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A FE game about two generations


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I know, it was done before on FE4, but I was wondering if such a thing would be cool in a future FE game, like FE15. I'd personally like to play a game with 50ish chapters, half being about the first generation's conflicts and issues and half being about the future generation and their conflicts, and by the end of the game both generations unite to face a common threat that had influence on both conflicts.

Since children characters are so well liked that I doubt it'll disappear on the next game, I think this is a good excuse for their plot-wise existance during the game's events. Also, Fates proved that we can have a single 3DS game with the size of Birthright and Conquest added together, thus a 50+ chapter game is not so absurd. We can also recycle FE4's item inheritance system and its weapon repair system, which imo is better than the infinite uses mechanic that Fates had and also better than plain limited uses for weapons.

Edited by Rapier
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Maybe both gen2 gets wiped out (in other words: completely killed) and their parents help them destroy the powerful demon boss in the afterlife.

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Or perhaps the generational gap isn't that big that allows most of Gen1's characters to still be in fighting shape by the time Gen2 can also join in.

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Actually, that was kind of the original concept for FE4. The first generation would happen, and then second generation, and they would both reunite and finish the story. Becuase of plot reasons however, it wouldn't work, so they reworked the idea into FE4 being split into two generations and FE5 being in the middle.

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Or perhaps the generational gap isn't that big that allows most of Gen1's characters to still be in fighting shape by the time Gen2 can also join in.

This, combined with outrealm shenanigans would work the easiest imo, seeing as outrealm shenanigans alone caused Fates second gen to not be liked overall.

Best implementation would be one that worked like FE4 plotwise, read, children get their own arc/narrative, but you are still able to keep the first gen somehow. Fates has the best implementation so far gameplay wise, but that comes at the cost of story, and while I'm willing to make that sacrifice, most are not so what we really need is a compromise between FE4's system and FE14's system for the best possible implementation.

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Sounds interesting, but how are they going to have the 1st and 2nd gen teaming up in the end, besides time travel?

No need to, the Gen 1 characters return on their 40s-50s while the children characters are on their late teens-early adult years. That said, I was imagining a stat inflation for Gen 2 (like FE4's gen 2, starting weak but quickly becoming OPed) in such a way that Gen 1's become (usable) Jeigans by the time they return.

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Killing a generation off should never happen again in my opinion (not only because it would be copied, but also because it's very dissatifying to lose the characters you trained), so I like the idea in this topic. I think it would be a good idea to throw in a bunch of maps with gen1 characters into the 2nd gen because it would be odd to have them only show up near the end.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Anything that doesn't involve time travel or alternate dimensions would make the children much better for me, story-wise.

For game with 2 generations and no dead gen1, how about gen2 starts a bit like FE6? Have the children go on whatever the initial quest is while parents remain at home due to [important business] and rejoin later when things go very wrong.

Personally I'm not against killing gen 1 though. Unless it means post-game content or DLC where you recruit their amnesiac/revived/alternate universe versions.

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Or perhaps the generational gap isn't that big that allows most of Gen1's characters to still be in fighting shape by the time Gen2 can also join in.

That's what I think should happen say the first gen has kids around 20-25. Have a gen gap of 16-20 years. No reason a 36-40 year old couldn't still fight I mean shit look at Marcus in FE6 and 7. Or for that matter look how old Griel is in PoR and he's still kicking ass.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^What is the Battle of Belhalla? It's heavily implied that everyone that isn't Claud, Sigurd, Lewyn, Briggid, Tailto, or Raquesis that participated in the Battle of Belhalla was still alive, but encased in stone, like Eyvel was in Thracia 776. I don't know if Kia would be used on them later, but it could work on them. So in a way, it could be implied to have already happened in FE.

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I like the idea of having an FE game where you'd meet the grown-up, adult versions of characters who lived through the first-gen, and finding them in different places throughout the second. Seeing how people's personalities change after a time-skip could be really interesting.

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I like the idea of having an FE game where you'd meet the grown-up, adult versions of characters who lived through the first-gen, and finding them in different places throughout the second. Seeing how people's personalities change after a time-skip could be really interesting.

I agree. It would be more interesting to see how they changed over the years than just killing them all off mid-game. I think the second gen should mostly run their own show, however, with the 1st gen characters showing up in a variety of roles, maybe as playable characters but also as NPCs here and there.

