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Cipher Series 5 - Info, News, Leaks, & Discussion: August 13: September Marker Cards


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I'm not offended, this is a fun spirited conversation.

I agree that Niime absolutely deserves a card; personally my favourite characters are the older ones like Lorenz (who is my #1 card now that Hardin is out), Renning,and Niime. But I look at the characters left over, let's use Shadow Dragon for instance, 23 characters and the only females are Norne & Nagi. With PoR there are 14 characters, with only Calill and Lucia being female, and I guess Petrine as a boss card. You and I both know they're not going to release a set with only 2 female characters, and games like Shadow Dragon don't have any outstanding female bosses or NPCs to even draw from. Emma and her friends at least add some variety to those sets.

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Not using all the characters in one go opens up the opportunity for expansions (whether you may like it or not).

I think it's not bad design wise. I mean we're still gonna be missing a few characters everywhere.

I mean we don't have Ryan from Mystery of the Emblem.

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I'm not offended, this is a fun spirited conversation.

I agree that Niime absolutely deserves a card; personally my favourite characters are the older ones like Lorenz (who is my #1 card now that Hardin is out), Renning,and Niime. But I look at the characters left over, let's use Shadow Dragon for instance, 23 characters and the only females are Norne & Nagi. With PoR there are 14 characters, with only Calill and Lucia being female, and I guess Petrine as a boss card. You and I both know they're not going to release a set with only 2 female characters, and games like Shadow Dragon don't have any outstanding female bosses or NPCs to even draw from. Emma and her friends at least add some variety to those sets.

To put SD in to perspective, now that MotE is in the fray (as it's also red), we actually have left:







Kleine (maybe)


(And that's not counting re-releases of females, like expanding on Athena for example)

Since you are combining PoR and RD as green, that opens up more characters too like Meg and Micaiah. We've also seen great additions like Sanaki and Vika. Red/Green have the distinct advantage of having two games with which to pull female characters from, and I don't think they have yet backed themselves in to a corner. There aren't many, but two is underselling it a bit.

Granted, there are still a lot more male characters - just happens to be the way it is. While I'd like more female reps as well, it doesn't surprise me that most of these foot soldiers are male. It's just the way it's been for a lot of human history, and FE reflects that a bit in character choice. Some games are better than others with this.

At the end of the day, give me Wendy before you give me Emma.

Edited by ChibiToastExplosion
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Well if you want look at Tellius, there are only 7 playable female characters who don't have any announced cards as of today; Calill, Lucia, Laura, Fiona, Nailah, Heather, and Lyre. Generally they try to keep the roster close to 50/50 for each set, but as we get more expansions they just won't be able to without drastically reissuing characters. Look at Magvel which only has 12 female units plus Selena and Ismaire, or Valentia which also has 12 plus Mara & Heste. That's just a whole new level of hell waiting.

But let's not get bogged down by that historical bit, FE is not RotTK or Nobunaga's Ambition, they can add as many female characters as they want without consequence.

And tonight we have Meg by Daisuke Izuka.


Edited by Hardin
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But let's not get bogged down by that historical bit, FE is not RotTK or Nobunaga's Ambition, they can add as many female characters as they want without consequence.

My rebuttal to this is let's not get bogged down by FE's own history, FE is not Tumblr the game, the creators are not required to add males or females "just because".

Putting a Miriel card next to my Lon'qu isn't just gonna make a Laurent show up.

I'm not against female characters - I have no problem at all with the rosters for Fates/Awakening - FE has already made steps in the right direction with roster discrepancy. Let's not unnecessarily punish the rosters of old games by throwing in non-FE characters. I'd rather have characters that most people have long forgotten about, like Thomas, then Shade because "well shade has boobs and a vagoo the kids will like that".

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It's not like Shade / Emma / Yuzu are replacing anything. They're just putting these characters in to promote Cipher as exclusives from the card game.

'Blah blah blah Shade / Emma / Yuzu replaced X character so this character didn't get a card'

It's Intelligent Systems let them make their own card game, we'll get all the characters one way all another.

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It's not like Shade / Emma / Yuzu are replacing anything.

Except, that's exactly what they do, by being a card/100 instead of any FE character.

And who are they promoting to, exactly? As these are brand new-non established characters no one is gonna go out of their way to buy cards for characters they have never seen before. People will buy the game if A: They like FE and its cast, or B: It's a fun game and then they don't know anyone anyway, so they won't be affected either way.

I just don't like them. I'm getting two boxes for set 5. If anyone really wants these characters, send me a PM and I will send you every Emma/Shade/Yuzu for free. No strings attached, I won't even charge shipping because I would rather pay to get rid of them.

