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Honestly this game reminds of Splatoon themed Paper Mario.

Sometimes I wonder if Sticker Star would have recieved better if it wasn't under the Paper Mario label.

I mean, I disliked it personally but...

Fuck it. I'm done trying to defend and being neutral towards Sticker Star. I just can't do it. I don't like bashing games, but Sticker Star brought the worst in me.

I'm usually not a spiteful person and I admire Miyamoto, but his hatred for stories in Mario games is really starting to irritate me.

It's not just Paper Mario either.

Galaxy 2 was going to expand on Rosalina's story, but Miyamoto shot it down.

And if you notice most recent Mario games are just "Peach gets kidnapped, Mario has to go save her."

Earlier games at least has a little story, such as Mario having to rescue other kings or Mario going on a vacation. It added a little flavor and individuality to the games.

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@Ms Andrews and Kirby

Are you two just going to spam idiotic toxic at each other?

Some people would like to actually discuss things in peace please.

Edited by Jedi
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The game looks good and interesting to me. However...until I see more, I'm not gonna get too excited just yet... (just to be safe). Don't get me wrong though......I'm still happy for this, but I would like to see more before I get too excited for it.

I have hopes for this game......DON'T FAIL ME COLOR SPLASH! PLEASE DON'T!!! PLEASE BE GOOD!!!

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We'll have to agree to disagree then, since I think Dream Team was amazing in all those aspects. Dunno about Paper Jam since I have yet to play it.

Maybe so. I'm just pretty miffed by this since I want TTYD style PM back so badly.

Paper Jam was more of a play it safe game. The gameplay is fine, the story, the characters and writing though I feel is the worst of the 5 M&L games.

And it hurts. I was going in not expecting Paper Mario and we got something just as bad.

It looks like it's the same old gathering and saving paper toads fetch quests with card based style item battle system again. With very little plot at all. So it's likely the same problem I had with sticker stars. Item based combat system just doesn't work in Mario RPGs and they learned that with M&L 2.

Edited by kingddd
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Mario Franchise has been in decline since Miyamoto started intervening

Uh, what? You DO know that Miyamoto CREATED Mario, right? He's been involved in it since it started. Also, the huge text is not necessary.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm honestly terrified of this reveal. I don't like to drop first impression judgments, but this looks way too similar to Sticker Star.. I really... don't have much faith in this game.

Edited by Sophie
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Paper Jam was more of a play it safe game. The gameplay is fine, the story, the characters and writing though I feel is the worst of the 5 M&L games.

And it hurts. I was going in not expecting Paper Mario and we got something just as bad.

It looks like it's the same old gathering and saving paper toads fetch quests with card based style item battle system again. With very little plot at all. So it's likely the same problem I had with sticker stars. Item based combat system just doesn't work in Mario RPGs and they learned that with M&L 2.

I admittedly didn't mind PiT combat, but I mostly liked it because piggyback was so fun. I didn't really use the items much, but I can see why they could be very broken (especially mix flower)

But hm, is that so... well, if that's the case, I guess I'll just wait for M&L6

...I will now resume the patient wait for DQVII 3DS. Because that is one of few games I have any hype for right now.

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painful to read stuff

Could you like


Or something

Really this is quite unnecessary.

Please stop, I'm not excited for the game either but I'm not acting like this...

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I admittedly didn't mind PiT combat, but I mostly liked it because piggyback was so fun. I didn't really use the items much, but I can see why they could be very broken (especially mix flower)

But hm, is that so... well, if that's the case, I guess I'll just wait for M&L6

...I will now resume the patient wait for DQVII 3DS. Because that is one of few games I have any hype for right now.

I would say if you like the usual M&L gameplay style go for it. But if you want some unique dialogues, nifty plots or cool unique characters along the journey you definitely won't find it in M&L Paper Jam.

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I would say if you like the usual M&L gameplay style go for it. But if you want some unique dialogues, nifty plots or cool unique characters along the journey you definitely won't find it in M&L Paper Jam.

