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Ace Attorney 6 Thread


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Also skeptical about the revolution part. Why can't we have a simple, straightforward murder premise on this country game? The more complex and unnecessary things we add, the more chances it has to fail. Also, I am not sure how they're going to include and develop all that load of characters on a single game. Other than that, it is looking good.

I'll agree with this. Kurain makes me really skeptical about the game; Yamazaki has written three games in the series now, and they've all tried to have some kind of dramatic, ambitious overarching plot and theyve all fallen flat. By going to a magical, fictional country he'll be able to pull whatever the plot demands out of his ass, and this revolution will most likely be just as irrelevant as the "dark age of the law" nonsense.

Dual Destinies tried cramming in too many characters which left to many of them feeling completely unnecessary, and it looks like that mistake will be repeated. I just hope I'm wrong.

Still looking forward to Apollo vs. Phoenix round two. I don't think we need to hide that in spoiler tags considering it's part of a trailer, and not too many people read this thread.

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Dual Destinies tried cramming in too many characters which left to many of them feeling completely unnecessary, and it looks like that mistake will be repeated. I just hope I'm wrong.

Judging by the premise and the cover, I think that is likely. There's Phoenix, Apollo, Athena, Klavier, Trucy, Ema, Maya, the priestess girl, the new prosecutor that looks like Virgo Shaka from Saint Seiya, Edgeworth, Blackquill and the boy from Kurrain. I think they're going to focus on Phoenix, the new prosecutor, the priestess girl, Maya, Apollo and Athena, then leave the others as secondary characters. Imo, if that turns out to be the case, why even bother putting so many characters on the rooster?

Also, I wonder if that game is going to be fully voiced or if it was just the trailer.

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Well I mean the country is more Chinese inspired but Maya and her clan is very clearly Japanese inspired. I guess they figured they would make the country a different name to make it seem like another language and perhaps make the naming conventions look a little similar to Zheng Fa's, though not exactly the same.

Yeah, that does make sense.

Honestly, I'm just not liking the "Chon'sin treatment" in translation because I've never seen the point of ' in most words. Anything else is mostly there to justify my annoyance with it with arguments that are little less biased :P:

Right now The Phoenix vs Apollo thing is creating the most hype for me. Not yet sure what to think of apparently both Maya and Trucy being accused... I think Maya's got her fair share of that already, and that could mean less fun defendant-of-the-case characters for me to fawn over. I mean, the list is already short enough with like one characters per game at most

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As far as casts go, it kind of depends for me. Like, Gavin just kinda being there in DD didn't really bother me too much, if Blackquill gets about as much time in this game that wouldn't bother me either.

DD didn't really feel too bloated to me until the last two cases, where in addition to the characters introduced for those cases there's the lawyers, Blackquill, Fulbright, Trucy, Pearl, Edgeworth, and like four subplots going on at the same time, three of which were just introduced in those cases or only had the slightest foreshadowing earlier.

TLDR; I don't mind characters showing up to be like "hey I exist" as much as proper focus and development on the story and the characters directly related to it, which I found lacking in DD.

This game seems to have a similar thing going on but at least it looks like it will be spread throughout the game as opposed to everyone just showing up at the end.

Edited by DavidSW
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Right now The Phoenix vs Apollo thing is creating the most hype for me. Not yet sure what to think of apparently both Maya and Trucy being accused... I think Maya's got her fair share of that already, and that could mean less fun defendant-of-the-case characters for me to fawn over. I mean, the list is already short enough with like one characters per game at most

I'm just hoping we don't get a repeat of Dual Destinies on that front.

As for Maya and Trucy: Maya getting accused feels like such a cliché and unnecessary. Trucy, on the other hand, has at least not been accused in any game (although I think she was in a drama CD), and what I really hope is that it gives her a chance for some character development (I'm of the opinion that she's in the biggest need of some time in the spotlight considering her overall importance to Apollo and Phoenix) and that her relation to Apollo gets revealed. It doesn't seem like case two material, but one can always hope.

Edited by Thane
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I'm just hoping we don't get a repeat of Dual Destinies on that front.

As for Maya and Trucy: Maya getting accused feels like such a cliché and unnecessary. Trucy, on the other hand, has at least not been accused in any game (although I think she was in a drama CD), and what I really hope it gives her a chance for some character development (I'm of the opinion that she's in the biggest need of some time in the spotlight considering her overall importance to Apollo and Trucy) and that her relation to Apollo gets revealed. It doesn't seem like case two material, but one can always hope.

