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Odd little things you do.


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In Chibi-Robo!--which absolutly everyone should play at least once in their lifetime--whenever Spydorz come out, I put on the ghost costume, blow them all up, then go to scare someone.

My sister talks to herself whenever she plays Zelda or Fire Emblem, and she makes up names for FE characters opposite their gender. Innes to Issabella, Natasha to Natan, Largo to Leanne, and Soren to Shelly.

Does any one else have weird habits whenever they play their favorite games?

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Let's see

I start singing to rock sometimes, and there isn't any music coming from around.

When ever in a shooter, and I'm in a fire fight, I just start yelling out random lines like "YOU WANT SOME YOU LAZY BRUTE BASTARD". Or in a stealth game I say "come on, get closer," when I'm trying to get someone to move closer

I randomly swear when I'm playing games.

When I get hurt in game I shout "ow" outside of game

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I cuss a lot.

I say random shit.

I give people with long names nicknames that end with -ie, -ee, or -y. All pronounced the same.


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I talke to myself

I beg to characters to critical or even miss some times.

I like acting as voice for characters

I like keeping my party same level.

and others

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I get bored killing enemies sometimes, so I run past them with my sword (or whatever) sheathed. Then my brother goes all "Use your sword! You're gonna die!" so I run around them in circles, until I die. ^_^

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Let's see... If I'm playing FE I'll say "ow" if one of my characters get hit, If they get killed, I say,"NOOO *character*!!!.

If I'm playing Mario Strikers Charged I'll say something like, "YEAH!" or "HA HA! How you like them apples?".


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- I used to swear at characters in Fire Emblem when they missed despite a favorable hit percentage.

- I also used to close my eyes when leaving a characters' life or death up to chance (ie: a character has around a 50% chance of being hit and killed, but, because I overextended my army, I have no suitable alternative).

- In Pokemon titles I generally refuse to allow my held Pokemons' levels to be more than two apart; this holds for Etrian Odyssey as well.

- While watching StarCraft matches on maps not designed for observers, I try to get two SCVs to kill each other at the same time instead of leaving one and hiding it out of the way.

- Unless I am the only one in the house, I turn the volume down during voiced cut-scenes in games even if I am wearing headphones.

- Seconds before winning a match in Super Smash Bros. Melee I tend to run off the edge of the stage instead of taunting.

- In Zelda games, my father will continue to collect hearts even if his health is full (I sometimes do that as well, but not as frequently).

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I backtrack too often and if I notice that I forgot to do something and it's too late, I end up restarting >_>

One time, I got to chapter 4 part 1 of RD, noticed that I was missing a character since there was an extra space at the beginning of the chapter. Turns out I forgot to read the info and get Meg >_>

So I restarted the first chapters and got her, wasting an hours work.

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I yell any derogatory word you can think of

I usually tell my own characters that they suck cock (how motivating)

In RD I play "epic mode" when my sister is arround (I make attacking sounds when ppl attack and get hit just to make my sister laugh since I just give EVERYONE including females a constipated male voice)

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When I play 2-4 player games offline I pretend to be some kind of jock trash talking (no self-boasting or gloating involved) when I'm kicking ass. I dunno why but it just sets a good mood and makes it enjoyable, despite the fact that people think I'm being serious with it >_>

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I argue with myself internally, and sometimes externally, even carrying on conversations of myself.

A typical conversation would go something like this, and keep in mind I use my nick name to refer to myself, and Cynthia to who I'm arguing with:

Toka: What now...?

Cynthia: Just go around the backside it's easier.

Toka: The last idea I went with from you wasted three hours of my life...

Cynthia: Just trust me you moron...

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Oh, I got another one; I have a song that I sing whenever I'm stuck in a game, and suddenly have an idea on what to do. It goes:

'I gots a plaaan,

A Super plaaan,

A Super Duper, Super Secret, Super Plaaan!'

I usually reserve it only for Fire Emblem or Zelda, though.

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-If one of my characters dies (whether I use him/her or not), I punch something nearby and restart.

-I'm really OCD about odd things.

-When I disagree with someone IRL, I sometimes mumble Objection, and they look at me like I'm retarted. (A very very sad habit, but it happens >.>)

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-If one of my characters dies (whether I use him/her or not), I punch something nearby and restart.

-I'm really OCD about odd things.

-When I disagree with someone IRL, I sometimes mumble Objection, and they look at me like I'm retarted. (A very very sad habit, but it happens >.>)

That'd be pretty cool. Arguing with the teacher OBJECTION! lol i would be laughing so hard.

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Also, while play Halo 2, I killed my own team members and I laughed why they screamed. Does that make me crazy?

i do that, so that makes you as sane as me

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