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I'm going to do each one in 1-2 sentences due to laziness and to demonstrate the results of restricted creativity.

.- Stay weird, just like the rest of us. ^^

Anna- Completely crazy, psychotic, and twisted. What's not to love? XD

Bizz- You have such a great way with words. =D Stefan ftw! I don't remember if I added you, yet... XD

CGV- Your er..."taste"...for woman is strong. Never change that, CheapGuyVaters. ^^


Cymbeline- You're so nice that Sanaki made you into a special fire tome. =o

Desdemona- You're so special, you orbit around Uranus. XD

Doom103- Probably the biggest and only Shawn Johnson fan I know. Stay fanatic. ^^

FEFL- If you're ever in need of food and shelter, come find my place. I'd be happy to give you some nice citrus fruits to eat. ^^

Fox- "Hello thar Foxy lady." XD

Freohr- Glad you find me entertaining. XD

Gatrie- Keep those guns ablazing. ^^

IronMaiden- Don't post much, but you're a cool gal. :D

Kiryn- You're the Chosen One and somehow, you've shaped my life in some way that I can't begin to comprehend. XD

Knife- Though you disappeared without warning, I can't blame you. Don't get me started with my first gf. See ya around, buddy.

Luxord- You're a pretty cool guy, from what I've seen so far. =D

Lyle Dayek-Through thick and thin, you've always mostly had good intentions. Keep that up. ^^

Masuda- A hyperactive knuckleheaded ninji in an orange jumpsuit person. Your reactions always put some flare into conversations. =D

Matthew- You're a really cool guy. Goes to SF and doesn't afraid of anything. XD

Nightmare- I suppose he's like my best friend here. Is a prince of Iran and doesn't afraid of anything. =D

Princess Kilvas- You're a really talented person. Keep up the work and don't be afraid to show Masu and Zero their place when you need to. XD

Raven- Is a peacemaker and owns criminals with a Steel Sword©.

sacaendruid- Talked to him for a little while. He was a nice guy. Lives in Tornado Land Kansas and doesn't

give a damn about it.


Shigeru- Definitely a unique guy. Don't know you all that well, but keep up the good work at being you. ^^

Songbird- You somewhat remind me of this friend of mine. XD I don't think Lord Pineapple or Lord Kiwi could've asked for a more outgoing and friendly servant(slave?). ^^

TLS- One day, you'll find your soul mate, but sexcopters won't help you find her faster. Trust me on this. Never give up. Never gonna let you down.

Will- Funny guy. I still remember when you said Rebecca>Wil. XD

Zephrion-I think you might possibly be my other best friend here. Your aim at CGV has improved vastly over the months. Funny times....Funny times...

Zero the Hero- Who are you? (jk) You're a cool guy. It must be fun to live with Princess. :lol (Please do not take this the wrong way.)

And that is my list of stuff.Now back to my work...

Edited by Fireman
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I'm going to do each one in 1-2 sentences due to laziness and to demonstrate the results of restricted creativity.

.- Stay weird, just like the rest of us. ^^

Anna- Completely crazy, psychotic, and twisted. What's not to love? XD

Bizz- You have such a great way with words. =D I don't remember if I added you, yet... XD

CGV- Your er..."taste"...for woman is strong. Never change that, CheapGuyVaters. ^^


Cymbeline- You're so nice that Sanaki made you into a special fire tome. =o

Desdemona- You're so special, you orbit around Uranus. XD

Doom103- Probably the biggest and only Shawn Johnson fan I know. Stay fanatic. ^^

FEFL- If you're ever in need of food and shelter, come find my place. I'd be happy to give you some nice citrus fruits to eat. ^^

Fox- "Hello thar Foxy lady." XD

Freohr- Glad you find me entertaining. XD

Gatrie- Keep those guns ablazing. ^^

IronMaiden- Don't post much, but you're a cool gal. :D

Kiryn- You're the Chosen One and somehow, you've shaped my life in some way that I can't begin to comprehend. XD

Knife- Though you disappeared without warning, I can't blame you. Don't get me started with my first gf. See ya around, buddy.

Luxord- You're a pretty cool guy, from what I've seen so far. =D

Lyle Dayek-Through thick and thin, you've always mostly had good intentions. Keep that up. ^^

Masuda- A hyperactive knuckleheaded ninji in an orange jumpsuit person. Your reactions always put some flare into conversations. =D

Matthew- You're a really cool guy. Goes to SF and doesn't afraid of anything. XD

Nightmare- I suppose he's like my best friend here. Is a prince of Iran and doesn't afraid of anything. =D

Princess Kilvas- You're a really talented person. Keep up the work and don't be afraid to show Masu and Zero their place when you need to. XD

Raven- Is a peacemaker and owns with a Steel Sword©. :D

sacaendruid- Talked to him for a little while. He was a nice guy. Lives in Tornado Land Kansas and doesn't

give a damn about it.