Agreed on all accounts. I would be okay with Trucy being the defendant (and definitely want to see some development for her), it's more the fact that both seem to be facing the same problem that makes me worried (and well, like you said, Maya in trouble is pretty overused by now).

i'm sorry where is this phoenix vs apollo thing, i didn't pick up anything like that at all in the trailer.

if it was there then i blame my autism.

From around 3:10 in this. Honestly it seems like a red herring or some bonus like that Phoenix vs Edgeworth pre-order thing. But one can dream.

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So, you know the whole Apollo vs Phoenix thing, and there's only one reason why I could see Phoenix as the prosecution...

Someone close to Phoenix (such as Maya or Trucy) are going to get murdered. I am not okay with this happening.

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I think that's because Phoenix figured something out on the Kurrain country and Apollo figured something else out in Japan, and both are clashing because their POVs sees the other POV as misguided, when both might actually be missing the big picture.

I expect something like AA1-3 to happen, where the prosecution and the defense unite toward the end of the case for the shared goal of pointing the true culprit.

Also, about the cramming of characters, I'd rather if they focused on working on the characters that were already established instead of making new ones. I'd love to see Apollo get a case against Edgeworth or Klavier, I'd like to see Gumshoe again, among other things. I know, this is something that was always done on the AA series, but this is getting to Sonic the Hedgehog levels, and usually we only had a new prosecutor and new witnesses, whereas now there are like 3 new support characters and a new prosecutor for every new game.

EDIT: Gumshoe's back


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that picture's fake dudes

it was made as a fake on someone's deviantart

That's why I asked. I checked the Wiki, Google News & Tumblr- Didn't see any official news that Gumshoe was back. Wanted to see if it was real or not.

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I'm so hyped for this. AA is one of the three series I actually play for plot, and with the exception of PLvsPW, all of them have delivered for me so. I know none will likely ever beat the original trilogy, but I'm still pumped regardless.

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This is an odd one, but Ace Attorney and Puzzle and Dragon will have a collaboration in celebration for Ace Attorney 6.


(Puzzle and Dragon is a popular Japanese puzzle game for mobile devices. It's also out in America and Europe, but it's unknown if AA characters will appear in those versions)

Here's Phoenix's art for it, more characters will apparently follow


Marketing is marketing I guess, though I wasn't expecting this.

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I'm guessing they'll do just like Dual Destinies in that regard.

DLC trailer and promotion. Looks like a bunch of fan service, but that's alright in a DLC if you ask me.

"There is definite evidence you aren't in this DLC, Oldbag."

"What is it?"

"You don't have a 3D model."


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Nice to see little of Oldbag, always been a fan of that branch of humor. And for once I didn't grimace when I heard mention of time travel, the whole time travel joke was amazing. Not liking it being in the dlc episode though (I'm guessing prophetic nightmares or whatever), but will see how it's handled before really complaining

Blasted Ace Attorney anime, making me confused about which side of the courtroom everyone's supposed to be seated

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  • 3 weeks later...

Famitsu update: Phoenix vs Apollo, Blackquill, and DLC case



Apparently it's a piece of evidence that causes the dispute, nothing more is said.

[spoiler=Blackquill (probably a slight spoiler here)]


Note: While Blackquill and PvA are shown together, it isn't explicitly stated that it's the same case. Though there doesn't seem to be anything that denies that they are either.




Once again, I really hope there's a good reason for why Edgeworth is in court again.

Well Famitsu also reviewed the game and scored it at 8/9/9/8 for a total of 34/40, though as far as I can tell this is the only review out there right now so take it with a grain of salt.

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-Snippity snip-

Well Famitsu also reviewed the game and scored it at 8/9/9/8 for a total of 34/40, though as far as I can tell this is the only review out there right now so take it with a grain of salt.

Interesting stuff, thank you for sharing. A few of those details look great and others make me wonder what the point is, like with many other things that have been revealed, but hopefully it'll pay off.

Isn't 34 the standard Famitsu rankng? It feels like every other review is either that or 37/38; do they dislike any installment in any major series?

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Once again, I really hope there's a good reason for why Edgeworth is in court again.

it seems Edgey was promoted (or demoted?) to DLC tier.

still better than Klavier, who was demoted to "put into a bus, mentioned briefly and forgotten" tier.

ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN! Blackquill's back!

it's nice that characters aren't being wasted after creation. While I don't really care much about Blackquill and Klavier, I think they could have more importance or be promoted to DLC tier like Edgeworth.

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