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Never Mind.. I should have know this would happen (Seriously it's like you people don't know what ad block is)


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I've been very vocal on my dislike from the localization, but I've also seen many people going too far over it.

That removed Saizo/Beruka support is pretty fucking dumb (probably the only thing with the localization that I could in good conscience call objectively bad, everything else is mainly my opinion) but people just be throwing piss and vinegar over it. As if yelling at the localization team is going to achieve anything.

Lastly, Kotaku are still hacks who likely just want to milk the situation because they tend to be opportunistic fuckwads.

Edited by Tryhard
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Why are you giving Kotaku click revenue... They really don't deserve it.

*Shrugs shoulder* I use ad block so it not like they get a cent from me, also this article references the SF fan translation directly. Kotaku get enough enough views as it is I don't one link will help them that much.

You guys want me to Redact the tread and make it about Leo being cool or something... (No really I will do it if you want... I am just kind of ambivalent to whole thing I just like interesting articles)

Edited by Locke087
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They've caused us enough drama already,

don't give them anymore clicks

...I agree Kotaku is bad but can I just say how much I like your avatar? I don't think Peri is a good person, but she is one of the most interesting I have every seen in a game.

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All of this stuff makes me laugh tbh. People do nothing but get upset over ever, single, little, thing, ever. And it's amusing to see what comes out of they're little heads, it really is~.

ALSO: lol at the title change.

Edited by GrayClouds23
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All of this stuff makes me laugh tbh. People do nothing but get upset over ever, single, little, thing, ever. And it's amusing to see what comes out of they're little heads, it really is~.

ALSO: lol at the title change.

I know it is epic... like Leo

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Regardless of where it's from, I'm not sure if news outlets should really be reporting on fan translations. They're just begging Nintendo to send these guys a C&D. Companies tend to not really care about this stuff until it gets big.

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What's everyone's objections to Kotaku? Do they make questionable donations or something?

Either way localisation to cut sketchy shit is good and cool and a sign of people doing their jobs.

Edited by Parrhesia
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What's everyone's objections to Kotaku? Do they make questionable donations or something?

Either way localisation to cut sketchy shit is good and cool and a sign of people doing their jobs.


In a nutshell. The fans have been too sensitive when it comes to this game.

Edited by Sirius
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For all the shit people gave (and still give) Kotaku for their report on skinship being cut, they turned out to be completely right (although detractors will insist that the incredibly minor 'wake up spouse' and 'blow air at spouse' features mean Kotaku is a lying liar who lies and killed their dog). All I can say is...

Regardless of where it's from, I'm not sure if news outlets should really be reporting on fan translations. They're just begging Nintendo to send these guys a C&D. Companies tend to not really care about this stuff until it gets big.

But I agree they shouldn't be posting about this topic for this reason.

Edited by NekoKnight
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In a nutshell. The fans have been too sensitive when it comes to this game.

I suddenly don't regret posting this thread... This tread is so funny (though I have a weird sense of humor). Edited by Locke087
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What's everyone's objections to Kotaku? Do they make questionable donations or something?

Either way localisation to cut sketchy shit is good and cool and a sign of people doing their jobs.

Questionable journalism practices. I went ahead and read the article using the archive link and it wasn't really worth it.

People are too sensitive in general. Its funny to see them overheat.


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What's everyone's objections to Kotaku? Do they make questionable donations or something?

Kotaku are known for attempting to be serious game journalists when it's convenient to get exclusive information or such, but falling back on their "we're just an internet blog site!" when they fail to act professional. They love posting controversial (or just asinine) content for the sole purpose of getting hits, I'd compare them to Buzzfeed in this regard. They have many accounts of them just being sleazy and unprofessional along with their parent company Gawker. They shouldn't even really be considered worthy of attention.

I'm sure someone else would list much more of what they've done that is shit and provide examples, but it's really not worth my time to outline it IMO.


In a nutshell. The fans have been too sensitive when it comes to this game.

I don't think people have boycotted Kotaku (at least those that have posted in this topic) because of the Fates localization. It's because of all the other shit they've already done. But yeah, they didn't lie about the skinship thing, and it's actually one of the only things I gave the slightest bit of credit to them for. Edited by Tryhard
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