2x-ATK was just right for the system

7. I could compensate by making some Prf weapons unbreakable, if that's what people want.

- what's the point of this? to be frank, it's a dumb idea

8. Growths are being overhauled, with the Scrolls changed to what the Star Shards were in New Mystery. Also, I didn't plan on turning them into stat-boosting Iron Runes, unless it was your unit that couldn't crit.

- haven't played the game, but it seems like an okay idea so long as they aren't borderline useless and are appropriately adjusted with caps

9.I could do that, but with the true hit system, that makes little difference.

- I did forget that the game uses 2 RNs, I suppose it would be

10. Clarify.

- luck affecting critical reduction, so that enemies are more of a threat like they were in FE5... which there by base stats, skill = critical, and luck only reduced it by half its stat, enemies often had at least a few percent

11. Will do. It probably won't be high, though.

12. I think there is an FEE3 video that shows off leadership stars.

13. I kinda want to rename some stuff. Namely, Rewarp should become something like 'Teleport' or 'Escape'.

- is that necessary? people are familiar with a semi-accurate incarnation of it in FE10 anyway

One more question: FEGBA Tome Triangle or FESNES Tome Triangle?

- there were pretty much zero enemies using wind tomes in FE5 unless you want to change that, but the triangle itself was barely noticeable in FE5 to begin with... +/-10% hit, that's all

it wouldn't be so bad to use the GBA triangle so that your few light users can get an advantage over dark at least

and speaking of tomes, don't forget that tome weight was unaffected by the build stat, so tomes would need further balancing there if you don't want to keep that old mechanic

oh and staves, I assume you'll not want infinite range? keep in mind this affects the difficulty of enemies as well... and it may be additionally difficult if you wanted to allow enemies to use rewarp

Edited by Lamia
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I know skills can be a thing, and FEE3 shows off what the FEGBA engine is capable of.

this is true if you're savvy

Capture is easily doable,


the Res fix would be appreciated,

this is public

and the FoW fix would also help things.

this is easy

As for PCC and leadership stars, I can find a way to implement those.

tbh neither of those sound particularly difficult; there are enough random extra bytes in the unit struct to store these values

you may run into space issues if you modify the hit/crit routines afterwards but there's plenty of documentation on how to get around that

Everything else is there, albeit hidden, and can be doable.

"albeit hidden"? what does that even mean? all of the various tech demos in FEE3 were hand-coded into the engine, not done with some sort of event (or whatever) trickery

I just need to know which is better for hacking purposes.

this is why i question whether you have the experience to be trying this just yet

if you (or someone on your team) knows enough to implement any of the above, it really doesn't matter. there's definitely enough documentation/utilities for both

i'm not saying this to discourage you, but from experience (credentials: I entered a tech demo into FEE3 as well) you should really know what you're getting into

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