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Worth training unit?


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Imagine your endgame plan. Who do you want to use in the end game?

Some players will avoid using Mozu,,, but I personally like her. With the help of Daggers, Attack Stance and maybe bronze/brass weapons

Only use Odin to get Ophelia.

Azama, only if you need another healer. He has Mag stat penalty. If you like Mitama, use him.

Well, that's about it.

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Imagine your endgame plan. Who do you want to use in the end game?

Some players will avoid using Mozu,,, but I personally like her. With the help of Daggers, Attack Stance and maybe bronze/brass weapons

Only use Odin to get Ophelia.

Azama, only if you need another healer. He has Mag stat penalty. If you like Mitama, use him.

Well, that's about it.

Thank for advise!!!

About Azama I would like to make him become ATK unit,not Mag

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I say this in almost every thread where she comes up, but Mozu has sneaky value in Nohr. Aptitude on a child is good and all, but it's her Archer tree access that gives her value here.

In particular, she gives Niles full bow class access, not only making him great but potentially giving Nina Aptitude and Bowfaire. Nina won't get the archer tree, though.

She can do similar things with Laslow and Soleil, but it only helps Soleil as a Bow Knight and forces Laslow to learn a new weapon entirely.

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Well Mozu as also good anty-mage, use on her paralogue dreadfighter seal (on lvl 1) and give her few kills, you're set with her.

Imo Azama is worth training, but if you'll reclass him right after recruit (dread fighter is going again there)

Well on Hoshido if you want a mage, Hayato might work with training, he actually can double unlike Orochi without tonics, i also heard Hayato makes great oni chieftain,

Oboro on Hoshido is really important imo, she's one of the best tanks you'll get (right with Hinoka), Also Hinoka can reclass for lance fighter which is nice,

I wouldn't even care about Orochi on Hoshido, Setsuna (even if i love her) doesn't have good growths as well, Rinkah is only good guard-stance fodder, also Setsuna is ok guard-stance fodder for slow units like Hinata.

On Nohr i've heard story-wise Odin isn't that great, basically any mage than Leo isn't great, but if you want to choose other mage than Leo then i would suggest Elise or Nyx.

Charlotte is like Rinkah, mainly good guard-stance fodder (mostly preffered for Xander by most of people)

Benoit isn't worth for sure, but Effie is, you have her from the very start and on chapter you'll get Benny(Benoit) he'll be underleveled comparing to the Effie, also Effie have better passive to OHKOing.

Arthur is guard-stance fodder as well, Effie!Arthur can do most of the job, you might want to have this pairing if you want Effie to destroy EVERYTHING on her way.

That's all i think? Maybe not? dunno. :s

Edited by Eriotto
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I dont get the odwain hate, he has actual nostank stats, is an early join, all his flaws can be covered by his fast supports, and thanks to the nature of fates!nos/pairup he and his chosen waifu don't actually eat any of the combat exp you want to feed your sweeper units despite being permanent frontlners and will consistently promote at 19/20ish around ch13/14 despite eating few to no actual kills (or ever actually fighting.outside of a rare killshark in his waifu's case)

He's effectively free even on lunatic outside of the admittedly stiff 4k you need to up front on his preferred tome (but thats not a problem if you 3 village) and really never falls off outside of not doubling but you dont actually need to double to be a good unit in this game and with his spastic critrate and the fixed rng its not like he suffers from a lack of orko ability when he needs it.

Similarly author is pretty damn good, he mass debuffs and has fat tank stats earlygame with a really easy ch10 curve, his skill will eventual patch up his shaky hitrates. midgame onwards he can either be a reliable EP tank that like odwain leaves a lot of free exp laying around for his buddies or can go berserker and divebomb the middle of groups for fat attack stance adds and critrates without ever actually taking kills. Def stance utility is also very real but its not his main function, also his kids paralouge gives massive exp and percy is just good.

Edit: Low luck on arthur is amazing for AI manipulation, its actually one of his strong points.

I'm not certain how 2 of the most efficient units in the game draw as much hate as they do.