Actually, I would like to have not paid for them at all. It's like paying for a pack of gum and getting a licorice stick in there. Even if I liked the licorice, it's not what I paid for or part of Fire Emblem at all.

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Actually, I would like to have not paid for them at all. It's like paying for a pack of gum and getting a licorice stick in there. Even if I liked the licorice, it's not what I paid for or part of Fire Emblem at all.

If I ended up with a liquorice stick I probably would be surprised as well.

I will gladly send you a PM if you will send all of them to Australia for free hue :V

The thing is they want to promote this little corner they made up on the website:

Emma / Shade and Yuzu Corner or something like that.... Live from the frontlines of Cipher or something like that.

Maybe Japan likes exclusive 'mascot' like characters?

It's not like we've gotten any decent cards from these characters either heh.

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I will gladly send you a PM if you will send all of them to Australia for free hue :V

If you really want all of them and will give them a home, don't be afraid to send me a line. My wife is from Finland and so I am no stranger to international shipping.

I have at least a B02-049HN Emma right now, and I will mail out everything at once when I open my boxes. Even if that ends up being a brick of cards I'll stand by what I said.

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Shade/Emma/Yuzu are cipher mascots, and can be reclassed into any class to create some sort of niche. I welcome them because some of their iterations are actually quite useful to the game itself (emma1w, yuzu reds have some use depending on deck, shade3black has use in a kamui deck, etc). And as others have mentioned, not having every character come out in a set is great, since it means expansions can occur. it seems that IS is more focused on creating a competitive scene/making certain cards more viable rather than doing the logical thing and giving rarities to specific obvious units.

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Yeah the concept of the mascot characters simply doesn't really have any downsides besides ''I want more cards of characters I know faster'', which highly risks those cards not being good due to the characters being released fast without thinking due to their popularity (Remember Set1 Blue? Anyone???).

The mascot characters are also not really tied to all that much compared to the ones from the game, as we have seen in many cards a lot of the time they get effects related to their characters and history in some way with big examples in Hardin 5 and the Black Knight 6.

Yuzu, Emma and Shade are getting their characters via quips in the ''Frontlines of Cipher'' thingies, they are quite charming really, but due to them being easily moldeable in these and only need to stick to the one simple gimmick class wise (Emma being a flier, Shade being a mage and Yuzu being a physical foot unit) makes them easy gates for effects that would otherwise be hard to fit in an stablished character, are those effects good? varies a lot, but I got a very good laugh out of Blue!Emma when I first saw it and I'm down for that every day of the week.

In short, the mascot characters are ''Wild Cards'' gameplay wise, which are always nice to have in cardgames as they can open some shenanigans that would otherwise probably not happen. As of them being females, come on let's be real here its far easier to sell a cute girl as your mascot characters than a dude as cute as it may be if you wanna push that part.

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I don't have a problem if people like them. If ya want them, my offer stands to anyone - I'll send all my shade/emma/yuzu cards from the upcoming boxes for free, no strings attached.

If you can give them a home, it's better than them being shunned in a box or thrown away.

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6 out of 12 Srs get an SR+. Don't think Narcian will get one.



With 2 Roy cards is now up for preorder.


With 2 Lilina cards was up for preorder but still open (I know people were waiting on Dengeki showing up for preorder to combine the shipment).

Edited by Draxal
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I don't have a problem if people like them. If ya want them, my offer stands to anyone - I'll send all my shade/emma/yuzu cards from the upcoming boxes for free, no strings attached.

If you can give them a home, it's better than them being shunned in a box or thrown away.

If you are willing to pay the shipping let me tell you I really wouldn't mind at all lol.

As of SR+s... Roy for sure so that's one out.

Lilina has HIGH chances of an SR, so that another out on the + department for sure.

Fir's chances will depend on the rest, much like the chances of said rest depends on that rest.

And the other +s would be RDs, so Narcian's chances are very low not to say none at all.

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If you are willing to pay the shipping let me tell you I really wouldn't mind at all lol.

As of SR+s... Roy for sure so that's one out.

Lilina has HIGH chances of an SR, so that another out on the + department for sure.

Fir's chances will depend on the rest, much like the chances of said rest depends on that rest.

And the other +s would be RDs, so Narcian's chances are very low not to say none at all.

Just shoot me a PM, haha, I think everyone thinks I am joking but I'm totally serious. First come first serve.

If I'm lucky enough to get a SR+ in my two boxes, it would probably be someone like Sanaki who I am not nuts about. It would be nice to get any SR+, just in the hopes that I can trade it for the Roy SR+. Although if it is a Lillina SR+, I don't think I could give it up.

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