I play for both, so would you still recommend it?
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I play for both, so would you still recommend it?

If you're going to be playing for both, I recommend skipping it. It's the best in terms of the combat system and gameplay since it's one of the more challenging M&L games in the series but you're definitely not going to find any fun writing in this title other than the usual no one notices Luigi or his usual notice me sempais. Bowser as great as he was in the game was still kind of eh.

Edited by kingddd
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If you're going to be playing for both, I recommend skipping it. It's the best in terms of the combat system and gameplay since it's one of the more challenging M&L games in the series but you're definitely not going to find any fun writing in this title other than the usual no one notices Luigi or his usual notice me sempais. Bowser as great as he was in the game was still kind of eh.

Alright, thanks for the input.

I will just replay PiT, DT, or BIS then.

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Wow, this topic is already 4 pages? The battle between Ms. Andrews and the Paper Mario conservatives must be fierce. I don't have an opinion on this one yet because they didn't show a single battle menu, or even pause menu. The menus will reveal all.

I have two main hopes for this game -

1. A good story. "Bowser kidnaps Peach / Mario beats Bowser" and similar paper thin plots won't cut it this time.

2. A coherent game structure. Ensure that the core gameplay loop (battling) is strategic, challenging, and rewarding. In other words, bring back partners and level-ups.

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Yeah, I'm not thrilled with what I've been seeing with Color Splash. I mean, the M&L series has been going downhill since its peak with Bowser's Inside Story, but at least the two most recent M&L games were decent. The Paper Mario games might not even be RPGs anymore (Sticker Star objectively wasn't an RPG, and my definition of "RPG" is broad enough to include Super Paper Mario, since SPM at least had a level up system).

I guess I just need to hope that Squeenix and Nintendo get together again to make a true Super Mario RPG 2. Between Squeenix's problem of making games so complex and nonsensical that you need to read pages of in-game flavor text to understand what's going on (Oh hai, FFXIII) and Nintendo's apparent idea that Mario RPGs these days should have the most bare-bones, generic plots imaginable, maybe the two working together would meet in the middle of the two extremes and make a story that's just complex enough to be enjoyable. It's not a realistic hope, but it's all I've got at this point.

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Or, your plan could backfire and combine the weaknesses of Sticker Star AND FFXIII. That would be bad. I think it would be better to hand Paper Mario to a consistently competent developer, like Retro Studios, HAL Laboratory, or even Treasure.

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The battle between Ms. Andrews and the Paper Mario conservatives must be fierce.

i feel like this joke was almost funny, except it wasn't funny at all

the gimmick looks bad so i'm not interested

also I like paper mario 1-3 a lot so I'm vaguely disappointed that this doesn't seem much like any of them

was that a fucking world map i saw

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I guess I just need to hope that Squeenix and Nintendo get together again to make a true Super Mario RPG 2.

Alphadream were the same people/team who did the original Super Mario RPG before they left Square and now they're the ones making the Mario and Luigi series. So I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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Or, your plan could backfire and combine the weaknesses of Sticker Star AND FFXIII. That would be bad. I think it would be better to hand Paper Mario to a consistently competent developer, like Retro Studios, HAL Laboratory, or even Treasure.

The reason why I suggested Squeenix is, in part, because they're a third party developer and thus would probably be given more leeway because the game would be a collaboration between equal partners rather than Big Daddy Nintendo ordering around one of the second party developers it owns (I'd personally love to see a Mario RPG made by Monolith Soft, but, again, they wouldn't be in a position to debate with the Nintendo higher-ups because Ninty owns them).

Alphadream were the same people/team who did the original Super Mario RPG before they left Square and now they're the ones making the Mario and Luigi series. So I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Oh. I honestly didn't know that. Hopefully the M&L series rebounds then, since it still has the promise of greatness if it turns away from the generic "save Peach from Bowser" story. The gameplay in the recent M&L games is still solid, for one.

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