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Peri as Xander's retainer


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Morally flexible... I'm gonna start using that phrase now XD

I also think Peri makes Xander look bad, but he clearly doesn't seem to mind. And their A support totally sounded like Xander came up with some bs to cover up the fact that he actually wanted Peri as a waifu. He's also way too indulgent towards her. So Xander, you get what you asked for.

Also, lmao at Siegbert's cotton-candy blue mullet

"Well she's obsessed with blood, murders servants for fun, acts live a five year old and will probably murder me in my sleep. But she got a phat ass tho..."

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Jakob reminds me of a co-worker I used to have; the kind that acts like an arse to everyone he works with, but is all smiles and ice-cream whenever his boss enters the room and always gets away with it because the boss likes him (I actually quit because the work environment was so toxic), so it's at least partially me venting my real-life rage and partially me not being willing to marry Peri to anybody I actually like.

O u c h.

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So, we've already covered most of the important aspects, and since I'm off to England a few thousand kilometers away from London, I'll just include one of Pieri's face-touching lines:

"Look at my tits, they're huge!." - Pieri

Good job, Xander.

Damn it, Xander. Damn it.

If I were him, I'd take precaution.

Cause that girl is poison.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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So, we've already covered most of the important aspects, and since I'm off to England a few thousand kilometers away from London, I'll just include one of Pieri's face-touching lines:

"Look at my tits, they're huge!." - Pieri

Good job, Xander.

Why shouldn't they get married? She's rich, she's beautiful, she's got huge...tracts of land.

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Peri and Laslow have a great support chain. "Yay, violence" gives me Henry vibes, which I like.

And that's all I have to say about Peri.

I loved Henry, too, but I have a strong suspicion that Peri is a very different character. While Henry enjoys being on the battlefield and can be ruthless, he is also capable of listening to reason (eg. his support with Robin) and ends up being a good husband and parent. Peri, on the other hand, seems to have her violence and murder glorified and seems to enjoy it all around. If memory serves, we even learn of situations where Henry recognizes that he may have over-reacted (when he slaughtered a village because of the death of the wolf). He definitely has his low moments (he'll offer to murder the entire army for Tharja) but what I find interesting about him is that his quirks and flaws gradually shift based on who he is spending time with.

To be fair, I haven't spent this level of time studying Peri. But it seems like the characters find her antics "cute", whereas a lot of characters were genuinely squicked out by Henry's actions and he had to learn to live within the proper social parameters of the camp if he wanted to have people trust him / be okay with having him around. Peri's issue is that she wants to do what she does and she does it. Henry seemed moreso to not know when to say when in certain circumstances (although he did make intentional decisions that were mistakes in others.)

All that said, Henry was my favorite in Awakening, so I may be making a whole crapload of excuses for him. :)

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Thoughts on Peri. First she's so adorable when she doesn't actively talk?? I like her soundbites. Also, honestly pretty sure Peri is partially here to cash in on the Henry hype. We have very little instances of her actually killing people in the present. We already know from the chapter she was introduced that she's fairly obedient? She listens to Corrin when they tell her not to kill anyone. Most supports also deal with stopping her, Leo's especially (though I'm still at their C)

Quite honestly, I always figured that Xander had someone watching Peri to make sure she didn't rampage. She's a great guard honestly, and her battle prowess is important when you consider that Xander seems to be on the battlefield a lot. Very likely he lets her vent on the battlefield. I sort of feel like Xander's a good dude but one who is willing to sacrifice what he deems unimportant or at least less important. In this case he wants dependable lieutenants and retainers who won't die. A few (hundred) Hoshidan soldiers killed in action is mostly justifiable.

I could be wrong however, can't remember if the servants were all from her manor or includes the royal castle.

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I loved Henry, too, but I have a strong suspicion that Peri is a very different character. While Henry enjoys being on the battlefield and can be ruthless, he is also capable of listening to reason (eg. his support with Robin) and ends up being a good husband and parent. Peri, on the other hand, seems to have her violence and murder glorified and seems to enjoy it all around. If memory serves, we even learn of situations where Henry recognizes that he may have over-reacted (when he slaughtered a village because of the death of the wolf). He definitely has his low moments (he'll offer to murder the entire army for Tharja) but what I find interesting about him is that his quirks and flaws gradually shift based on who he is spending time with.