Edited by joshcja
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I dont get the odwain hate, he has actual nostank stats, is an early join, all his flaws can be covered by his fast supports, and thanks to the nature of fates!nos/pairup he and his chosen waifu don't actually eat any of the combat exp you want to feed your sweeper units despite being permanent frontlners and will consistently promote at 19/20ish around ch13/14 despite eating few to no actual kills (or ever actually fighting.outside of a rare killshark in his waifu's case)

He's effectively free even on lunatic outside of the admittedly stiff 4k you need to up front on his preferred tome (but thats not a problem if you 3 village) and really never falls off outside of not doubling but you dont actually need to double to be a good unit in this game and with his spastic critrate and the fixed rng its not like he suffers from a lack of orko ability when he needs it.

Mostly because nosferatu don't work that well anymore. He's bad Story-wise but for min-maxing he can be one of the best mages i belive (from parents at least)

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Nos works fine if the unit using it has a real def stat, its not awakening nos but its still a high damage sol every round of combat and with the new dual gaurd system giving completely free healing at a predictable pace its completely reliable even on lategame lunatic.

Edit: on topic mozu is the only unit you really should actively "feed" the rest make do on efficient use of the noncombat/split combat exp pools, its really not rare at all to have a fully promoted squad after ch14 (13 if you dont care about those last 1-3 unpromoted levels). With the way the exp curve is managed here its honestly a BAD idea to focus one unit too much (though there will still be a level disparity between the tanks sweepers and noncoms everyone should stay effecint at their role with natural play)

Just pick and chose from the earl pool, in conquest (birthright you can use litteraly anything), you want 2-3 ep tanks, all the noncom exp you can stack (totally free), and fill in the rest with sweepers/buffers/debuffers. Bows are good, camelia is great but don't use her heavily in a combat role until the exp curve actually catches up her passive and utility alone earn her a deployment slot early on not her mighty axe.

Edited by joshcja
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Nos works fine if the unit using it has a real def stat, its not awakening nos but its still a high damage sol every round of combat and with the new dual gaurd system giving completely free healing at a predictable pace its completely reliable even on lategame lunatic.

it can't crit, double or use offensive skills, without huge bage magic you won't do much. Also vs maxed-stat units this will be even worse.

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I dont get the odwain hate, he has actual nostank stats, is an early join, all his flaws can be covered by his fast supports, and thanks to the nature of fates!nos/pairup he and his chosen waifu don't actually eat any of the combat exp you want to feed your sweeper units despite being permanent frontlners and will consistently promote at 19/20ish around ch13/14 despite eating few to no actual kills (or ever actually fighting.outside of a rare killshark in his waifu's case)

He's effectively free even on lunatic outside of the admittedly stiff 4k you need to up front on his preferred tome (but thats not a problem if you 3 village) and really never falls off outside of not doubling but you dont actually need to double to be a good unit in this game and with his spastic critrate and the fixed rng its not like he suffers from a lack of orko ability when he needs it.

Similarly author is pretty damn good, he mass debuffs and has fat tank stats earlygame with a really easy ch10 curve, his skill will eventual patch up his shaky hitrates. midgame onwards he can either be a reliable EP tank that like odwain leaves a lot of free exp laying around for his buddies or can go berserker and divebomb the middle of groups for fat attack stance adds and critrates without ever actually taking kills. Def stance utility is also very real but its not his main function, also his kids paralouge gives massive exp and percy is just good.

Edit: Low luck on arthur is amazing for AI manipulation, its actually one of his strong points.

I'm not certain how 2 of the most efficient units in the game draw as much hate as they do.

...No. Nosferatu got nerfed to hell and back, and Arthur's a critblick waiting to happen, ESPECIALLY as a Berserker. I like him as a character, but constantly facing crit chances isn't something I'm willing to abide.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Solid derail, gonna saythis one more time and be done. It, works, yo.

You get a ton of dusts in nohr with very few targets, huge base magic is a given. Nos is no longer instant godmode, but it's still a really good weapon for tanking. For actual important EP orko's/sweeper use you have lolcritratevengance/+speed spirit or tome doubling. It's still a valuable tool throughout the game. Hell if you really really need it proper pairup/aura abuse can let your nos users orko their way through the early/midgame on EP, its normally a bad idea because it completely screws your exp curve and really doesn't shave turns, but yeah you can do it.

Arthur would be awful in a no reset playthrough but outside of that low luck is just AI manipulation.