Shigeru- Definitely a unique guy. Don't know you all that well, but keep up the good work at being you. ^^

Songbird- You somewhat remind me of this friend of mine. XD I don't think Lord Pineapple or Lord Kiwi could've asked for a more outgoing and friendly servant(slave?). ^^

TLS- One day, you'll find your soul mate, but sexcopters won't help you find her faster. Trust me on this. Never give up. Never gonna let you down.

Will- Funny guy. I still remember when you said Rebecca>Wil. XD

Zephrion-I think you might possibly be my other best friend here. Your aim at CGV has improved vastly over the months. Funny times....Funny times...

Zero the Hero- Who are you? (jk) You're a cool guy. It must be fun to live with Princess. :lol (Please do not take this the wrong way.)

And that is my list of stuff.Now back to my work...

Wow, you have a really long list too. =o

Glad that you're glad I find you entertaining to talk to!

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I'm going to do each one in 1-2 sentences due to laziness and to demonstrate the results of restricted creativity.

.- Stay weird, just like the rest of us. ^^

Anna- Completely crazy, psychotic, and twisted. What's not to love? XD

Bizz- You have such a great way with words. =D I don't remember if I added you, yet... XD

CGV- Your er..."taste"...for woman is strong. Never change that, CheapGuyVaters. ^^


Cymbeline- You're so nice that Sanaki made you into a special fire tome. =o

Desdemona- You're so special, you orbit around Uranus. XD

Doom103- Probably the biggest and only Shawn Johnson fan I know. Stay fanatic. ^^

FEFL- If you're ever in need of food and shelter, come find my place. I'd be happy to give you some nice citrus fruits to eat. ^^

Fox- "Hello thar Foxy lady." XD

Freohr- Glad you find me entertaining. XD

Gatrie- Keep those guns ablazing. ^^

IronMaiden- Don't post much, but you're a cool gal. :D

Kiryn- You're the Chosen One and somehow, you've shaped my life in some way that I can't begin to comprehend. XD

Knife- Though you disappeared without warning, I can't blame you. Don't get me started with my first gf. See ya around, buddy.

Luxord- You're a pretty cool guy, from what I've seen so far. =D

Lyle Dayek-Through thick and thin, you've always mostly had good intentions. Keep that up. ^^

Masuda- A hyperactive knuckleheaded ninji in an orange jumpsuit person. Your reactions always put some flare into conversations. =D

Matthew- You're a really cool guy. Goes to SF and doesn't afraid of anything. XD

Nightmare- I suppose he's like my best friend here. Is a prince of Iran and doesn't afraid of anything. =D

Princess Kilvas- You're a really talented person. Keep up the work and don't be afraid to show Masu and Zero their place when you need to. XD

Raven- Is a peacemaker and owns criminals with a Steel Sword©.

sacaendruid- Talked to him for a little while. He was a nice guy. Lives in Tornado Land Kansas and doesn't

give a damn about it.


Shigeru- Definitely a unique guy. Don't know you all that well, but keep up the good work at being you. ^^

Songbird- You somewhat remind me of this friend of mine. XD I don't think Lord Pineapple or Lord Kiwi could've asked for a more outgoing and friendly servant(slave?). ^^

TLS- One day, you'll find your soul mate, but sexcopters won't help you find her faster. Trust me on this. Never give up. Never gonna let you down.

Will- Funny guy. I still remember when you said Rebecca>Wil. XD

Zephrion-I think you might possibly be my other best friend here. Your aim at CGV has improved vastly over the months. Funny times....Funny times...

Zero the Hero- Who are you? (jk) You're a cool guy. It must be fun to live with Princess. :lol (Please do not take this the wrong way.)

And that is my list of stuff.Now back to my work...

1.) ....

2.) Thanks! ^_^ :D

3.) Hahahaha

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Wow, you have a really long list too. =o

Glad that you're glad I find you entertaining to talk to!

Tell me about it...

Glad that you're glad I'm glad that you find me entertaining to talk to!

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Rebecca > Wil, always.

*Wil is now known as Rebecca.

That was just yesterday, so of course you'd remember it.

Ah, good times....good times...

I remember it like it was only yesterday...

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Tell me about it...

Glad that you're glad I'm glad that you find me entertaining to talk to!

Glad that you're glad that I'm glad you're glad that I find you entertaining to talk to!

(See, this is what I mean! :lol: )

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Glad that you're glad that I'm glad you're glad that I find you entertaining to talk to!

(See, this is what I mean! :lol: )

Glad that you're glad that I'm glad that you're glad that I'm glad that you find me entertaining to talk to!

Any more posts and this may get confusing to type...

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XD Name puns.

<3 you too.

For some reason, I read that as "ilu you too", so I was about to correct you, when I noticed that that's not what it said, but something very similar. :lol:

Dude, Fireman. You rock. XD

Thank you. I'll be here all night. Not really.

I also have reason to believe "You rock." is a phrase developed from the age of cavemen...

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