To be fair, I haven't spent this level of time studying Peri. But it seems like the characters find her antics "cute", whereas a lot of characters were genuinely squicked out by Henry's actions and he had to learn to live within the proper social parameters of the camp if he wanted to have people trust him / be okay with having him around. Peri's issue is that she wants to do what she does and she does it. Henry seemed moreso to not know when to say when in certain circumstances (although he did make intentional decisions that were mistakes in others.)

All that said, Henry was my favorite in Awakening, so I may be making a whole crapload of excuses for him. :)

Actually, could be misremembering, but many of her supports highlight how everyone thinks she's strange and there's something wrong with her with the killing. Only her supports with Xander don't bring it up in some way iirc, and I think it highlights how stupidly FORGIVING Xander can be. (Honestly, the only person I can think that he doesn't forgive is Corrin when they betray/'betray' Nohr)

Who knows, though. Given that most of the Nohr children grew up in a very abusive situation (concubine wars, Garon, etc), it could just be it doesn't 'register' to him. Or that he does rein Peri in some and what we're seeing in a toned down version of Peri's rampages. Or that it's the grey area in Xander's personality. Most Nohrians have it where they have two different sides that war with each other. (Charlotte's is best seen, but you also have Jakob 'the ass' and the 'perfect butler', Camilla who is the 'mother' and the 'slaughterer', and Leo who is the 'aloof genius-sarcastic-jerk' and the sibling who just wants to be acknowledged and loved by his family) Seems to me that Peri just falls into that grey area with Xander (who is 'just and honorable' prince of Nohr, and 'forgiving and indulgent' brother/father-figure) in a bad way.

Honestly, Beruka would've made much more sense as Xander's retainer, and Peri's as Camilla's, but nothing can be done with that. It feels like Peri was chosen just to make Xander seem more like an enemy/bad/evil during Birthright. "Oh, look, your brother-figure has this psychotic as his retainer, he must be evil!" sort of thing.

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If I remember correctly, she also almost won said tournament without any actual training, she just rocked up and started kicking arse, taking names and chewing bubblegum because she could and Xander thought "well dang, if she's this good without training, she'll be unstoppable with it".

So Xander's the Darth Sidious while Peri's the Skywalker of that relationship?

What exactly is there even to like about her? The only thing i can think of is people find her cute, but how can you find someone who kills servants for spilling tea cute?

I don't have that many issues with Peri having her condition, because she's a psychopath/sociopath she lacks the discernment to realize that her actions are wrong (and it seems to me that she sees opponents as bad guys, courtesy of her twisted moral perspective, so she isn't naturally evil), so I can't exactly hate her. That, by the way, makes her different from Hans, who's evil for the evulz. Still, I'd like if her case was similar to Henry's or Fat Buu's, in that she learns that killing innocent people = bad and that violence should be moderated. Sadly, no one does this job, and she inevitably continues being who she is and doing what she likes.

Edited by Rapier
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Why shouldn't they get married? She's rich, she's beautiful, she's got huge...tracts of land.

inb4 Hetalia jokes

Also iirc Henry never actively kills any (living) person in his supports, nor are there any mentions of actual murder except in extreme past tense. He might make threats or offer to kill people, but a lot of his supports talk about hexes used to help people (I can name Sumia, Miriel and Lissa off the top of my head).

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I just read Silas and Peri's support again. Xander just does not give a fuck. From their B-Support:

Silas: Yes, well... I talked to Lord Xander about you. He seems oddly partial to you. He didn't say it in so many words, but I think he values you more than I suspected.

Peri: And?! So?! What does that mean?!

Silas: It means I shouldn't antagonize you. I'm sorry I stirred up something that wasn't any of my business. Forget I said anything.

Silas: *sigh*... Even if she is important to Lord Xander, he needs to rein in her vicious streak. Especially if she keeps lashing out at her defenseless servants. I'll have to tread lightly here...

The impression I got from this support is that Xander pretty much forces others to tolerate her or they'll be punished.

Honestly, I can believe Xander really meant that he "had an eye on [Peri] ever since [he] summoned [her] to the castle" as he said in his S-Support with her. People say that love is blind, after all. This is literally the only reason I have for Xander to have her as a retainer. Laslow himself says that if people have a problem with the retainer, it'll reflect badly on their lord (In his B-support with Saizo). If I wasn't terrified of what Peri could do if she became Nohr's Queen, or if I didn't already ship Xander x Charlotte, Xander x Peri would be my OTP (mostly because I can't believe that most other people would fall in love with a psycho like her.)