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If you have an Ike Amiibo and an Amiibo reader/New 3DS, use him! He starts out strong and stays that way. Enemies can barely touch him unless they have magic. And if they do, Ike can get to them with Ragnell's ranged attack before they can get to him.

But when you battle him, you'll want to build up a really strong party or like triple team him. He potentially does a lot of damage to anybody you send against him.

The other Amiibo units are probably great too. I dunno though, since I haven't used them and don't really plan to.

For regular Hoshido units, I've found Silas, the royal siblings, Azura, Hana, Rinkah, the ninja bros, and Subaki to be pretty great. Some units I haven't used much of at all though.

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You get a ton of dusts in nohr huge base magic is a given. Nos is no longer instant godmode, but it's still a really good weapon for tanking. For actual important EP orko's/sweeper use you have lolcritratevengance/+speed spirit or tome doubling. It's still a valuable tool throughout the game.

Arthur would be awful in a no reset playthrough but outside of that low luck is just AI manipulation.

Bold: And it's also prone to bite you in the ass - a chain's only as strong as its weakest link, and the weakest link on a team, by my standards, is likely the guy who I can't trust to hold the frontline because he's liable to take triple damage. I'd rather find ways to manipulate the AI that don't involve having to reset if the enemy gets lucky, thank you very much.

WRT Odin: I'd assume he'd rather be a Dark Knight, because Sorcerer's not as good a class as it was in Awakening, and Vengeance is no longer reliable in terms of activation rate. And who's to say Odin's the best recipient for the Spirit Dusts anyhow?

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Bold: And it's also prone to bite you in the ass - a chain's only as strong as its weakest link, and the weakest link on a team, by my standards, is likely the guy who I can't trust to hold the frontline because he's liable to take triple damage. I'd rather find ways to manipulate the AI that don't involve having to reset if the enemy gets lucky, thank you very much.

WRT Odin: I'd assume he'd rather be a Dark Knight, because Sorcerer's not as good a class as it was in Awakening, and Vengeance is no longer reliable in terms of activation rate. And who's to say Odin's the best recipient for the Spirit Dusts anyhow?

Oh its real discussion, I take it back i'm down for that.

Once you get percy crits never happen to you again so by the time enemys have critrates that are over single digits arthurs weaknesses are pretty negligible.

Elsie will natural max magic as will most dywers who care about it, ophelia effectively starts at 20/x with hilarious bases so she's bumping the cap, nyx is nyx, camelia has a full time job supporting, leo is honestly the only other relevant dust target and there's more than enough to go around. Edit: I guess avatar/kana could eat some???

Sorc is still honestly more useful for EP utility on odin/ophelia imo, they both have a lot of potential high move partners, bowbreaker is a fantastic skill, and while vengeance isn't the utterly broken POS it was in awakening it still has very real utility on the player phase for orkoing stronger enemies, keep in mind you have pretty free control of just how bulky you are on EP via debuffs/aura manipulation and nos is a flat one hit one heal no mods now so you can control the exact amount of hp you go into the player phase with which makes vengeance VERY consistent when stacked with the ham duo's absurd natural critrate and an arthur debuff.

Edit: To elaborate on why i'm not a huge fan of dark knight, you get leo who already does the job well enough, the army will likely have roughly a million birds/ponys by the time odin promotes, and you're extra move kinda gets ruined by the same things that ruin...the rest of the army at that point. Sorc honestly has more freedom of movement in that context. Also the main draw skill wise is seal magic, (oh boy lifetaker at x/15 to do the job of a 4k tome....once...on player phase) which is...a really easy re class if you need someone other than leo with that utility.

Basically it just offers more even after the nerf from lolgodofVV to a real class.

Edited by joshcja
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Once you get percy crits never happen to you again so by the time enemys have critrates that are over single digits arthurs weaknesses are pretty negligible.

Elsie will natural max magic as will most dywers who care about it, ophelia, and nyx, camelia has a full time job supporting, leo is honestly the only other relevant dust target and there's more than enough to go around.


Negligible, Arthur's low luck is NOT. I dunno about you, but I'm not very receptive to the idea of fielding the one guy who's a VERY big liability just to get someone who can "fix" it... Facing crit chances all the time is infinitely worse than not facing them at all, and that's non-negotiable.

Bold: :facepalm:

Really? Reducing her to pair up fodder is honestly a criminal misuse of one of the best units you'd get in Conquest...