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^What is the Battle of Belhalla? It's heavily implied that everyone that isn't Claud, Sigurd, Lewyn, Briggid, Tailto, or Raquesis that participated in the Battle of Belhalla was still alive, but encased in stone, like Eyvel was in Thracia 776. I don't know if Kia would be used on them later, but it could work on them. So in a way, it could be implied to have already happened in FE.

I thought this was only confirmed to have been what happened to Azel.

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I thought this was only confirmed to have been what happened to Azel.

FE5 seems to imply it happened to a few more units. Look at this:


Notice the stone statues in the room in the middle. Top right could indeed be Azel (dismounted Mage Knight), while top left could be Aira (female Swordmaster). Bottom left could be Tiltyu, although she is pretty much confirmed to have died between gens, so it could be Raquesis (who disappeared in the Yied desert long after the Battle of Belhalla). Bottom right could be Alec, Noish, Lex or Beowolf (dismounted Cavalier), so take your pick.

Edited by Jave
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I'd like to see a game where the first generation doesn't immediately go to shit like FE4, and the first generation actually wins, but their victory itself and the unintended political consequences of their seemingly-black-and-white cliche escapades are what set the stage for the even more brutal conflict their children must go through in act 2. I'd also like to see the world actually advance between generations and show visible signs of technological progress, kinda like with the Legend of Korra (though admittedly that was a larger timeframe). Seriously, some minor magitech or something-punk elements would be fascinating in a fire emblem game.

Edited by Alastor15243
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FE6 and 7 sort of play with this idea, as the events of 7 do affect 6 (though minimalistic as it may be) and you can recruit some of the FE7 characters into 6. I would like to see a single game that plays like that, but where you basically get to effect the story. Or at least do like FE 7/12 where you meet them at first in (tutorial) act 1 then are able to recruit them again in act 2. I also wish act 1 wasn't a tutorial

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I'd like to see a game where the first generation doesn't immediately go to shit like FE4, and the first generation actually wins, but their victory itself and the unintended political consequences of their seemingly-black-and-white cliche escapades are what set the stage for the even more brutal conflict their children must go through in act 2. I'd also like to see the world actually advance between generations and show visible signs of technological progress, kinda like with the Legend of Korra (though admittedly that was a larger timeframe). Seriously, some minor magitech or something-punk elements would be fascinating in a fire emblem game.

Unless you mean Clash/Sex Pistols, please no punk stuff. My peeves aside, I do like the idea of advancement, but I wouldn't say it should be anything too drastic. These are set in medieval-esque ages, and, at least to my knowledge, there weren't huge leaps in technology in the course of a generation then, unlike now with computers and what not. Some new weapons/weapon types, magic, or maybe classes might be cool.

While I enjoy the kids and have no issues with Awakening's take (haven't finished Fates yet), I kind of wish it didn't become an almost required feature in the series since it does limit them. I would like to see them return, especially with a successful first campaign, as people have said, just not for every game for the rest of the series.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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After reading the whole topic, I have some ideas popup and want to share with you guys, I'll use some FE4 characters for example.

I'd love to see a FE game where every thing happens in Gen 1 will affect Gen 2 story.

1. Fighting Gen 2 substitute char as boss

- If you pair Tiltyu, Arthur will join in Gen 2, use him to recruit Tinny and you have to kill Amid

- If you don't pair Tiltyu, Amid will join in Gen 2, use him to recruit Linda and you have to kill Arthur

2. Fighting Gen 1 char as Gen 2 boss, love rivals will kill each other with their sons

- If Aira/Lakche choose anyone between Lex-Holyn and Johan-Johalva, her husband and son will kill the other one in a late Gen 2 chapter

3. Get powered up items in Gen 2 when visit the same village or open the same chest that you choose to not open/miss in Gen 1

4. A young civilian you save in Gen 1 will become playable in Gen 2, his class will be the same with his savior, if you fail to save him, you'll fight a very tough boss later on.

Edited by hanhnn
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Unless you mean Clash/Sex Pistols, please no punk stuff. My peeves aside, I do like the idea of advancement, but I wouldn't say it should be anything too drastic. These are set in medieval-esque ages, and, at least to my knowledge, there weren't huge leaps in technology in the course of a generation then, unlike now with computers and what not. Some new weapons/weapon types, magic, or maybe classes might be cool.

Yeah but medieval times didn't have magic, and that's got the capacity to advance just as, if not more, rapidly than computers.

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