Edited by Luankachu
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I just read Silas and Peri's support again. Xander just does not give a fuck. From their B-Support:

The impression I got from this support is that Xander pretty much forces others to tolerate her or they'll be punished.

Honestly, I can believe Xander really meant that he "had an eye on [Peri] ever since [he] summoned [her] to the castle" as he said in his S-Support with her. People say that love is blind, after all. This is literally the only reason I have for Xander to have her as a retainer. Laslow himself says that if people have a problem with the retainer, it'll reflect badly on their lord (In his B-support with Saizo). If I wasn't terrified of what Peri could do if she became Nohr's Queen, or if I didn't already ship Xander x Charlotte, Xander x Peri would be my OTP (mostly because I can't believe that most other people would fall in love with a psycho like her.)

My problem with Peri, as I've stated before, stems from how everyone regards her psychopathy and her childishness.

Because I also ship Xander x Charlotte of her unpredictable nature, I find Peri possibly becoming queen of Nohr counterproductive to Xander's claim of making Nohr into a peaceful kingdom. If I were living in Nohr and it was announced that Xander was making a woman that killed her servants for simply annoying her, I would be incredibly salty wary because, even though she obviously listens to the order to not kill people, the fact that Xander would be attracted to and thought that giving power to this woman would be a good idea for the betterment of our cesspool of a country. Nobles marry more on reputation and convenience, if I'm remembering correctly, but Peri's reputation is one that would reflect badly on Xander as both a ruler and a person in general.

"B-but, milord, her Queenship Peri has slaughtered Agatha because she was following the doctor's orders not to give her Queenship orange juice due to her sore throat!"


"M-milord, are...you going to do something about it!?"


"...I'm going to Hoshido."

Xander just indulges her and it's stupid to me because I really don't like that ship I'm sorry but not really it makes me cringe too strongly. I feel like, if Xander got a wife, it should be a commoner because Charlotte, if you want to make a place more equal for everyone, you need a perspective that allows you to understand the hardships that you yourself have never been through. Peri, in my opinion, can't do that.

Now, I'm not bashing anyone that does ship them but that's just how I feel about it.

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If I wasn't terrified of what Peri could do if she became Nohr's Queen, or if I didn't already ship Xander x Charlotte, Xander x Peri would be my OTP (mostly because I can't believe that most other people would fall in love with a psycho like her.)

Ok now I have no idea what the ending to FE14 is like but it would all be worth it if there was a sequel that delivered on the "revolution" premise Nohr was supposed to have and had Pieri as the psycho Queen of Nohr.

Only half kidding here

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My problem with Peri, as I've stated before, stems from how everyone regards her psychopathy and her childishness.

Because I also ship Xander x Charlotte of her unpredictable nature, I find Peri possibly becoming queen of Nohr counterproductive to Xander's claim of making Nohr into a peaceful kingdom. If I were living in Nohr and it was announced that Xander was making a woman that killed her servants for simply annoying her, I would be incredibly salty wary because, even though she obviously listens to the order to not kill people, the fact that Xander would be attracted to and thought that giving power to this woman would be a good idea for the betterment of our cesspool of a country. Nobles marry more on reputation and convenience, if I'm remembering correctly, but Peri's reputation is one that would reflect badly on Xander as both a ruler and a person in general.

I have a feeling that Peri in any position of power would result in another Elizabeth Báthory, right down to getting a relatively light sentence despite her horrible crimes (if Xander even bothered to prosecute her due to outcry). I would like to say "this is why I paired Xander with Severa," but I'm kind of regretting it now.

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Looking from the standpoint of Nohr being Fates' answer to past enemy nations, Peri's position doesn't hold either. We had war criminals and/or sleazeballs in past FEs, but they were better about how such enemies were seen by others in the armies they belonged to. General Lang was a traitor to Archanea during the War of Shadows who got back in since Dark Emperor Hardin pulled strings and he's held in contempt Marth's by crew and Jeorge. Kempf is depicted as a slimeball who got his position thanks to being royalty and he still gets chewed out for deserting his post along with being put under his rival's command. Narcian is a disgrace to Bern who only got his position over Gale by pointing that the latter isn't native to Bern, and Murdock still gets fed up with Narcian hence the latter getting told he must triumph over Roy's army for him to keep his job. Riev, Valter, and Caellach are opposed by the other Grado generals and got their positions from the Demon King's meat puppet pulling strings. Jarod was just a stooge who figured out he outlived his role.