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Fortunate Son Allies within a 2 tile radius have their Critical Evade increased by 15, while the user’s Critical Evade is increased by 5


I don't qualify single digit critrates as risky.

Edit: I didn't say pairup fodder, I said support, bird movement, roses thorns, savage blow, lunge, rally def.

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Fortunate Son Allies within a 2 tile radius have their Critical Evade increased by 15, while the user’s Critical Evade is increased by 5


I don't qualify single digit critrates as risky.

Edit: I didn't say pairup fodder, I said support, bird movement, roses thorns, savage blow, lunge, rally def.

Bold: Cool story bro, because I do.

Everything else besides the edit: Not a good enough reason to deal with Arthur's dragging the team down, as I see it...

WRT the edit: Maybe, but I still think using her simply for support purposes is criminally misusing her...

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Fortunate Son Allies within a 2 tile radius have their Critical Evade increased by 15, while the user’s Critical Evade is increased by 5


I don't qualify single digit critrates as risky.

Edit: I didn't say pairup fodder, I said support, bird movement, roses thorns, savage blow, lunge, rally def.

I like Arthur and I do agree, but single digit Crits happening in this game is weirdly common. It's similar to how 96% hits can suddenly miss.

I think he's still usable, but I've gotten some 3% Crits and my Corrin's been 3% critted. It all depends on how the RNG falls.

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Imagine your endgame plan. Who do you want to use in the end game?

Some players will avoid using Mozu,,, but I personally like her. With the help of Daggers, Attack Stance and maybe bronze/brass weapons

Only use Odin to get Ophelia.

Azama, only if you need another healer. He has Mag stat penalty. If you like Mitama, use him.

Well, that's about it.

Heh Odin. Saw this today, minor spoilers (Will always say that as I don't want to ruin ANYTHING for ANYONE).


Odin is actually slightly good. He is completely outclassed but I like his personality so I am babying him a little.

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Storywise, Hinata can be useable with very little effort while Hana will always be way too fragile.

I just started Conquest. What is the merit of reclassing Odin to Samurai? I also immediately promoted Elise at level 10. Was that a mistake?

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Storywise, Hinata can be useable with very little effort while Hana will always be way too fragile.

I just started Conquest. What is the merit of reclassing Odin to Samurai? I also immediately promoted Elise at level 10. Was that a mistake?

IMO yes. She levels very quickly, but it's not unrecoverable. She's a very good unit. I took her to Strategist but Maid is good too. Plan on reclassing so I can get all the skills.

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If you're playing Conquest, I've heard that Haitaka (the spear fighter enemy boss in Ch. 9) is worth capturing (helps that Niles has a WTA over him), recruiting, and training since his Str, Skl, and Spd each have at least 60% growth rate once class is factored in.

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Sorc is still honestly more useful for EP utility on odin/ophelia imo, they both have a lot of potential high move partners, bowbreaker is a fantastic skill, and while vengeance isn't the utterly broken POS it was in awakening it still has very real utility on the player phase for orkoing stronger enemies, keep in mind you have pretty free control of just how bulky you are on EP via debuffs/aura manipulation and nos is a flat one hit one heal no mods now so you can control the exact amount of hp you go into the player phase with which makes vengeance VERY consistent when stacked with the ham duo's absurd natural critrate and an arthur debuff.

Edit: To elaborate on why i'm not a huge fan of dark knight, you get leo who already does the job well enough, the army will likely have roughly a million birds/ponys by the time odin promotes, and you're extra move kinda gets ruined by the same things that ruin...the rest of the army at that point. Sorc honestly has more freedom of movement in that context. Also the main draw skill wise is seal magic, (oh boy lifetaker at x/15 to do the job of a 4k tome....once...on player phase) which is...a really easy re class if you need someone other than leo with that utility.

Basically it just offers more even after the nerf from lolgodofVV to a real class.

Likewise, Bowbreaker is pretty much all Sorcerer has going for it imho, since Vengeance can't be relied on any more (to put it into perspective, you only get a 39% chance to activate it at max - that ain't something I want to rely on, especially in Low HP Emblem) and Nosferatu got beaten with the noif bat. As for your comment about Odin and Ophelia's critical rate, I ain't impressed.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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