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I have a feeling that Peri in any position of power would result in another Elizabeth Báthory, right down to getting a relatively light sentence despite her horrible crimes (if Xander even bothered to prosecute her due to outcry). I would like to say "this is why I paired Xander with Severa," but I'm kind of regretting it now.

Getting walled in until you die is a light sentence? Also this was the 17th century, there is no way to be sure what actually happened.

Also I am sure they didn't put much thought into Peri beyond "cute, psycho girl". A lot of the chracters in this game seem to be designed around an archtype that appeals to certain groups.

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Getting walled in until you die is a light sentence? Also this was the 17th century, there is no way to be sure what actually happened.

Also I am sure they didn't put much thought into Peri beyond "cute, psycho girl". A lot of the chracters in this game seem to be designed around an archtype that appeals to certain groups.

Bolded: We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one to keep from going too off topic.

And yeah, Peri feels very much like the cute psycho girl archetype without the repercussions that would normally come in any relatively serious narrative.

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And yeah, Peri feels very much like the cute psycho girl archetype without the repercussions that would normally come in any relatively serious narrative.

And its upsetting, too. Because if she had been fully fleshed out, written as more than just an archetype, given a well-rounded personality, etc. etc., everyone would be (more or less) pleased. Fans who want to think of her as nothing more than a cute psycho girl can do so(re: Yuno Gasai*), and fans who want to become invested in her character could also do so. The only conflict that would really arise is people getting angry over how others interpret her. Honestly, that would be better than what we have now.

(*I only bring her up because she is, IMO, pretty well rounded, eventually faces consequences, has a relatively compelling past, etc. etc., but she's usually regarded as nothing more than the ~Yandere Queen~.)

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And its upsetting, too. Because if she had been fully fleshed out, written as more than just an archetype, given a well-rounded personality, etc. etc., everyone would be (more or less) pleased. Fans who want to think of her as nothing more than a cute psycho girl can do so(re: Yuno Gasai*), and fans who want to become invested in her character could also do so. The only conflict that would really arise is people getting angry over how others interpret her. Honestly, that would be better than what we have now.

(*I only bring her up because she is, IMO, pretty well rounded, eventually faces consequences, has a relatively compelling past, etc. etc., but she's usually regarded as nothing more than the ~Yandere Queen~.)

Well, I came up with several headcanon stuff to fix that.

For Pieri, I had the servant who killed her mother be someone highly trusted by the family and her, like the faculty head, or a Pieri's nanny. This would make the murder far more traumatic to her, and her "motive" to murder her servants would be paranoia that they would betray and kill her just like her mother, and the claiming they annoyed her is just a excuse to act on that fear and her still being too emotionally damaged to fully comprehend her emotions.

For Xander, he knows of Pieri's past, and sympathize with her because he went through something similar. He would also had a little sister he was close to that Pieri reminded him of. Though I'm having second thoughts on that as it's pretty cliche and I still haven't decided how she would die.

Does that flesh them out any?

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Well, I came up with several headcanon stuff to fix that.

For Pieri, I had the servant who killed her mother be someone highly trusted by the family and her, like the faculty head, or a Pieri's nanny. This would make the murder far more traumatic to her, and her "motive" to murder her servants would be paranoia that they would betray and kill her just like her mother, and the claiming they annoyed her is just a excuse to act on that fear and her still being too emotionally damaged to fully comprehend her emotions.

For Xander, he knows of Pieri's past, and sympathize with her because he went through something similar. He would also had a little sister he was close to that Pieri reminded him of. Though I'm having second thoughts on that as it's pretty cliche and I still haven't decided how she would die.

Does that flesh them out any?

It helps a lot actually. I also feel that her and Xander's support would benefit if Xander was actually trying to help her move past that traumatic incident. He acknowledges that she has a traumatic incident that is affecting both her and innocent people around her; he admonishes her for her actions. Xander sees a bit of himself in Peri--or rather, he sees what he could have become and he doesn't want to watch her suffer in the way that she does. She is his retainer, not exactly to rehabilitate, but because they are kindred spirits and he wants to watch over her. Peri would have found solace in Xander--either platonic or romantic--and she realizes that not everyone is not as malevolent as she thinks and that, in order to trust, you have to accept that sometimes people will betray that trust.

It still doesn't address her apparent blood lust but whatever. I'm not that great at characterizing characters but anything would have been better than having Xander basically pat her on the head for killing innocent people.

I know I'm just complaining but you know... I have my right, damn it!

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